2020-09-04 23:29:13 +02:00
// Code generated by msgraph.go/gen DO NOT EDIT.
2020-03-15 22:43:46 +00:00
package msgraph
import (
// User Represents an Azure Active Directory user object.
type User struct {
// DirectoryObject is the base model of User
// SignInActivity undocumented
SignInActivity * SignInActivity ` json:"signInActivity,omitempty" `
// AccountEnabled undocumented
AccountEnabled * bool ` json:"accountEnabled,omitempty" `
// AgeGroup undocumented
AgeGroup * string ` json:"ageGroup,omitempty" `
// AssignedLicenses undocumented
AssignedLicenses [ ] AssignedLicense ` json:"assignedLicenses,omitempty" `
// AssignedPlans undocumented
AssignedPlans [ ] AssignedPlan ` json:"assignedPlans,omitempty" `
// BusinessPhones undocumented
BusinessPhones [ ] string ` json:"businessPhones,omitempty" `
// City undocumented
City * string ` json:"city,omitempty" `
// CompanyName undocumented
CompanyName * string ` json:"companyName,omitempty" `
// ConsentProvidedForMinor undocumented
ConsentProvidedForMinor * string ` json:"consentProvidedForMinor,omitempty" `
// Country undocumented
Country * string ` json:"country,omitempty" `
// CreatedDateTime undocumented
CreatedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"createdDateTime,omitempty" `
// CreationType undocumented
CreationType * string ` json:"creationType,omitempty" `
// Department undocumented
Department * string ` json:"department,omitempty" `
// DeviceKeys undocumented
DeviceKeys [ ] DeviceKey ` json:"deviceKeys,omitempty" `
// DisplayName undocumented
DisplayName * string ` json:"displayName,omitempty" `
// EmployeeID undocumented
EmployeeID * string ` json:"employeeId,omitempty" `
// FaxNumber undocumented
FaxNumber * string ` json:"faxNumber,omitempty" `
// GivenName undocumented
GivenName * string ` json:"givenName,omitempty" `
// Identities undocumented
Identities [ ] ObjectIdentity ` json:"identities,omitempty" `
// ImAddresses undocumented
ImAddresses [ ] string ` json:"imAddresses,omitempty" `
// IsResourceAccount undocumented
IsResourceAccount * bool ` json:"isResourceAccount,omitempty" `
// JobTitle undocumented
JobTitle * string ` json:"jobTitle,omitempty" `
// LastPasswordChangeDateTime undocumented
LastPasswordChangeDateTime * time . Time ` json:"lastPasswordChangeDateTime,omitempty" `
// LegalAgeGroupClassification undocumented
LegalAgeGroupClassification * string ` json:"legalAgeGroupClassification,omitempty" `
// LicenseAssignmentStates undocumented
LicenseAssignmentStates [ ] LicenseAssignmentState ` json:"licenseAssignmentStates,omitempty" `
// Mail undocumented
Mail * string ` json:"mail,omitempty" `
// MailNickname undocumented
MailNickname * string ` json:"mailNickname,omitempty" `
// MobilePhone undocumented
MobilePhone * string ` json:"mobilePhone,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesDistinguishedName undocumented
OnPremisesDistinguishedName * string ` json:"onPremisesDistinguishedName,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesExtensionAttributes undocumented
OnPremisesExtensionAttributes * OnPremisesExtensionAttributes ` json:"onPremisesExtensionAttributes,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesImmutableID undocumented
OnPremisesImmutableID * string ` json:"onPremisesImmutableId,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime undocumented
