ErrAlreadyConnected=errors.New("websocket is already connected")
ErrQRAlreadyConnected=errors.New("GetQRChannel must be called before connecting")
ErrQRStoreContainsID=errors.New("GetQRChannel can only be called when there's no user ID in the client's Store")
ErrNoPushName=errors.New("can't send presence without PushName set")
// ErrProfilePictureUnauthorized is returned by GetProfilePictureInfo when trying to get the profile picture of a user
// whose privacy settings prevent you from seeing their profile picture (status code 401).
ErrProfilePictureUnauthorized=errors.New("the user has hidden their profile picture from you")
// ErrGroupInviteLinkUnauthorized is returned by GetGroupInviteLink if you don't have the permission to get the link (status code 401).
ErrGroupInviteLinkUnauthorized=errors.New("you don't have the permission to get the group's invite link")
// ErrNotInGroup is returned by group info getting methods if you're not in the group (status code 403).
ErrNotInGroup=errors.New("you're not participating in that group")
// ErrGroupNotFound is returned by group info getting methods if the group doesn't exist (status code 404).
ErrGroupNotFound=errors.New("that group does not exist")
// ErrInviteLinkInvalid is returned by methods that use group invite links if the invite link is malformed.
ErrInviteLinkInvalid=errors.New("that group invite link is not valid")
// ErrInviteLinkRevoked is returned by methods that use group invite links if the invite link was valid, but has been revoked and can no longer be used.
ErrInviteLinkRevoked=errors.New("that group invite link has been revoked")
// ErrBusinessMessageLinkNotFound is returned by ResolveBusinessMessageLink if the link doesn't exist or has been revoked.
ErrBusinessMessageLinkNotFound=errors.New("that business message link does not exist or has been revoked")