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// Copyright 2020 The Libc Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package libc // import "modernc.org/libc"
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
gosignal "os/signal"
gotime "time"
guuid "github.com/google/uuid"
gonetdb "modernc.org/libc/honnef.co/go/netdb"
const (
maxPathLen = 1024
// var (
// in6_addr_any in.In6_addr
// )
type (
long = types.User_long_t
ulong = types.User_ulong_t
// // Keep these outside of the var block otherwise go generate will miss them.
var X__stderrp = Xstdout
var X__stdinp = Xstdin
var X__stdoutp = Xstdout
// user@darwin-m1:~/tmp$ cat main.c
// #include <xlocale.h>
// #include <stdio.h>
// int main() {
// printf("%i\n", ___mb_cur_max());
// return 0;
// }
// user@darwin-m1:~/tmp$ gcc main.c && ./a.out
// 1
// user@darwin-m1:~/tmp$
var X__mb_cur_max int32 = 1
var startTime = gotime.Now() // For clock(3)
type file uintptr
func (f file) fd() int32 { return int32((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_file) }
func (f file) setFd(fd int32) { (*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_file = int16(fd) }
func (f file) err() bool {
return (*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_flags&1 != 0
func (f file) setErr() {
(*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(f)).F_flags |= 1
func (f file) close(t *TLS) int32 {
r := Xclose(t, f.fd())
Xfree(t, uintptr(f))
if r < 0 {
return stdio.EOF
return 0
func newFile(t *TLS, fd int32) uintptr {
p := Xcalloc(t, 1, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(stdio.FILE{})))
if p == 0 {
return 0
return p
func fwrite(fd int32, b []byte) (int, error) {
if fd == unistd.STDOUT_FILENO {
return write(b)
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v: %s", origin(1), fd, hex.Dump(b))
return unix.Write(int(fd), b)
func X__inline_isnand(t *TLS, x float64) int32 { return Xisnan(t, x) }
func X__inline_isnanf(t *TLS, x float32) int32 { return Xisnanf(t, x) }
func X__inline_isnanl(t *TLS, x float64) int32 { return Xisnan(t, x) }
// int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
func Xfprintf(t *TLS, stream, format, args uintptr) int32 {
n, _ := fwrite(int32((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(stream)).F_file), printf(format, args))
return int32(n)
// int usleep(useconds_t usec);
func Xusleep(t *TLS, usec types.Useconds_t) int32 {
gotime.Sleep(gotime.Microsecond * gotime.Duration(usec))
return 0
// int futimes(int fd, const struct timeval tv[2]);
func Xfutimes(t *TLS, fd int32, tv uintptr) int32 {
var a []unix.Timeval
if tv != 0 {
a = make([]unix.Timeval, 2)
a[0] = *(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(tv))
a[1] = *(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(tv + unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Timeval{})))
if err := unix.Futimes(int(fd), a); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// void srandomdev(void);
func Xsrandomdev(t *TLS) {
// int gethostuuid(uuid_t id, const struct timespec *wait);
func Xgethostuuid(t *TLS, id uintptr, wait uintptr) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETHOSTUUID, id, wait, 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// int flock(int fd, int operation);
func Xflock(t *TLS, fd, operation int32) int32 {
if err := unix.Flock(int(fd), int(operation)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// int fsctl(const char *,unsigned long,void*,unsigned int);
func Xfsctl(t *TLS, path uintptr, request ulong, data uintptr, options uint32) int32 {
// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_FSCTL, path, uintptr(request), data, uintptr(options), 0, 0); err != 0 {
// t.setErrno(err)
// return -1
// }
// return 0
// int * __error(void);
func X__error(t *TLS) uintptr {
return t.errnop
// int isspace(int c);
func Xisspace(t *TLS, c int32) int32 {
return __isspace(t, c)
// void __assert_rtn(const char *, const char *, int, const char *)
func X__assert_rtn(t *TLS, function, file uintptr, line int32, assertion uintptr) {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "assertion failure: %s:%d.%s: %s\n", GoString(file), line, GoString(function), GoString(assertion))
// os.Stderr.Sync()
// Xexit(t, 1)
// int getrusage(int who, struct rusage *usage);
func Xgetrusage(t *TLS, who int32, usage uintptr) int32 {
// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETRUSAGE, uintptr(who), usage, 0); err != 0 {
// t.setErrno(err)
// return -1
// }
// return 0
// int fgetc(FILE *stream);
func Xfgetc(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
fd := int((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(stream)).F_file)
var buf [1]byte
if n, _ := unix.Read(fd, buf[:]); n != 0 {
return int32(buf[0])
return stdio.EOF
// int lstat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf);
func Xlstat(t *TLS, pathname, statbuf uintptr) int32 {
return Xlstat64(t, pathname, statbuf)
// int stat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf);
func Xstat(t *TLS, pathname, statbuf uintptr) int32 {
return Xstat64(t, pathname, statbuf)
// int chdir(const char *path);
func Xchdir(t *TLS, path uintptr) int32 {
if err := unix.Chdir(GoString(path)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(path), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(path))
return 0
var localtime time.Tm
// struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timep);
func Xlocaltime(_ *TLS, timep uintptr) uintptr {
loc := gotime.Local
if r := getenv(Environ(), "TZ"); r != 0 {
zone, off := parseZone(GoString(r))
loc = gotime.FixedZone(zone, -off)
ut := *(*time.Time_t)(unsafe.Pointer(timep))
t := gotime.Unix(int64(ut), 0).In(loc)
localtime.Ftm_sec = int32(t.Second())
localtime.Ftm_min = int32(t.Minute())
localtime.Ftm_hour = int32(t.Hour())
localtime.Ftm_mday = int32(t.Day())
localtime.Ftm_mon = int32(t.Month() - 1)
localtime.Ftm_year = int32(t.Year() - 1900)
localtime.Ftm_wday = int32(t.Weekday())
localtime.Ftm_yday = int32(t.YearDay())
localtime.Ftm_isdst = Bool32(isTimeDST(t))
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&localtime))
// struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
func Xlocaltime_r(_ *TLS, timep, result uintptr) uintptr {