OnPremisesLastSyncDateTime * time . Time ` json:"onPremisesLastSyncDateTime,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesProvisioningErrors undocumented
OnPremisesProvisioningErrors [ ] OnPremisesProvisioningError ` json:"onPremisesProvisioningErrors,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier undocumented
OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier * string ` json:"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesSyncEnabled undocumented
OnPremisesSyncEnabled * bool ` json:"onPremisesSyncEnabled,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesDomainName undocumented
OnPremisesDomainName * string ` json:"onPremisesDomainName,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesSamAccountName undocumented
OnPremisesSamAccountName * string ` json:"onPremisesSamAccountName,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesUserPrincipalName undocumented
OnPremisesUserPrincipalName * string ` json:"onPremisesUserPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// OtherMails undocumented
OtherMails [ ] string ` json:"otherMails,omitempty" `
// PasswordPolicies undocumented
PasswordPolicies * string ` json:"passwordPolicies,omitempty" `
// PasswordProfile undocumented
PasswordProfile * PasswordProfile ` json:"passwordProfile,omitempty" `
// OfficeLocation undocumented
OfficeLocation * string ` json:"officeLocation,omitempty" `
// PostalCode undocumented
PostalCode * string ` json:"postalCode,omitempty" `
// PreferredDataLocation undocumented
PreferredDataLocation * string ` json:"preferredDataLocation,omitempty" `
// PreferredLanguage undocumented
PreferredLanguage * string ` json:"preferredLanguage,omitempty" `
// ProvisionedPlans undocumented
ProvisionedPlans [ ] ProvisionedPlan ` json:"provisionedPlans,omitempty" `
// ProxyAddresses undocumented
ProxyAddresses [ ] string ` json:"proxyAddresses,omitempty" `
// RefreshTokensValidFromDateTime undocumented
RefreshTokensValidFromDateTime * time . Time ` json:"refreshTokensValidFromDateTime,omitempty" `
// ShowInAddressList undocumented
ShowInAddressList * bool ` json:"showInAddressList,omitempty" `
// SignInSessionsValidFromDateTime undocumented
SignInSessionsValidFromDateTime * time . Time ` json:"signInSessionsValidFromDateTime,omitempty" `
// State undocumented
State * string ` json:"state,omitempty" `
// StreetAddress undocumented
StreetAddress * string ` json:"streetAddress,omitempty" `
// Surname undocumented
Surname * string ` json:"surname,omitempty" `
// UsageLocation undocumented
UsageLocation * string ` json:"usageLocation,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName undocumented
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// ExternalUserState undocumented
ExternalUserState * string ` json:"externalUserState,omitempty" `
// ExternalUserStateChangeDateTime undocumented
ExternalUserStateChangeDateTime * string ` json:"externalUserStateChangeDateTime,omitempty" `
// UserType undocumented
UserType * string ` json:"userType,omitempty" `
// MailboxSettings undocumented
MailboxSettings * MailboxSettings ` json:"mailboxSettings,omitempty" `
// IdentityUserRisk undocumented
IdentityUserRisk * IdentityUserRisk ` json:"identityUserRisk,omitempty" `
// DeviceEnrollmentLimit The limit on the maximum number of devices that the user is permitted to enroll. Allowed values are 5 or 1000.
