2020-08-10 00:29:54 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
2018-11-18 17:55:05 +00:00
package markdown
import (
type Inline interface {
IsInline() bool
type inlineBase struct{}
func (inlineBase) IsInline() bool { return true }
type Text struct {
Text string
Range Range
type CodeSpan struct {
Code string
type HardLineBreak struct {
type SoftLineBreak struct {
type InlineLinkOrImage struct {
Children []Inline
RawDestination Range
markdown string
rawTitle string
func (i *InlineLinkOrImage) Destination() string {
return Unescape(i.markdown[i.RawDestination.Position:i.RawDestination.End])
func (i *InlineLinkOrImage) Title() string {
return Unescape(i.rawTitle)
type InlineLink struct {
type InlineImage struct {
type ReferenceLinkOrImage struct {
Children []Inline
type ReferenceLink struct {
type ReferenceImage struct {
type Autolink struct {
Children []Inline
RawDestination Range
markdown string
func (i *Autolink) Destination() string {
destination := Unescape(i.markdown[i.RawDestination.Position:i.RawDestination.End])
if strings.HasPrefix(destination, "www") {
destination = "http://" + destination
return destination
type delimiterType int
const (
linkOpeningDelimiter delimiterType = iota
type delimiter struct {
Type delimiterType
IsInactive bool
TextNode int
Range Range
type inlineParser struct {
markdown string
ranges []Range
referenceDefinitions []*ReferenceDefinition
raw string
position int
inlines []Inline
delimiterStack *list.List
func newInlineParser(markdown string, ranges []Range, referenceDefinitions []*ReferenceDefinition) *inlineParser {
return &inlineParser{
markdown: markdown,
ranges: ranges,
referenceDefinitions: referenceDefinitions,
delimiterStack: list.New(),
func (p *inlineParser) parseBackticks() {
count := 1
for i := p.position + 1; i < len(p.raw) && p.raw[i] == '`'; i++ {
opening := p.raw[p.position : p.position+count]
search := p.position + count
for search < len(p.raw) {
end := strings.Index(p.raw[search:], opening)
if end == -1 {
if search+end+count < len(p.raw) && p.raw[search+end+count] == '`' {
search += end + count
for search < len(p.raw) && p.raw[search] == '`' {
code := strings.Join(strings.Fields(p.raw[p.position+count:search+end]), " ")
p.position = search + end + count
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &CodeSpan{
Code: code,
p.position += len(opening)
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position-len(opening))
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: opening,
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + len(opening)},
func (p *inlineParser) parseLineEnding() {
if p.position >= 1 && p.raw[p.position-1] == '\t' {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &HardLineBreak{})
} else if p.position >= 2 && p.raw[p.position-1] == ' ' && (p.raw[p.position-2] == '\t' || p.raw[p.position-1] == ' ') {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &HardLineBreak{})
} else {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &SoftLineBreak{})
if p.position < len(p.raw) && p.raw[p.position] == '\n' {
func (p *inlineParser) parseEscapeCharacter() {
if p.position+1 < len(p.raw) && isEscapableByte(p.raw[p.position+1]) {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position+1)
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: string(p.raw[p.position+1]),
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + len(string(p.raw[p.position+1]))},
p.position += 2
} else {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position)
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: `\`,
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 1},
func (p *inlineParser) parseText() {
if next := strings.IndexAny(p.raw[p.position:], "\r\n\\`&![]wW:"); next == -1 {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position)
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: strings.TrimRightFunc(p.raw[p.position:], isWhitespace),
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + len(p.raw[p.position:])},
p.position = len(p.raw)
} else {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position)
if p.raw[p.position+next] == '\r' || p.raw[p.position+next] == '\n' {
s := strings.TrimRightFunc(p.raw[p.position:p.position+next], isWhitespace)
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: s,
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + len(s)},
} else {
if next == 0 {
// Always read at least one character since 'w', 'W', and ':' may not actually match another
// type of node
next = 1
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: p.raw[p.position : p.position+next],
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + next},
p.position += next
func (p *inlineParser) parseLinkOrImageDelimiter() {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position)