loc := gotime.Local
if r := getenv(Environ(), "TZ"); r != 0 {
zone, off := parseZone(GoString(r))
loc = gotime.FixedZone(zone, -off)
ut := *(*time_t)(unsafe.Pointer(timep))
t := gotime.Unix(int64(ut), 0).In(loc)
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_sec = int32(t.Second())
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_min = int32(t.Minute())
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_hour = int32(t.Hour())
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_mday = int32(t.Day())
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_mon = int32(t.Month() - 1)
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_year = int32(t.Year() - 1900)
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_wday = int32(t.Weekday())
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_yday = int32(t.YearDay())
(*time.Tm)(unsafe.Pointer(result)).Ftm_isdst = Bool32(isTimeDST(t))
return result
// int open(const char *pathname, int flags, ...);
func Xopen(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, flags int32, args uintptr) int32 {
var mode types.Mode_t
if args != 0 {
mode = (types.Mode_t)(VaUint32(&args))
fd, err := unix.Open(GoString(pathname), int(flags), uint32(mode))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %q %#x %#o: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(pathname), flags, mode, err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %q flags %#x mode %#o: fd %v", origin(1), GoString(pathname), flags, mode, fd)
return int32(fd)
// off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
func Xlseek(t *TLS, fd int32, offset types.Off_t, whence int32) types.Off_t {
return types.Off_t(Xlseek64(t, fd, offset, whence))
func whenceStr(whence int32) string {
switch whence {
case fcntl.SEEK_CUR:
return "SEEK_CUR"
case fcntl.SEEK_END:
return "SEEK_END"
case fcntl.SEEK_SET:
return "SEEK_SET"
return fmt.Sprintf("whence(%d)", whence)
var fsyncStatbuf stat.Stat
// int fsync(int fd);
func Xfsync(t *TLS, fd int32) int32 {
if noFsync {
// Simulate -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC for sqlite3 testfixture, see function full_sync in sqlite3.c
return Xfstat(t, fd, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&fsyncStatbuf)))
if err := unix.Fsync(int(fd)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %d: ok", origin(1), fd)
return 0
// long sysconf(int name);
func Xsysconf(t *TLS, name int32) long {
switch name {
case unistd.X_SC_PAGESIZE:
return long(unix.Getpagesize())
// int close(int fd);
func Xclose(t *TLS, fd int32) int32 {
if err := unix.Close(int(fd)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %d: ok", origin(1), fd)
return 0
// char *getcwd(char *buf, size_t size);
func Xgetcwd(t *TLS, buf uintptr, size types.Size_t) uintptr {
if _, err := unix.Getcwd((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:size:size]); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return 0
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return buf
// int fstat(int fd, struct stat *statbuf);
func Xfstat(t *TLS, fd int32, statbuf uintptr) int32 {
return Xfstat64(t, fd, statbuf)
// int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length);
func Xftruncate(t *TLS, fd int32, length types.Off_t) int32 {
if err := unix.Ftruncate(int(fd), int64(length)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %d: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %d %#x: ok", origin(1), fd, length)
return 0
// int fcntl(int fd, int cmd, ... /* arg */ );
func Xfcntl(t *TLS, fd, cmd int32, args uintptr) int32 {
return Xfcntl64(t, fd, cmd, args)
// ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
func Xread(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t) types.Ssize_t {
var n int
var err error
switch {
case count == 0:
n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), nil)
n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count])
if dmesgs && err == nil {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x, n %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, n, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:n:n]))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Ssize_t(n)
// ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
func Xwrite(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t) types.Ssize_t {
var n int
var err error
switch {
case count == 0:
n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), nil)
n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count])
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count]))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Ssize_t(n)
// int fchmod(int fd, mode_t mode);
func Xfchmod(t *TLS, fd int32, mode types.Mode_t) int32 {
if err := unix.Fchmod(int(fd), uint32(mode)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %d %#o: %v FAIL", origin(1), fd, mode, err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %d %#o: ok", origin(1), fd, mode)
return 0
// int fchown(int fd, uid_t owner, gid_t group);
func Xfchown(t *TLS, fd int32, owner types.Uid_t, group types.Gid_t) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(owner), uintptr(group)); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// uid_t geteuid(void);
func Xgeteuid(t *TLS) types.Uid_t {
r := types.Uid_t(unix.Geteuid())
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v", origin(1), r)
return r
// void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
func Xmmap(t *TLS, addr uintptr, length types.Size_t, prot, flags, fd int32, offset types.Off_t) uintptr {
// Cannot avoid the syscall here, addr sometimes matter.
data, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_MMAP, addr, uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset))
if err != 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return ^uintptr(0) // (void*)-1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %#x", origin(1), data)
return data
// int munmap(void *addr, size_t length);
func Xmunmap(t *TLS, addr uintptr, length types.Size_t) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_MUNMAP, addr, uintptr(length), 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here, must pair with mmap.