DeviceEnrollmentLimit * int ` json:"deviceEnrollmentLimit,omitempty" `
// AboutMe undocumented
AboutMe * string ` json:"aboutMe,omitempty" `
// Birthday undocumented
Birthday * time . Time ` json:"birthday,omitempty" `
// HireDate undocumented
HireDate * time . Time ` json:"hireDate,omitempty" `
// Interests undocumented
Interests [ ] string ` json:"interests,omitempty" `
// MySite undocumented
MySite * string ` json:"mySite,omitempty" `
// PastProjects undocumented
PastProjects [ ] string ` json:"pastProjects,omitempty" `
// PreferredName undocumented
PreferredName * string ` json:"preferredName,omitempty" `
// Responsibilities undocumented
Responsibilities [ ] string ` json:"responsibilities,omitempty" `
// Schools undocumented
Schools [ ] string ` json:"schools,omitempty" `
// Skills undocumented
Skills [ ] string ` json:"skills,omitempty" `
// Analytics undocumented
Analytics * UserAnalytics ` json:"analytics,omitempty" `
// InformationProtection undocumented
InformationProtection * InformationProtection ` json:"informationProtection,omitempty" `
// AppRoleAssignments undocumented
AppRoleAssignments [ ] AppRoleAssignment ` json:"appRoleAssignments,omitempty" `
// CreatedObjects undocumented
CreatedObjects [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"createdObjects,omitempty" `
// DirectReports undocumented
DirectReports [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"directReports,omitempty" `
// LicenseDetails undocumented
LicenseDetails [ ] LicenseDetails ` json:"licenseDetails,omitempty" `
// Manager undocumented
Manager * DirectoryObject ` json:"manager,omitempty" `
// MemberOf undocumented
MemberOf [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"memberOf,omitempty" `
// OwnedDevices undocumented
OwnedDevices [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"ownedDevices,omitempty" `
// OwnedObjects undocumented
OwnedObjects [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"ownedObjects,omitempty" `
// RegisteredDevices undocumented
RegisteredDevices [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"registeredDevices,omitempty" `
// ScopedRoleMemberOf undocumented
ScopedRoleMemberOf [ ] ScopedRoleMembership ` json:"scopedRoleMemberOf,omitempty" `
// TransitiveMemberOf undocumented
TransitiveMemberOf [ ] DirectoryObject ` json:"transitiveMemberOf,omitempty" `
// Outlook undocumented
Outlook * OutlookUser ` json:"outlook,omitempty" `
// Messages undocumented
Messages [ ] Message ` json:"messages,omitempty" `
// JoinedGroups undocumented
JoinedGroups [ ] Group ` json:"joinedGroups,omitempty" `
// MailFolders undocumented
MailFolders [ ] MailFolder ` json:"mailFolders,omitempty" `
// Calendar undocumented
Calendar * Calendar ` json:"calendar,omitempty" `
// Calendars undocumented
Calendars [ ] Calendar ` json:"calendars,omitempty" `
// CalendarGroups undocumented
CalendarGroups [ ] CalendarGroup ` json:"calendarGroups,omitempty" `
// CalendarView undocumented
CalendarView [ ] Event ` json:"calendarView,omitempty" `
// Events undocumented
Events [ ] Event ` json:"events,omitempty" `
// People undocumented
People [ ] Person ` json:"people,omitempty" `
// Contacts undocumented
Contacts [ ] Contact ` json:"contacts,omitempty" `
// ContactFolders undocumented
ContactFolders [ ] ContactFolder ` json:"contactFolders,omitempty" `
// InferenceClassification undocumented
InferenceClassification * InferenceClassification ` json:"inferenceClassification,omitempty" `
// Photo undocumented
Photo * ProfilePhoto ` json:"photo,omitempty" `
// Photos undocumented
Photos [ ] ProfilePhoto ` json:"photos,omitempty" `
// Drive undocumented
Drive * Drive ` json:"drive,omitempty" `
// Drives undocumented
Drives [ ] Drive ` json:"drives,omitempty" `
// FollowedSites undocumented
FollowedSites [ ] Site ` json:"followedSites,omitempty" `
// Extensions undocumented
Extensions [ ] Extension ` json:"extensions,omitempty" `
// AgreementAcceptances undocumented
AgreementAcceptances [ ] AgreementAcceptance ` json:"agreementAcceptances,omitempty" `
// DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations undocumented
DeviceEnrollmentConfigurations [ ] DeviceEnrollmentConfiguration ` json:"deviceEnrollmentConfigurations,omitempty" `
// ManagedDevices undocumented
ManagedDevices [ ] ManagedDevice ` json:"managedDevices,omitempty" `
// ManagedAppRegistrations undocumented
