2011-09-23 16:36:51 -07:00
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< h1 style = 'padding-top:13px' > < a href = "/" > EnvayaSMS< / a >
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SMS gateway for Android
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< a href = '/' > Home< / a >
< a href = '/install/' > Install< / a >
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< a href = '/test/' > Test< / a >
2011-09-23 16:36:51 -07:00
< a href = '/how/' > How it Works< / a >
< a href = '/serverapi/' > API Reference< / a >
< a href = '/faq/' > FAQ< / a >
< a href = '/history/' > History< / a >
< a class = 'active' href = '/community/' > Community< / a >
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< h2 > Community< / h2 >
< h4 > Contribute to EnvayaSMS< / h4 >
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To contribute to EnvayaSMS as a developer, just < a href = 'http://github.com/youngj/EnvayaSMS' > fork the project on github< / a > ,
work on your copy and send pull requests.
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2011-09-23 20:29:13 -07:00
< h4 > Issue Tracker< / h4 >
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To report a problem with EnvayaSMS, or to suggest a new feature, use our < a href = 'https://github.com/youngj/EnvayaSMS/issues' > issue tracker on github< / a > .
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2011-09-23 16:36:51 -07:00
< h4 > Email< / h4 >
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To contact the EnvayaSMS developers, email < a href = 'sms-developers@envaya.org' > sms-developers@envaya.org< / a > .
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get the source code on GitHub : < a href = "http://github.com/youngj/EnvayaSMS" > youngj/EnvayaSMS< / a >
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