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
return 0
// int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
func Xgettimeofday(t *TLS, tv, tz uintptr) int32 {
if tz != 0 {
var tvs unix.Timeval
err := unix.Gettimeofday(&tvs)
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
*(*unix.Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(tv)) = tvs
return 0
// int getsockopt(int sockfd, int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen);
func Xgetsockopt(t *TLS, sockfd, level, optname int32, optval, optlen uintptr) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(level), uintptr(optname), optval, optlen, 0); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// int setsockopt(int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen);
func Xsetsockopt(t *TLS, sockfd, level, optname int32, optval uintptr, optlen socket.Socklen_t) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(level), uintptr(optname), optval, uintptr(optlen), 0); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// int ioctl(int fd, unsigned long request, ...);
func Xioctl(t *TLS, fd int32, request ulong, va uintptr) int32 {
var argp uintptr
if va != 0 {
argp = VaUintptr(&va)
n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(request), argp)
if err != 0 {
return -1
return int32(n)
// int getsockname(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
func Xgetsockname(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr, addrlen uintptr) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETSOCKNAME, uintptr(sockfd), addr, addrlen); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v: %v FAIL", origin(1), sockfd, err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v: ok", origin(1), sockfd)
return 0
// int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
func Xselect(t *TLS, nfds int32, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout uintptr) int32 {
n, err := unix.Select(
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return int32(n)
// int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
func Xmkfifo(t *TLS, pathname uintptr, mode types.Mode_t) int32 {
if err := unix.Mkfifo(GoString(pathname), uint32(mode)); err != nil {
return -1
return 0
// mode_t umask(mode_t mask);
func Xumask(t *TLS, mask types.Mode_t) types.Mode_t {
return types.Mode_t(unix.Umask(int(mask)))
// // int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]);
// func Xexecvp(t *TLS, file, argv uintptr) int32 {
// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_EXECVE, file, argv, Environ()); err != 0 {
// t.setErrno(err)
// return -1
// }
// return 0
// }
// pid_t (pid_t pid, int *wstatus, int options);
func Xwaitpid(t *TLS, pid types.Pid_t, wstatus uintptr, optname int32) types.Pid_t {
n, err := unix.Wait4(int(pid), (*unix.WaitStatus)(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), int(optname), nil)
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Pid_t(n)
// int uname(struct utsname *buf);
func Xuname(t *TLS, buf uintptr) int32 {
if err := unix.Uname((*unix.Utsname)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// ssize_t recv(int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
func Xrecv(t *TLS, sockfd int32, buf uintptr, len types.Size_t, flags int32) types.Ssize_t {
n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_RECVFROM, uintptr(sockfd), buf, uintptr(len), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
if err != 0 {
return -1
return types.Ssize_t(n)
// ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
func Xsend(t *TLS, sockfd int32, buf uintptr, len types.Size_t, flags int32) types.Ssize_t {
n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_SENDTO, uintptr(sockfd), buf, uintptr(len), uintptr(flags), 0, 0)
if err != 0 {
return -1
return types.Ssize_t(n)
// int shutdown(int sockfd, int how);
func Xshutdown(t *TLS, sockfd, how int32) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(how), 0); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// int getpeername(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
func Xgetpeername(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uintptr) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_GETPEERNAME, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen)); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
func Xsocket(t *TLS, domain, type1, protocol int32) int32 {
n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(type1), uintptr(protocol))
if err != 0 {
return -1
return int32(n)
// int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
func Xbind(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uint32) int32 {
n, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_BIND, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen))
if err != 0 {
return -1
return int32(n)
// int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
func Xconnect(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uint32) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_CONNECT, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen)); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
func Xlisten(t *TLS, sockfd, backlog int32) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(sockfd), uintptr(backlog), 0); err != 0 {
return -1
return 0
// int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
func Xaccept(t *TLS, sockfd int32, addr uintptr, addrlen uintptr) int32 {
// n, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(sockfd), addr, uintptr(addrlen), 0, 0, 0)
// if err != 0 {
// t.setErrno(err)
// return -1
// }
// return int32(n)
// // int getrlimit(int resource, struct rlimit *rlim);
// func Xgetrlimit(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 {
// return Xgetrlimit64(t, resource, rlim)
// }
// // int setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit *rlim);
// func Xsetrlimit(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 {
// return Xsetrlimit64(t, resource, rlim)
// }
// // int setrlimit(int resource, const struct rlimit *rlim);
// func Xsetrlimit64(t *TLS, resource int32, rlim uintptr) int32 {
// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_SETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(rlim), 0); err != 0 {
// t.setErrno(err)
// return -1
// }
// return 0
// }
// uid_t getuid(void);
func Xgetuid(t *TLS) types.Uid_t {
r := types.Uid_t(os.Getuid())
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v", origin(1), r)
return r
// pid_t getpid(void);
func Xgetpid(t *TLS) int32 {
r := int32(os.Getpid())
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v", origin(1), r)
return r
// int system(const char *command);
func Xsystem(t *TLS, command uintptr) int32 {
s := GoString(command)
if command == 0 {
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", s)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
ps := err.(*exec.ExitError)
return int32(ps.ExitCode())
return 0
// int setvbuf(FILE *stream, char *buf, int mode, size_t size);
func Xsetvbuf(t *TLS, stream, buf uintptr, mode int32, size types.Size_t) int32 {
return 0 //TODO
// int raise(int sig);
func Xraise(t *TLS, sig int32) int32 {
// // int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);
// func Xbacktrace(t *TLS, buf uintptr, size int32) int32 {
// panic(todo(""))
// }
// // void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *buffer, int size, int fd);
// func Xbacktrace_symbols_fd(t *TLS, buffer uintptr, size, fd int32) {
// panic(todo(""))
// }
// int fileno(FILE *stream);
func Xfileno(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
if stream == 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
return -1
if fd := int32((*stdio.FILE)(unsafe.Pointer(stream)).F_file); fd >= 0 {
return fd
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
return -1
func newFtsent(t *TLS, info int, path string, stat *unix.Stat_t, err syscall.Errno) (r *fts.FTSENT) {
var statp uintptr
if stat != nil {
statp = Xmalloc(t, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(unix.Stat_t{})))
if statp == 0 {
*(*unix.Stat_t)(unsafe.Pointer(statp)) = *stat
csp, errx := CString(path)
if errx != nil {
return &fts.FTSENT{
Ffts_info: uint16(info),
Ffts_path: csp,
Ffts_pathlen: uint16(len(path)),
Ffts_statp: statp,
Ffts_errno: int32(err),
func newCFtsent(t *TLS, info int, path string, stat *unix.Stat_t, err syscall.Errno) uintptr {
p := Xcalloc(t, 1, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(fts.FTSENT{})))
if p == 0 {
*(*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = *newFtsent(t, info, path, stat, err)
return p
func ftsentClose(t *TLS, p uintptr) {
Xfree(t, (*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).Ffts_path)
Xfree(t, (*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).Ffts_statp)
type ftstream struct {
s []uintptr
x int
func (f *ftstream) close(t *TLS) {
for _, p := range f.s {
ftsentClose(t, p)
Xfree(t, p)
*f = ftstream{}
// FTS *fts_open(char * const *path_argv, int options, int (*compar)(const FTSENT **, const FTSENT **));
func Xfts_open(t *TLS, path_argv uintptr, options int32, compar uintptr) uintptr {
f := &ftstream{}
var walk func(string)
walk = func(path string) {
var fi os.FileInfo
var err error
switch {
case options&fts.FTS_LOGICAL != 0:
fi, err = os.Stat(path)
case options&fts.FTS_PHYSICAL != 0:
fi, err = os.Lstat(path)
if err != nil {
var statp *unix.Stat_t
if options&fts.FTS_NOSTAT == 0 {
var stat unix.Stat_t
switch {
case options&fts.FTS_LOGICAL != 0:
if err := unix.Stat(path, &stat); err != nil {
case options&fts.FTS_PHYSICAL != 0:
if err := unix.Lstat(path, &stat); err != nil {
statp = &stat
switch {
case fi.IsDir():
f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_D, path, statp, 0))
g, err := os.Open(path)
switch x := err.(type) {
case nil:
// ok
case *os.PathError:
f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_DNR, path, statp, errno.EACCES))
break out
panic(todo("%q: %v %T", path, x, x))
names, err := g.Readdirnames(-1)
if err != nil {
for _, name := range names {
walk(path + "/" + name)
if f == nil {
break out
f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_DP, path, statp, 0))
info := fts.FTS_F
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
info = fts.FTS_SL
switch {
case statp != nil:
f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, info, path, statp, 0))
case options&fts.FTS_NOSTAT != 0:
f.s = append(f.s, newCFtsent(t, fts.FTS_NSOK, path, nil, 0))
for {
p := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(path_argv))
if p == 0 {
if f == nil {
return 0
if compar != 0 {
return addObject(f)
path_argv += unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
// FTSENT *fts_read(FTS *ftsp);
func Xfts_read(t *TLS, ftsp uintptr) uintptr {
f := getObject(ftsp).(*ftstream)
if f.x == len(f.s) {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
return 0
r := f.s[f.x]
if e := (*fts.FTSENT)(unsafe.Pointer(r)).Ffts_errno; e != 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
return r
// int fts_close(FTS *ftsp);
func Xfts_close(t *TLS, ftsp uintptr) int32 {
return 0
// void tzset (void);
func Xtzset(t *TLS) {
// char *strerror(int errnum);
func Xstrerror(t *TLS, errnum int32) uintptr {
// void *dlopen(const char *filename, int flags);
func Xdlopen(t *TLS, filename uintptr, flags int32) uintptr {
// char *dlerror(void);
func Xdlerror(t *TLS) uintptr {
// int dlclose(void *handle);
func Xdlclose(t *TLS, handle uintptr) int32 {
// void *dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol);
func Xdlsym(t *TLS, handle, symbol uintptr) uintptr {
// void perror(const char *s);
func Xperror(t *TLS, s uintptr) {
// int pclose(FILE *stream);
func Xpclose(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
// var gai_strerrorBuf [100]byte
// const char *gai_strerror(int errcode);
func Xgai_strerror(t *TLS, errcode int32) uintptr {
// copy(gai_strerrorBuf[:], fmt.Sprintf("gai error %d\x00", errcode))
// return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&gai_strerrorBuf))
// int tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios *termios_p);
func Xtcgetattr(t *TLS, fd int32, termios_p uintptr) int32 {
// int tcsetattr(int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *termios_p);
func Xtcsetattr(t *TLS, fd, optional_actions int32, termios_p uintptr) int32 {