ManagedAppRegistrations [ ] ManagedAppRegistration ` json:"managedAppRegistrations,omitempty" `
// WindowsInformationProtectionDeviceRegistrations undocumented
WindowsInformationProtectionDeviceRegistrations [ ] WindowsInformationProtectionDeviceRegistration ` json:"windowsInformationProtectionDeviceRegistrations,omitempty" `
// DeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents undocumented
DeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents [ ] DeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvent ` json:"deviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents,omitempty" `
// MobileAppIntentAndStates undocumented
MobileAppIntentAndStates [ ] MobileAppIntentAndState ` json:"mobileAppIntentAndStates,omitempty" `
// MobileAppTroubleshootingEvents undocumented
MobileAppTroubleshootingEvents [ ] MobileAppTroubleshootingEvent ` json:"mobileAppTroubleshootingEvents,omitempty" `
// Notifications undocumented
Notifications [ ] Notification ` json:"notifications,omitempty" `
// Planner undocumented
Planner * PlannerUser ` json:"planner,omitempty" `
// Insights undocumented
Insights * OfficeGraphInsights ` json:"insights,omitempty" `
// Settings undocumented
Settings * UserSettings ` json:"settings,omitempty" `
// Onenote undocumented
Onenote * Onenote ` json:"onenote,omitempty" `
// Profile undocumented
Profile * Profile ` json:"profile,omitempty" `
// Activities undocumented
Activities [ ] UserActivity ` json:"activities,omitempty" `
// Devices undocumented
Devices [ ] Device ` json:"devices,omitempty" `
// OnlineMeetings undocumented
OnlineMeetings [ ] OnlineMeeting ` json:"onlineMeetings,omitempty" `
// Presence undocumented
Presence * Presence ` json:"presence,omitempty" `
// Chats undocumented
Chats [ ] Chat ` json:"chats,omitempty" `
// JoinedTeams undocumented
JoinedTeams [ ] Team ` json:"joinedTeams,omitempty" `
// Teamwork undocumented
Teamwork * UserTeamwork ` json:"teamwork,omitempty" `
// UserAccount undocumented
type UserAccount struct {
// Object is the base model of UserAccount
// DisplayName undocumented
DisplayName * string ` json:"displayName,omitempty" `
// LastSeenDateTime undocumented
LastSeenDateTime * time . Time ` json:"lastSeenDateTime,omitempty" `
// RiskScore undocumented
RiskScore * string ` json:"riskScore,omitempty" `
// Service undocumented
Service * string ` json:"service,omitempty" `
// SigninName undocumented
SigninName * string ` json:"signinName,omitempty" `
// Status undocumented
Status * AccountStatus ` json:"status,omitempty" `
// UserAccountInformation undocumented
type UserAccountInformation struct {
// ItemFacet is the base model of UserAccountInformation
// AgeGroup undocumented
AgeGroup * string ` json:"ageGroup,omitempty" `
// CountryCode undocumented
CountryCode * string ` json:"countryCode,omitempty" `
// PreferredLanguageTag undocumented
PreferredLanguageTag * LocaleInfo ` json:"preferredLanguageTag,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName undocumented
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// UserActivationCounts undocumented
type UserActivationCounts struct {
// Object is the base model of UserActivationCounts
// ProductType undocumented
ProductType * string ` json:"productType,omitempty" `
// LastActivatedDate undocumented
LastActivatedDate * Date ` json:"lastActivatedDate,omitempty" `
// Windows undocumented
Windows * int ` json:"windows,omitempty" `
// Mac undocumented
Mac * int ` json:"mac,omitempty" `
// Windows10Mobile undocumented
Windows10Mobile * int ` json:"windows10Mobile,omitempty" `
// IOS undocumented
IOS * int ` json:"ios,omitempty" `
// Android undocumented
Android * int ` json:"android,omitempty" `
// ActivatedOnSharedComputer undocumented
ActivatedOnSharedComputer * bool ` json:"activatedOnSharedComputer,omitempty" `
// UserActivity undocumented
type UserActivity struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserActivity
// VisualElements undocumented
VisualElements * VisualInfo ` json:"visualElements,omitempty" `
// ActivitySourceHost undocumented
ActivitySourceHost * string ` json:"activitySourceHost,omitempty" `
// ActivationURL undocumented
ActivationURL * string ` json:"activationUrl,omitempty" `
// AppActivityID undocumented
AppActivityID * string ` json:"appActivityId,omitempty" `
// AppDisplayName undocumented
AppDisplayName * string ` json:"appDisplayName,omitempty" `
// ContentURL undocumented
