var Fs = require("fs"), R = function (p) { var content = Fs.readFileSync(p, 'utf-8'); if (content.charAt(content.length - 1) !== '\n') { throw new Error("file at " + p + " did not end with a newline character"); } return JSON.parse(content); }, P = module.exports.peers = { AS: { hk: { '': R('./AS/hk/'), }, sg: { singapore: { '': R('./AS/sg/singapore/'), 'weuxel.sing.k': R('./AS/sg/singapore/weuxel.sing.k'), }, }, }, EU: { de: { bavaria: { '': R('./EU/de/bavaria/'), }, }, fr: { 'nord-pas-de-calais': { '': R('./EU/fr/nord-pas-de-calais/'), '': R('./EU/fr/nord-pas-de-calais/'), }, strasbourg: { '': R('./EU/fr/strasbourg/'), }, }, gr: { rethymno: { 'kaotisk.rethymno-meshnet.k': R('./EU/gr/rethymno/kaotisk.rethymno-meshnet.k'), }, }, md: { chisinau: { '': R('./EU/md/chisinau/'), }, }, nl: { amsterdam: { '': R('./EU/nl/amsterdam/'), 'weuxel.ams.k': R('./EU/nl/amsterdam/weuxel.ams.k'), }, }, ru: { moscow: { '': R('./EU/ru/moscow/'), }, }, se: { lulea: { '': R('./EU/se/lulea/'), }, }, uk: { london: { '': R('./EU/uk/london/'), }, }, }, NA: { ca: { quebec: { '': R('./NA/ca/quebec/'), }, beauharnois: { 'derp.fusion.k': R('./NA/ca/beauharnois/derp.fusion.k'), }, }, us: { california: { 'igel-california.usa.k': R('./NA/us/california/igel-california.usa.k'), }, newyork: { 'jacobhenner.usa.k': R('./NA/us/newyork/jacobhenner.usa.k'), 'weuxel.usa.k': R('./NA/us/newyork/weuxel.usa.k'), }, northcarolina: { 'igel-northcarolina.usa.k': R('./NA/us/northcarolina/igel-northcarolina.usa.k'), }, oregon: { '': R('./NA/us/oregon/'), }, pennsylvania: { 'nat.usa.k': R('./NA/us/pennsylvania/nat.usa.k'), }, }, }, }, map = = function (f) { var L = []; // t/f is the object a credential var isCred = function (k) { // creds end in .k return /\.k/.test(k); return true; }; var walk = function (o, p, f) { // walk the tree of objects if (typeof(o) === 'object') { // for each key in o, walk the key Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) { var path = p.slice(0).concat(k); if (isCred(k)) { //console.log(o[k]); L.push(f(o[k], path)); } walk(o[k], path, f); }); } }; walk(P, [], f); return L; }, filter = module.exports.filter = function (f) { var L = []; map(function (x, p) { if (f(x,p)) { L.push(x); } }); return L; };