// speed_t cfgetospeed(const struct termios *termios_p);
func Xcfgetospeed(t *TLS, termios_p uintptr) termios.Speed_t {
// int cfsetospeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed);
// func Xcfsetospeed(t *TLS, termios_p uintptr, speed uint32) int32 {
func Xcfsetospeed(...interface{}) int32 {
// int cfsetispeed(struct termios *termios_p, speed_t speed);
// func Xcfsetispeed(t *TLS, termios_p uintptr, speed uint32) int32 {
func Xcfsetispeed(...interface{}) int32 {
// pid_t fork(void);
func Xfork(t *TLS) int32 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: FAIL", origin(1))
return -1
var emptyStr = [1]byte{}
// char *setlocale(int category, const char *locale);
func Xsetlocale(t *TLS, category int32, locale uintptr) uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyStr)) //TODO
// char *nl_langinfo(nl_item item);
func Xnl_langinfo(t *TLS, item langinfo.Nl_item) uintptr {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&emptyStr)) //TODO
// FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *type);
func Xpopen(t *TLS, command, type1 uintptr) uintptr {
// char *realpath(const char *path, char *resolved_path);
func Xrealpath(t *TLS, path, resolved_path uintptr) uintptr {
s, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(GoString(path))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %q: %v FAIL", origin(1), GoString(path), err)
return 0
panic(todo("", err))
if resolved_path == 0 {
if len(s) >= limits.PATH_MAX {
s = s[:limits.PATH_MAX-1]
copy((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(resolved_path))[:len(s):len(s)], s)
(*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(resolved_path))[len(s)] = 0
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %q: ok", origin(1), GoString(path))
return resolved_path
// struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *timep, struct tm *result);
func Xgmtime_r(t *TLS, timep, result uintptr) uintptr {
// char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr in);
func Xinet_ntoa(t *TLS, in1 in.In_addr) uintptr {
func X__ccgo_in6addr_anyp(t *TLS) uintptr {
// return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&in6_addr_any))
func Xabort(t *TLS) {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v:", origin(1))
p := Xcalloc(t, 1, types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(signal.Sigaction{})))
if p == 0 {
(*signal.Sigaction)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).F__sigaction_u.F__sa_handler = signal.SIG_DFL
Xsigaction(t, signal.SIGABRT, p, 0)
Xfree(t, p)
unix.Kill(unix.Getpid(), syscall.Signal(signal.SIGABRT))
// int fflush(FILE *stream);
func Xfflush(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
return 0 //TODO
// size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
func Xfread(t *TLS, ptr uintptr, size, nmemb types.Size_t, stream uintptr) types.Size_t {
fd := uintptr(file(stream).fd())
count := size * nmemb
var n int
var err error
switch {
case count == 0:
n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), nil)
n, err = unix.Read(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:count:count])
if dmesgs && err == nil {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, n %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, n, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:n:n]))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return types.Size_t(n) / size
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Size_t(n) / size
// size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);
func Xfwrite(t *TLS, ptr uintptr, size, nmemb types.Size_t, stream uintptr) types.Size_t {
fd := uintptr(file(stream).fd())
count := size * nmemb
var n int
var err error
switch {
case count == 0:
n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), nil)
n, err = unix.Write(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:count:count])
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, count %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, count, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))[:count:count]))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return types.Size_t(n) / size
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Size_t(n) / size
// int fclose(FILE *stream);
func Xfclose(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
r := file(stream).close(t)
if r != 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), r)
return stdio.EOF
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);
func Xfputc(t *TLS, c int32, stream uintptr) int32 {
if _, err := fwrite(file(stream).fd(), []byte{byte(c)}); err != nil {
return stdio.EOF
return int32(byte(c))
// int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int whence);
func Xfseek(t *TLS, stream uintptr, offset long, whence int32) int32 {
if n := Xlseek(t, int32(file(stream).fd()), types.Off_t(offset), whence); n < 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, whence %v: %v", origin(1), file(stream).fd(), offset, whenceStr(whence), n)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, whence %v: ok", origin(1), file(stream).fd(), offset, whenceStr(whence))
return 0
// long ftell(FILE *stream);
func Xftell(t *TLS, stream uintptr) long {
n := Xlseek(t, file(stream).fd(), 0, stdio.SEEK_CUR)
if n < 0 {
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, n %#x: ok %#x", origin(1), file(stream).fd(), n, long(n))
return long(n)
// int ferror(FILE *stream);
func Xferror(t *TLS, stream uintptr) int32 {
return Bool32(file(stream).err())
// int fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream);
func Xfputs(t *TLS, s, stream uintptr) int32 {
// if _, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_WRITE, uintptr(file(stream).fd()), s, uintptr(Xstrlen(t, s))); err != 0 {
// return -1
// }
// return 0
var getservbynameStaticResult netdb.Servent
// struct servent *getservbyname(const char *name, const char *proto);
func Xgetservbyname(t *TLS, name, proto uintptr) uintptr {
var protoent *gonetdb.Protoent
if proto != 0 {
protoent = gonetdb.GetProtoByName(GoString(proto))
servent := gonetdb.GetServByName(GoString(name), protoent)