ContentURL * string ` json:"contentUrl,omitempty" `
// CreatedDateTime undocumented
CreatedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"createdDateTime,omitempty" `
// ExpirationDateTime undocumented
ExpirationDateTime * time . Time ` json:"expirationDateTime,omitempty" `
// FallbackURL undocumented
FallbackURL * string ` json:"fallbackUrl,omitempty" `
// LastModifiedDateTime undocumented
LastModifiedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty" `
// UserTimezone undocumented
UserTimezone * string ` json:"userTimezone,omitempty" `
// ContentInfo undocumented
ContentInfo json . RawMessage ` json:"contentInfo,omitempty" `
// Status undocumented
Status * Status ` json:"status,omitempty" `
// HistoryItems undocumented
HistoryItems [ ] ActivityHistoryItem ` json:"historyItems,omitempty" `
// UserAnalytics undocumented
type UserAnalytics struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserAnalytics
// Settings undocumented
Settings * Settings ` json:"settings,omitempty" `
// ActivityStatistics undocumented
ActivityStatistics [ ] ActivityStatistics ` json:"activityStatistics,omitempty" `
// UserAppInstallStatus Contains properties for the installation status for a user.
type UserAppInstallStatus struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserAppInstallStatus
// UserName User name.
UserName * string ` json:"userName,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName User Principal Name.
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// InstalledDeviceCount Installed Device Count.
InstalledDeviceCount * int ` json:"installedDeviceCount,omitempty" `
// FailedDeviceCount Failed Device Count.
FailedDeviceCount * int ` json:"failedDeviceCount,omitempty" `
// NotInstalledDeviceCount Not installed device count.
NotInstalledDeviceCount * int ` json:"notInstalledDeviceCount,omitempty" `
// App undocumented
App * MobileApp ` json:"app,omitempty" `
// DeviceStatuses undocumented
DeviceStatuses [ ] MobileAppInstallStatus ` json:"deviceStatuses,omitempty" `
// UserConfiguration undocumented
type UserConfiguration struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserConfiguration
// BinaryData undocumented
BinaryData * Binary ` json:"binaryData,omitempty" `
// UserCredentialUsageDetails undocumented
type UserCredentialUsageDetails struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserCredentialUsageDetails
// Feature undocumented
Feature * FeatureType ` json:"feature,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName undocumented
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// UserDisplayName undocumented
UserDisplayName * string ` json:"userDisplayName,omitempty" `
// IsSuccess undocumented
IsSuccess * bool ` json:"isSuccess,omitempty" `
// AuthMethod undocumented
AuthMethod * UsageAuthMethod ` json:"authMethod,omitempty" `
// FailureReason undocumented
FailureReason * string ` json:"failureReason,omitempty" `
// EventDateTime undocumented
EventDateTime * time . Time ` json:"eventDateTime,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsBaseline The user experience analytics baseline entity contains baseline values against which to compare the user experience analytics scores.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsBaseline struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsBaseline
// DisplayName The name of the user experience analytics baseline.
DisplayName * string ` json:"displayName,omitempty" `
// IsBuiltIn Signifies if the current baseline is the commercial median baseline or a custom baseline.
IsBuiltIn * bool ` json:"isBuiltIn,omitempty" `
// CreatedDateTime The date the custom baseline was created.
CreatedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"createdDateTime,omitempty" `
// DeviceBootPerformanceMetrics undocumented
DeviceBootPerformanceMetrics * UserExperienceAnalyticsCategory ` json:"deviceBootPerformanceMetrics,omitempty" `
// BestPracticesMetrics undocumented
BestPracticesMetrics * UserExperienceAnalyticsCategory ` json:"bestPracticesMetrics,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsCategory The user experience analytics category entity contains the scores and insights for the various metrics of a category.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsCategory struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsCategory
// Insights The insights for the user experience analytics category.
