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<title>EnvayaSMS: Testing EnvayaSMS</title>
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<h1 style='padding-top:13px'><a href="/">EnvayaSMS</a>
<span class="small">
SMS gateway for Android
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<a href='/install/'>Install</a>
<a class='active' href='/test/'>Test</a>
<a href='/how/'>How it Works</a>
<a href='/serverapi/'>API Reference</a>
<a href='/faq/'>FAQ</a>
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<h2>Testing EnvayaSMS</h2>
<img src='/media/avd.png' width='242' height='227' style='float:right;padding-left:10px;' />
If you don't yet have an Android phone, you can test EnvayaSMS in an emulated phone on your computer.
With this method, you can test EnvayaSMS for free
and figure out if EnvayaSMS will work for your project
without needing to get an actual phone or subscribe to mobile service.
The following steps explain how to set up EnvayaSMS on an Android Virtual Device:
<li>Install the <a href='http://developer.android.com/sdk/'>Android SDK</a> on your computer</li>
<li>Create a new Android Virtual Device with a target of Android 1.6 or higher. Specify a size for the SD card (necessary to download EnvayaSMS via the browser)</li>
<li>Start the virtual device</li>
<li>Open the Browser app and go to <a href='/install/'>sms.envaya.org/install</a></li>
<li>Click on the EnvayaSMS-release.apk link to download EnvayaSMS.<br />
<small>Note: Android Market does not work in the emulator.</small></li>
<li>Install EnvayaSMS</li>
<li>Configure EnvayaSMS with the settings of your development server. <br />
<small>Note: Do not enter <code>localhost</code> as the Server URL (since this would refer to the AVD itself). Instead, use your computer's IP address on the local network, as shown by the <code>ipconfig</code>
or <code>ifconfig</code> utilities.</small>
To simulate incoming SMS on the emulator:
<img src='/media/telnet.png' width='226' height='95' style='float:right;padding-left:10px' />
using a telnet client (on your computer), connect to <code>localhost:5554</code><br />
<small>Note: on Windows, you can install <a href='http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html'>puttytel</a>.</small>
<li>type <code>sms send [phonenumber] [text message]</code> to send messages to the emulator.<br/>
<small>Note: the emulator cannot receive MMS messages.</small>
<h3>EnvayaSMS Request Simulator</h3>
The <a href='https://raw.github.com/youngj/EnvayaSMS/master/server/php/example/www/test.html'>EnvayaSMS Request Simulator</a>
is a standalone HTML file that allows you to simulate EnvayaSMS's HTTP requests entirely in your browser via JavaScript.
This may be helpful when developing and testing your server implementation. For example, you could write automated
tests in Selenium that use EnvayaSMS Request Simulator to make sure that your server implementation works correctly.
To use EnvayaSMS Request Simulator, just copy the HTML file somewhere on your site, and open it in a web browser.
The URL of the EnvayaSMS Request Simulator must be on the same domain as the Server URL.
<h3>Using a Real Phone with a Development Server</h3>
Of course, you can also test EnvayaSMS by connecting a real Android phone to your development web server.
For more information, see the <a href='/faq/#q_tunnel'>FAQ</a>.
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get the source code on GitHub : <a href="http://github.com/youngj/EnvayaSMS">youngj/EnvayaSMS</a>
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