if servent == nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%q %q: nil (protoent %+v)", GoString(name), GoString(proto), protoent)
return 0
Xfree(t, (*netdb.Servent)(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult)).Fs_name)
if v := (*netdb.Servent)(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult)).Fs_aliases; v != 0 {
for {
p := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(v))
if p == 0 {
Xfree(t, p)
v += unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
Xfree(t, v)
Xfree(t, (*netdb.Servent)(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult)).Fs_proto)
cname, err := CString(servent.Name)
if err != nil {
getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{}
return 0
var protoname uintptr
if protoent != nil {
if protoname, err = CString(protoent.Name); err != nil {
Xfree(t, cname)
getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{}
return 0
var a []uintptr
for _, v := range servent.Aliases {
cs, err := CString(v)
if err != nil {
for _, v := range a {
Xfree(t, v)
return 0
a = append(a, cs)
v := Xcalloc(t, types.Size_t(len(a)+1), types.Size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))))
if v == 0 {
Xfree(t, cname)
Xfree(t, protoname)
for _, v := range a {
Xfree(t, v)
getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{}
return 0
for _, p := range a {
*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(v)) = p
v += unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))
getservbynameStaticResult = netdb.Servent{
Fs_name: cname,
Fs_aliases: v,
Fs_port: int32(servent.Port),
Fs_proto: protoname,
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&getservbynameStaticResult))
// //TODO- func Xreaddir64(t *TLS, dir uintptr) uintptr {
// //TODO- return Xreaddir(t, dir)
// //TODO- }
// func __syscall(r, _ uintptr, errno syscall.Errno) long {
// if errno != 0 {
// return long(-errno)
// }
// return long(r)
// }
func fcntlCmdStr(cmd int32) string {
switch cmd {
case fcntl.F_GETOWN:
return "F_GETOWN"
case fcntl.F_SETLK:
return "F_SETLK"
case fcntl.F_GETLK:
return "F_GETLK"
case fcntl.F_SETFD:
return "F_SETFD"
case fcntl.F_GETFD:
return "F_GETFD"
return fmt.Sprintf("cmd(%d)", cmd)
// // struct __float2 { float __sinval; float __cosval; };
// // struct __double2 { double __sinval; double __cosval; };
// //
// // extern struct __float2 __sincosf_stret(float);
// // extern struct __double2 __sincos_stret(double);
// // extern struct __float2 __sincospif_stret(float);
// // extern struct __double2 __sincospi_stret(double);
// type X__float2 struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 }
// type X__double2 struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 }
// func X__sincosf_stret(*TLS, float32) X__float2 {
// panic(todo(""))
// }
// func X__sincos_stret(*TLS, float64) X__double2 {
// panic(todo(""))
// }
// func X__sincospif_stret(*TLS, float32) X__float2 {
// panic(todo(""))
// }
// func X__sincospi_stret(*TLS, float64) X__double2 {
// panic(todo(""))
// }
// ssize_t pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset);
func Xpread(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t, offset types.Off_t) types.Ssize_t {
var n int
var err error
switch {
case count == 0:
n, err = unix.Pread(int(fd), nil, int64(offset))
n, err = unix.Pread(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count], int64(offset))
if dmesgs && err == nil {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, count %#x, n %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, offset, count, n, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:n:n]))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Ssize_t(n)
// ssize_t pwrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset);
func Xpwrite(t *TLS, fd int32, buf uintptr, count types.Size_t, offset types.Off_t) types.Ssize_t {
var n int
var err error
switch {
case count == 0:
n, err = unix.Pwrite(int(fd), nil, int64(offset))
n, err = unix.Pwrite(int(fd), (*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count], int64(offset))
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: fd %v, off %#x, count %#x\n%s", origin(1), fd, offset, count, hex.Dump((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:count:count]))
if err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return types.Ssize_t(n)
// char***_NSGetEnviron()
func X_NSGetEnviron(t *TLS) uintptr {
return EnvironP()
// int chflags(const char *path, u_int flags);
func Xchflags(t *TLS, path uintptr, flags uint32) int32 {
if err := unix.Chflags(GoString(path), int(flags)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// int rmdir(const char *pathname);
func Xrmdir(t *TLS, pathname uintptr) int32 {
if err := unix.Rmdir(GoString(pathname)); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// uint64_t mach_absolute_time(void);
func Xmach_absolute_time(t *TLS) uint64 {
return uint64(gotime.Now().UnixNano())
// See https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/qa/qa1398/_index.html
type machTimebaseInfo = struct {
Fnumer uint32
Fdenom uint32
} /* mach_time.h:36:1 */
// kern_return_t mach_timebase_info(mach_timebase_info_t info);
func Xmach_timebase_info(t *TLS, info uintptr) int32 {
*(*machTimebaseInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(info)) = machTimebaseInfo{Fnumer: 1, Fdenom: 1}
return 0
// int getattrlist(const char* path, struct attrlist * attrList, void * attrBuf, size_t attrBufSize, unsigned long options);
func Xgetattrlist(t *TLS, path, attrList, attrBuf uintptr, attrBufSize types.Size_t, options uint32) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_GETATTRLIST, path, attrList, attrBuf, uintptr(attrBufSize), uintptr(options), 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// int setattrlist(const char* path, struct attrlist * attrList, void * attrBuf, size_t attrBufSize, unsigned long options);
func Xsetattrlist(t *TLS, path, attrList, attrBuf uintptr, attrBufSize types.Size_t, options uint32) int32 {
if _, _, err := unix.Syscall6(unix.SYS_SETATTRLIST, path, attrList, attrBuf, uintptr(attrBufSize), uintptr(options), 0); err != 0 { // Cannot avoid the syscall here.