Insights [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsInsight ` json:"insights,omitempty" `
// MetricValues undocumented
MetricValues [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric ` json:"metricValues,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance The user experience analytics device performance entity contains device boot performance details.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance
// DeviceName The user experience analytics device name.
DeviceName * string ` json:"deviceName,omitempty" `
// Model The user experience analytics device model.
Model * string ` json:"model,omitempty" `
// Manufacturer The user experience analytics device manufacturer.
Manufacturer * string ` json:"manufacturer,omitempty" `
// DiskType The user experience analytics device disk type.
DiskType * DiskType ` json:"diskType,omitempty" `
// OperatingSystemVersion The user experience analytics device Operating System version.
OperatingSystemVersion * string ` json:"operatingSystemVersion,omitempty" `
// BootScore The user experience analytics device boot score.
BootScore * int ` json:"bootScore,omitempty" `
// CoreBootTimeInMs The user experience analytics device core boot time in milliseconds.
CoreBootTimeInMs * int ` json:"coreBootTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// GroupPolicyBootTimeInMs The user experience analytics device group policy boot time in milliseconds.
GroupPolicyBootTimeInMs * int ` json:"groupPolicyBootTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// HealthStatus The health state of the user experience analytics device.
HealthStatus * UserExperienceAnalyticsHealthState ` json:"healthStatus,omitempty" `
// LoginScore The user experience analytics device login score.
LoginScore * int ` json:"loginScore,omitempty" `
// CoreLoginTimeInMs The user experience analytics device core login time in milliseconds.
CoreLoginTimeInMs * int ` json:"coreLoginTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// GroupPolicyLoginTimeInMs The user experience analytics device group policy login time in milliseconds.
GroupPolicyLoginTimeInMs * int ` json:"groupPolicyLoginTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// DeviceCount User experience analytics summarized device count.
DeviceCount * int ` json:"deviceCount,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory The user experience analytics device startup history entity contains device boot performance history details.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory
// DeviceID The user experience analytics device id.
DeviceID * string ` json:"deviceId,omitempty" `
// StartTime The user experience analytics device boot start time.
StartTime * time . Time ` json:"startTime,omitempty" `
// CoreBootTimeInMs The user experience analytics device core boot time in milliseconds.
CoreBootTimeInMs * int ` json:"coreBootTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// GroupPolicyBootTimeInMs The User experience analytics Device group policy boot time in milliseconds.
GroupPolicyBootTimeInMs * int ` json:"groupPolicyBootTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// FeatureUpdateBootTimeInMs The user experience analytics device feature update time in milliseconds.
FeatureUpdateBootTimeInMs * int ` json:"featureUpdateBootTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// TotalBootTimeInMs The user experience analytics device total boot time in milliseconds.
TotalBootTimeInMs * int ` json:"totalBootTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// GroupPolicyLoginTimeInMs The User experience analytics Device group policy login time in milliseconds.
GroupPolicyLoginTimeInMs * int ` json:"groupPolicyLoginTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// CoreLoginTimeInMs The user experience analytics device core login time in milliseconds.
CoreLoginTimeInMs * int ` json:"coreLoginTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// TotalLoginTimeInMs The user experience analytics device total login time in milliseconds.
TotalLoginTimeInMs * int ` json:"totalLoginTimeInMs,omitempty" `
// IsFirstLogin The user experience analytics device first login.
IsFirstLogin * bool ` json:"isFirstLogin,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsInsight undocumented
type UserExperienceAnalyticsInsight struct {
// Object is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsInsight
// UserExperienceAnalyticsMetricID The unique identifier of the user experience analytics insight.
UserExperienceAnalyticsMetricID * string ` json:"userExperienceAnalyticsMetricId,omitempty" `
// InsightID The unique identifier of the user experience analytics insight.
InsightID * string ` json:"insightId,omitempty" `
// Values The value of the user experience analytics insight.
