request_action) { $this->request_action = $this->_get_request_action(); } return $this->request_action; } private function _get_request_action() { switch (@$_POST['action']) { case static::ACTION_INCOMING: return new KalSMS_Action_Incoming($this); case static::ACTION_OUTGOING: return new KalSMS_Action_Outgoing($this); case static::ACTION_SEND_STATUS: return new KalSMS_Action_SendStatus($this); default: return new KalSMS_Action($this); } } function get_request_phone_number() { return @$_POST['phone_number']; } function is_validated_request($correct_password) { $signature = @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_KALSMS_SIGNATURE']; if (!$signature) { return false; } $is_secure = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) AND filter_var($_SERVER['HTTPS'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)); $protocol = $is_secure ? 'https' : 'http'; $full_url = $protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $correct_signature = $this->compute_signature($full_url, $_POST, $correct_password); //error_log("Correct signature: '$correct_signature'"); return $signature === $correct_signature; } function compute_signature($url, $data, $password) { ksort($data); $input = $url; foreach($data as $key => $value) $input .= ",$key=$value"; $input .= ",$password"; //error_log("Signed data: '$input'"); return base64_encode(sha1($input, true)); } } class KalSMS_OutgoingMessage { public $id = ''; // ID generated by server public $to; // destination phone number public $message; // content of SMS message } class KalSMS_Action { public $type; public $kalsms; function __construct($kalsms) { $this->kalsms = $kalsms; } } class KalSMS_Action_Test extends KalSMS_Action { function __construct($kalsms) { parent::__construct($kalsms); $this->type = KalSMS::ACTION_TEST; } } class KalSMS_MMS_Part { public $form_name; // name of form field with MMS part content public $cid; // MMS Content-ID public $type; // Content type public $filename; // Original filename of MMS part on sender phone public $tmp_name; // Temporary file where MMS part content is stored public $size; // Content length public $error; // see function __construct($args) { $this->form_name = $args['name']; $this->cid = $args['cid']; $this->type = $args['type']; $this->filename = $args['filename']; $file = $_FILES[$this->form_name]; $this->tmp_name = $file['tmp_name']; $this->size = $file['size']; $this->error = $file['error']; } } class KalSMS_Action_Incoming extends KalSMS_Action { public $from; // Sender phone number public $message; // The message body of the SMS, or the content of the text/plain part of the MMS. public $message_type; // KalSMS::MESSAGE_TYPE_MMS or KalSMS::MESSAGE_TYPE_SMS public $mms_parts; // array of KalSMS_MMS_Part instances function __construct($kalsms) { parent::__construct($kalsms); $this->type = KalSMS::ACTION_INCOMING; $this->from = $_POST['from']; $this->message = $_POST['message']; $this->message_type = $_POST['message_type']; if ($this->message_type == KalSMS::MESSAGE_TYPE_MMS) { $this->mms_parts = array(); foreach (json_decode($_POST['mms_parts'], true) as $mms_part) { $this->mms_parts[] = new KalSMS_MMS_Part($mms_part); } } } function get_response_xml($messages) { ob_start(); echo "\n"; echo ""; foreach ($messages as $message) { echo "".KalSMS::escape($message->message).""; } echo ""; return ob_get_clean(); } } class KalSMS_Action_Outgoing extends KalSMS_Action { function __construct($kalsms) { parent::__construct($kalsms); $this->type = KalSMS::ACTION_OUTGOING; } function get_response_xml($messages) { ob_start(); echo "\n"; echo ""; foreach ($messages as $message) { echo "". KalSMS::escape($message->message).""; } echo ""; return ob_get_clean(); } } class KalSMS_Action_SendStatus extends KalSMS_Action { public $status; // KalSMS::STATUS_* values public $id; // server ID previously used in KalSMS_OutgoingMessage function __construct($type) { $this->type = KalSMS::ACTION_SEND_STATUS; $this->status = $_POST['status']; $this->id = $_POST['id']; } }