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
return 0
// int copyfile(const char *from, const char *to, copyfile_state_t state, copyfile_flags_t flags);
func Xcopyfile(...interface{}) int32 {
// int truncate(const char *path, off_t length);
func Xtruncate(...interface{}) int32 {
type darwinDir struct {
buf [4096]byte
fd int
h int
l int
eof bool
// DIR *opendir(const char *name);
func Xopendir(t *TLS, name uintptr) uintptr {
p := Xmalloc(t, uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(darwinDir{})))
if p == 0 {
fd := int(Xopen(t, name, fcntl.O_RDONLY|fcntl.O_DIRECTORY|fcntl.O_CLOEXEC, 0))
if fd < 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: FAIL %v", origin(1), (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).fd)
Xfree(t, p)
// trc("==== opendir: %#x", 0)
return 0
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: ok", origin(1))
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).fd = fd
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).h = 0
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).l = 0
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(p)).eof = false
// trc("==== opendir: %#x", p)
return p
// struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp);
func Xreaddir(t *TLS, dir uintptr) uintptr {
if (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).eof {
return 0
// trc(".... readdir %#x: l %v, h %v", dir, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h)
if (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l == (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h {
n, err := unix.Getdirentries((*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).fd, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).buf[:], nil)
// trc("must read: %v %v", n, err)
if n == 0 {
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).eof = true
return 0
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l = 0
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h = n
// trc("new l %v, h %v", (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h)
de := dir + unsafe.Offsetof(darwinDir{}.buf) + uintptr((*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l)
// trc("dir %#x de %#x", dir, de)
(*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l += int((*unix.Dirent)(unsafe.Pointer(de)).Reclen)
// trc("final l %v, h %v", (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).l, (*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).h)
return de
func Xclosedir(t *TLS, dir uintptr) int32 {
// trc("---- closedir: %#x", dir)
r := Xclose(t, int32((*darwinDir)(unsafe.Pointer(dir)).fd))
Xfree(t, dir)
return r
// int pipe(int pipefd[2]);
func Xpipe(t *TLS, pipefd uintptr) int32 {
var a [2]int
if err := syscall.Pipe(a[:]); err != nil {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
*(*[2]int32)(unsafe.Pointer(pipefd)) = [2]int32{int32(a[0]), int32(a[1])}
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v ok", origin(1), a)
return 0
// int __isoc99_sscanf(const char *str, const char *format, ...);
func X__isoc99_sscanf(t *TLS, str, format, va uintptr) int32 {
r := scanf(strings.NewReader(GoString(str)), format, va)
// if dmesgs {
// dmesg("%v: %q %q: %d", origin(1), GoString(str), GoString(format), r)
// }
return r
// int sscanf(const char *str, const char *format, ...);
func Xsscanf(t *TLS, str, format, va uintptr) int32 {
r := scanf(strings.NewReader(GoString(str)), format, va)
// if dmesgs {
// dmesg("%v: %q %q: %d", origin(1), GoString(str), GoString(format), r)
// }
return r
// int posix_fadvise(int fd, off_t offset, off_t len, int advice);
func Xposix_fadvise(t *TLS, fd int32, offset, len types.Off_t, advice int32) int32 {
// clock_t clock(void);
func Xclock(t *TLS) time.Clock_t {
return time.Clock_t(gotime.Since(startTime) * gotime.Duration(time.CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / gotime.Second)
// int iswspace(wint_t wc);
func Xiswspace(t *TLS, wc wctype.Wint_t) int32 {
return Bool32(unicode.IsSpace(rune(wc)))
// int iswalnum(wint_t wc);
func Xiswalnum(t *TLS, wc wctype.Wint_t) int32 {
return Bool32(unicode.IsLetter(rune(wc)) || unicode.IsNumber(rune(wc)))
// void arc4random_buf(void *buf, size_t nbytes);
func Xarc4random_buf(t *TLS, buf uintptr, buflen size_t) {
if _, err := crand.Read((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(buf))[:buflen]); err != nil {
type darwin_mutexattr_t struct {
sig int64
x [8]byte
type darwin_mutex_t struct {
sig int64
x [65]byte
func X__ccgo_pthreadMutexattrGettype(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