if p.raw[p.position] == '[' {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: "[",
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 1},
Type: linkOpeningDelimiter,
TextNode: len(p.inlines) - 1,
Range: Range{p.position, p.position + 1},
} else if p.raw[p.position] == '!' && p.position+1 < len(p.raw) && p.raw[p.position+1] == '[' {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: "![",
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 2},
Type: imageOpeningDelimiter,
TextNode: len(p.inlines) - 1,
Range: Range{p.position, p.position + 2},
p.position += 2
} else {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: "!",
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 1},
func (p *inlineParser) peekAtInlineLinkDestinationAndTitle(position int, isImage bool) (destination, title Range, end int, ok bool) {
if position >= len(p.raw) || p.raw[position] != '(' {
destinationStart := nextNonWhitespace(p.raw, position)
if destinationStart >= len(p.raw) {
} else if p.raw[destinationStart] == ')' {
return Range{destinationStart, destinationStart}, Range{destinationStart, destinationStart}, destinationStart + 1, true
destination, end, ok = parseLinkDestination(p.raw, destinationStart)
if !ok {
position = end
if isImage && position < len(p.raw) && isWhitespaceByte(p.raw[position]) {
dimensionsStart := nextNonWhitespace(p.raw, position)
if dimensionsStart >= len(p.raw) {
if p.raw[dimensionsStart] == '=' {
// Read optional image dimensions even if we don't use them
_, end, ok = parseImageDimensions(p.raw, dimensionsStart)
if !ok {
position = end
if position < len(p.raw) && isWhitespaceByte(p.raw[position]) {
titleStart := nextNonWhitespace(p.raw, position)
if titleStart >= len(p.raw) {
} else if p.raw[titleStart] == ')' {
return destination, Range{titleStart, titleStart}, titleStart + 1, true
if p.raw[titleStart] == '"' || p.raw[titleStart] == '\'' || p.raw[titleStart] == '(' {
title, end, ok = parseLinkTitle(p.raw, titleStart)
if !ok {
position = end
closingPosition := nextNonWhitespace(p.raw, position)
if closingPosition >= len(p.raw) || p.raw[closingPosition] != ')' {
return Range{}, Range{}, 0, false
return destination, title, closingPosition + 1, true
func (p *inlineParser) referenceDefinition(label string) *ReferenceDefinition {
clean := strings.Join(strings.Fields(label), " ")
for _, d := range p.referenceDefinitions {
if strings.EqualFold(clean, strings.Join(strings.Fields(d.Label()), " ")) {
return d
return nil
func (p *inlineParser) lookForLinkOrImage() {
for element := p.delimiterStack.Back(); element != nil; element = element.Prev() {
d := element.Value.(*delimiter)
if d.Type != imageOpeningDelimiter && d.Type != linkOpeningDelimiter {
if d.IsInactive {
isImage := d.Type == imageOpeningDelimiter
var inline Inline
if destination, title, next, ok := p.peekAtInlineLinkDestinationAndTitle(p.position+1, isImage); ok {
destinationMarkdownPosition := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, destination.Position)
linkOrImage := InlineLinkOrImage{
Children: append([]Inline(nil), p.inlines[d.TextNode+1:]...),
RawDestination: Range{destinationMarkdownPosition, destinationMarkdownPosition + destination.End - destination.Position},
markdown: p.markdown,
rawTitle: p.raw[title.Position:title.End],
if d.Type == imageOpeningDelimiter {
inline = &InlineImage{linkOrImage}
} else {
inline = &InlineLink{linkOrImage}
p.position = next
} else {
referenceLabel := ""
label, next, hasLinkLabel := parseLinkLabel(p.raw, p.position+1)
if hasLinkLabel && label.End > label.Position {
referenceLabel = p.raw[label.Position:label.End]
} else {
referenceLabel = p.raw[d.Range.End:p.position]
if !hasLinkLabel {
next = p.position + 1
if referenceLabel != "" {
if reference := p.referenceDefinition(referenceLabel); reference != nil {
linkOrImage := ReferenceLinkOrImage{
ReferenceDefinition: reference,
Children: append([]Inline(nil), p.inlines[d.TextNode+1:]...),
if d.Type == imageOpeningDelimiter {
inline = &ReferenceImage{linkOrImage}
} else {
inline = &ReferenceLink{linkOrImage}
p.position = next
if inline != nil {
if d.Type == imageOpeningDelimiter {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines[:d.TextNode], inline)
} else {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines[:d.TextNode], inline)
2020-08-10 00:29:54 +02:00
for inlineElement := element.Prev(); inlineElement != nil; inlineElement = inlineElement.Prev() {
if d := inlineElement.Value.(*delimiter); d.Type == linkOpeningDelimiter {
2018-11-18 17:55:05 +00:00
d.IsInactive = true
} else {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position)
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: "]",
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 1},