Values [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsInsightValue ` json:"values,omitempty" `
// Severity The value of the user experience analytics insight.
Severity * UserExperienceAnalyticsInsightSeverity ` json:"severity,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsInsightValue undocumented
type UserExperienceAnalyticsInsightValue struct {
// Object is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsInsightValue
// UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric The user experience analytics metric contains the score and units of a metric of a user experience anlaytics category.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric
// Value The value of the user experience analytics metric.
Value * float64 ` json:"value,omitempty" `
// Unit The unit of the user experience analytics metric.
Unit * string ` json:"unit,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsOverview The user experience analytics overview entity contains the overall score and the scores and insights of every metric of all categories.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsOverview struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsOverview
// Insights The user experience analytics insights.
Insights [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsInsight ` json:"insights,omitempty" `
// UserExperienceAnalyticsRegressionSummary The user experience analytics Regression Summary.
type UserExperienceAnalyticsRegressionSummary struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserExperienceAnalyticsRegressionSummary
// ModelRegression undocumented
ModelRegression [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric ` json:"modelRegression,omitempty" `
// ManufacturerRegression undocumented
ManufacturerRegression [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric ` json:"manufacturerRegression,omitempty" `
// OperatingSystemRegression undocumented
OperatingSystemRegression [ ] UserExperienceAnalyticsMetric ` json:"operatingSystemRegression,omitempty" `
// UserGovernanceCriteria undocumented
type UserGovernanceCriteria struct {
// GovernanceCriteria is the base model of UserGovernanceCriteria
// UserID undocumented
UserID * string ` json:"userId,omitempty" `
// UserIdentity undocumented
type UserIdentity struct {
// Object is the base model of UserIdentity
// ID undocumented
ID * string ` json:"id,omitempty" `
// DisplayName undocumented
DisplayName * string ` json:"displayName,omitempty" `
// IPAddress undocumented
IPAddress * string ` json:"ipAddress,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName undocumented
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// UserInstallStateSummary Contains properties for the installation state summary for a user.
type UserInstallStateSummary struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserInstallStateSummary
// UserName User name.
UserName * string ` json:"userName,omitempty" `
// InstalledDeviceCount Installed Device Count.
InstalledDeviceCount * int ` json:"installedDeviceCount,omitempty" `
// FailedDeviceCount Failed Device Count.
FailedDeviceCount * int ` json:"failedDeviceCount,omitempty" `
// NotInstalledDeviceCount Not installed device count.
NotInstalledDeviceCount * int ` json:"notInstalledDeviceCount,omitempty" `
// DeviceStates undocumented
DeviceStates [ ] DeviceInstallState ` json:"deviceStates,omitempty" `
// UserPFXCertificate Entity that encapsulates all information required for a user's PFX certificates.
type UserPFXCertificate struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserPFXCertificate
// Thumbprint SHA-1 thumbprint of the PFX certificate.
Thumbprint * string ` json:"thumbprint,omitempty" `
// IntendedPurpose Certificate's intended purpose from the point-of-view of deployment.
IntendedPurpose * UserPfxIntendedPurpose ` json:"intendedPurpose,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName User Principal Name of the PFX certificate.
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// StartDateTime Certificate's validity start date/time.
StartDateTime * time . Time ` json:"startDateTime,omitempty" `
// ExpirationDateTime Certificate's validity expiration date/time.
ExpirationDateTime * time . Time ` json:"expirationDateTime,omitempty" `
// ProviderName Crypto provider used to encrypt this blob.
ProviderName * string ` json:"providerName,omitempty" `
// KeyName Name of the key (within the provider) used to encrypt the blob.
KeyName * string ` json:"keyName,omitempty" `
// PaddingScheme Padding scheme used by the provider during encryption/decryption.
PaddingScheme * UserPfxPaddingScheme ` json:"paddingScheme,omitempty" `
// EncryptedPfxBlob Encrypted PFX blob.