func CharacterReference(ref string) string {
if ref == "" {
return ""
if ref[0] == '#' {
if len(ref) < 2 {
return ""
n := 0
if ref[1] == 'X' || ref[1] == 'x' {
if len(ref) < 3 {
return ""
for i := 2; i < len(ref); i++ {
if i > 9 {
return ""
d := ref[i]
switch {
case d >= '0' && d <= '9':
n = n*16 + int(d-'0')
case d >= 'a' && d <= 'f':
n = n*16 + 10 + int(d-'a')
case d >= 'A' && d <= 'F':
n = n*16 + 10 + int(d-'A')
return ""
} else {
for i := 1; i < len(ref); i++ {
if i > 8 || ref[i] < '0' || ref[i] > '9' {
return ""
n = n*10 + int(ref[i]-'0')
c := rune(n)
if c == '\u0000' || !utf8.ValidRune(c) {
return string(unicode.ReplacementChar)
return string(c)
if entity, ok := htmlEntities[ref]; ok {
return entity
return ""
func (p *inlineParser) parseCharacterReference() {
absPos := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, p.position)
if semicolon := strings.IndexByte(p.raw[p.position:], ';'); semicolon == -1 {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: "&",
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 1},
} else if s := CharacterReference(p.raw[p.position : p.position+semicolon]); s != "" {
p.position += semicolon + 1
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: s,
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + len(s)},
} else {
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: "&",
Range: Range{absPos, absPos + 1},
func (p *inlineParser) parseAutolink(c rune) bool {
for element := p.delimiterStack.Back(); element != nil; element = element.Prev() {
d := element.Value.(*delimiter)
if !d.IsInactive {
return false
var link Range
if c == ':' {
var ok bool
link, ok = parseURLAutolink(p.raw, p.position)
if !ok {
return false
// Since the current position is at the colon, we have to rewind the parsing slightly so that
// we don't duplicate the URL scheme
rewind := strings.Index(p.raw[link.Position:link.End], ":")
if rewind != -1 {
lastInline := p.inlines[len(p.inlines)-1]
lastText, ok := lastInline.(*Text)
if !ok {
// This should never occur since parseURLAutolink will only return a non-empty value
// when the previous text ends in a valid URL protocol which would mean that the previous
// node is a Text node
return false
p.inlines = p.inlines[0 : len(p.inlines)-1]
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Text{
Text: lastText.Text[:len(lastText.Text)-rewind],
Range: Range{lastText.Range.Position, lastText.Range.End - rewind},
p.position -= rewind
} else if c == 'w' || c == 'W' {
var ok bool
link, ok = parseWWWAutolink(p.raw, p.position)
if !ok {
return false
linkMarkdownPosition := relativeToAbsolutePosition(p.ranges, link.Position)
linkRange := Range{linkMarkdownPosition, linkMarkdownPosition + link.End - link.Position}
p.inlines = append(p.inlines, &Autolink{
Children: []Inline{
Text: p.raw[link.Position:link.End],
Range: linkRange,
RawDestination: linkRange,
markdown: p.markdown,
p.position += (link.End - link.Position)
return true
func (p *inlineParser) Parse() []Inline {
for _, r := range p.ranges {
p.raw += p.markdown[r.Position:r.End]
for p.position < len(p.raw) {
c, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(p.raw[p.position:])
switch c {
case '\r', '\n':
case '\\':
case '`':
case '&':
case '!', '[':
case ']':
case 'w', 'W', ':':
matched := p.parseAutolink(c)
if !matched {
return p.inlines
func ParseInlines(markdown string, ranges []Range, referenceDefinitions []*ReferenceDefinition) (inlines []Inline) {
return newInlineParser(markdown, ranges, referenceDefinitions).Parse()
func MergeInlineText(inlines []Inline) []Inline {
var ret []Inline
for i, v := range inlines {
// always add first node
if i == 0 {
ret = append(ret, v)
// not a text node? nothing to merge
text, ok := v.(*Text)
if !ok {
ret = append(ret, v)
// previous node is not a text node? nothing to merge
prevText, ok := ret[len(ret)-1].(*Text)
if !ok {
ret = append(ret, v)
// previous node is not right before this one
if prevText.Range.End != text.Range.Position {
ret = append(ret, v)
// we have two consecutive text nodes
ret[len(ret)-1] = &Text{
Text: prevText.Text + text.Text,
Range: Range{prevText.Range.Position, text.Range.End},
return ret
func Unescape(markdown string) string {
ret := ""
position := 0
for position < len(markdown) {
c, cSize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(markdown[position:])
switch c {
case '\\':
if position+1 < len(markdown) && isEscapableByte(markdown[position+1]) {
ret += string(markdown[position+1])
position += 2
} else {
ret += `\`
case '&':
if semicolon := strings.IndexByte(markdown[position:], ';'); semicolon == -1 {
ret += "&"
} else if s := CharacterReference(markdown[position : position+semicolon]); s != "" {
position += semicolon + 1
ret += s
} else {
ret += "&"
ret += string(c)
position += cSize
return ret