EncryptedPfxBlob * Binary ` json:"encryptedPfxBlob,omitempty" `
// EncryptedPfxPassword Encrypted PFX password.
EncryptedPfxPassword * string ` json:"encryptedPfxPassword,omitempty" `
// CreatedDateTime Date/time when this PFX certificate was imported.
CreatedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"createdDateTime,omitempty" `
// LastModifiedDateTime Date/time when this PFX certificate was last modified.
LastModifiedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty" `
// UserRegistrationCount undocumented
type UserRegistrationCount struct {
// Object is the base model of UserRegistrationCount
// RegistrationStatus undocumented
RegistrationStatus * RegistrationStatusType ` json:"registrationStatus,omitempty" `
// RegistrationCount undocumented
RegistrationCount * int ` json:"registrationCount,omitempty" `
// UserSecurityProfile undocumented
type UserSecurityProfile struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserSecurityProfile
// Accounts undocumented
Accounts [ ] UserAccount ` json:"accounts,omitempty" `
// AzureSubscriptionID undocumented
AzureSubscriptionID * string ` json:"azureSubscriptionId,omitempty" `
// AzureTenantID undocumented
AzureTenantID * string ` json:"azureTenantId,omitempty" `
// CreatedDateTime undocumented
CreatedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"createdDateTime,omitempty" `
// DisplayName undocumented
DisplayName * string ` json:"displayName,omitempty" `
// LastModifiedDateTime undocumented
LastModifiedDateTime * time . Time ` json:"lastModifiedDateTime,omitempty" `
// RiskScore undocumented
RiskScore * string ` json:"riskScore,omitempty" `
// Tags undocumented
Tags [ ] string ` json:"tags,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName undocumented
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// VendorInformation undocumented
VendorInformation * SecurityVendorInformation ` json:"vendorInformation,omitempty" `
// UserSecurityState undocumented
type UserSecurityState struct {
// Object is the base model of UserSecurityState
// AadUserID undocumented
AadUserID * string ` json:"aadUserId,omitempty" `
// AccountName undocumented
AccountName * string ` json:"accountName,omitempty" `
// DomainName undocumented
DomainName * string ` json:"domainName,omitempty" `
// EmailRole undocumented
EmailRole * EmailRole ` json:"emailRole,omitempty" `
// IsVPN undocumented
IsVPN * bool ` json:"isVpn,omitempty" `
// LogonDateTime undocumented
LogonDateTime * time . Time ` json:"logonDateTime,omitempty" `
// LogonID undocumented
LogonID * string ` json:"logonId,omitempty" `
// LogonIP undocumented
LogonIP * string ` json:"logonIp,omitempty" `
// LogonLocation undocumented
LogonLocation * string ` json:"logonLocation,omitempty" `
// LogonType undocumented
LogonType * LogonType ` json:"logonType,omitempty" `
// OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier undocumented
OnPremisesSecurityIdentifier * string ` json:"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier,omitempty" `
// RiskScore undocumented
RiskScore * string ` json:"riskScore,omitempty" `
// UserAccountType undocumented
UserAccountType * UserAccountSecurityType ` json:"userAccountType,omitempty" `
// UserPrincipalName undocumented
UserPrincipalName * string ` json:"userPrincipalName,omitempty" `
// UserSettings undocumented
type UserSettings struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserSettings
// ContributionToContentDiscoveryDisabled undocumented
ContributionToContentDiscoveryDisabled * bool ` json:"contributionToContentDiscoveryDisabled,omitempty" `
// ContributionToContentDiscoveryAsOrganizationDisabled undocumented
ContributionToContentDiscoveryAsOrganizationDisabled * bool ` json:"contributionToContentDiscoveryAsOrganizationDisabled,omitempty" `
// UserTeamwork undocumented
type UserTeamwork struct {
// Entity is the base model of UserTeamwork
// InstalledApps undocumented
InstalledApps [ ] TeamsAppInstallation ` json:"installedApps,omitempty" `