return (int32((*darwin_mutexattr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(a)).x[4] >> 2 & 3))
func X__ccgo_getMutexType(tls *TLS, m uintptr) int32 {
return (int32((*darwin_mutex_t)(unsafe.Pointer(m)).x[4] >> 2 & 3))
func X__ccgo_pthreadAttrGetDetachState(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
func Xpthread_attr_getdetachstate(tls *TLS, a uintptr, state uintptr) int32 {
func Xpthread_attr_setdetachstate(tls *TLS, a uintptr, state int32) int32 {
func Xpthread_mutexattr_destroy(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
return 0
func Xpthread_mutexattr_init(tls *TLS, a uintptr) int32 {
*(*darwin_mutexattr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(a)) = darwin_mutexattr_t{}
return 0
func Xpthread_mutexattr_settype(tls *TLS, a uintptr, type1 int32) int32 {
if uint32(type1) > uint32(2) {
return errno.EINVAL
(*darwin_mutexattr_t)(unsafe.Pointer(a)).x[4] = byte(type1 << 2)
return 0
// ssize_t writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);
func Xwritev(t *TLS, fd int32, iov uintptr, iovcnt int32) types.Ssize_t {
// if dmesgs {
// dmesg("%v: fd %v iov %#x iovcnt %v", origin(1), fd, iov, iovcnt)
// }
r, _, err := unix.Syscall(unix.SYS_WRITEV, uintptr(fd), iov, uintptr(iovcnt))
if err != 0 {
if dmesgs {
dmesg("%v: %v FAIL", origin(1), err)
return -1
return types.Ssize_t(r)
// int pause(void);
func Xpause(t *TLS) int32 {
c := make(chan os.Signal)
// syscall.SIGINT,
switch <-c {
case syscall.SIGINT:
return -1
// #define __DARWIN_FD_SETSIZE 1024
// #define __DARWIN_NFDBITS (sizeof(__int32_t) * __DARWIN_NBBY) /* bits per mask */
// #define __DARWIN_NBBY 8 /* bits in a byte */
// #define __DARWIN_howmany(x, y) ((((x) % (y)) == 0) ? ((x) / (y)) : (((x) / (y)) + 1)) /* # y's == x bits? */
// typedef struct fd_set {
// __int32_t fds_bits[__DARWIN_howmany(__DARWIN_FD_SETSIZE, __DARWIN_NFDBITS)];
// } fd_set;
// __darwin_fd_set(int _fd, struct fd_set *const _p)
// {
// (_p->fds_bits[(unsigned long)_fd / __DARWIN_NFDBITS] |= ((__int32_t)(((unsigned long)1) << ((unsigned long)_fd % __DARWIN_NFDBITS))));
// }
func X__darwin_fd_set(tls *TLS, _fd int32, _p uintptr) int32 { /* main.c:12:1: */
*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(_p + uintptr(uint64(_fd)/(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8)))*4)) |= int32(uint64(uint64(1)) << (uint64(_fd) % (uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) * uint64(8))))
return int32(0)
// __darwin_fd_isset(int _fd, const struct fd_set *_p)
// {
// return _p->fds_bits[(unsigned long)_fd / __DARWIN_NFDBITS] & ((__int32_t)(((unsigned long)1) << ((unsigned long)_fd % __DARWIN_NFDBITS)));
// }
func X__darwin_fd_isset(tls *TLS, _fd int32, _p uintptr) int32 { /* main.c:17:1: */
return *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(_p + uintptr(uint64(_fd)/(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8)))*4)) & int32(uint64(uint64(1))<<(uint64(_fd)%(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8))))
// __darwin_fd_clr(int _fd, struct fd_set *const _p)
// {
// (_p->fds_bits[(unsigned long)_fd / __DARWIN_NFDBITS] &= ~((__int32_t)(((unsigned long)1) << ((unsigned long)_fd % __DARWIN_NFDBITS))));
// }
func X__darwin_fd_clr(tls *TLS, _fd int32, _p uintptr) int32 { /* main.c:22:1: */
*(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(_p + uintptr(uint64(_fd)/(uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))*uint64(8)))*4)) &= ^int32(uint64(uint64(1)) << (uint64(_fd) % (uint64(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0))) * uint64(8))))
return int32(0)
// int ungetc(int c, FILE *stream);
func Xungetc(t *TLS, c int32, stream uintptr) int32 {
// int issetugid(void);
func Xissetugid(t *TLS) int32 {
var progname uintptr
// const char *getprogname(void);
func Xgetprogname(t *TLS) uintptr {
if progname != 0 {
return progname
var err error
progname, err = CString(filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
if err != nil {
return 0
return progname
// void uuid_copy(uuid_t dst, uuid_t src);
func Xuuid_copy(t *TLS, dst, src uintptr) {
*(*uuid.Uuid_t)(unsafe.Pointer(dst)) = *(*uuid.Uuid_t)(unsafe.Pointer(src))
// int uuid_parse( char *in, uuid_t uu);
func Xuuid_parse(t *TLS, in uintptr, uu uintptr) int32 {
r, err := guuid.Parse(GoString(in))
if err != nil {
return -1
copy((*RawMem)(unsafe.Pointer(uu))[:unsafe.Sizeof(uuid.Uuid_t{})], r[:])
return 0
// struct __float2 { float __sinval; float __cosval; };
// struct __float2 __sincosf_stret(float);
func X__sincosf_stret(t *TLS, f float32) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 } {
// struct __double2 { double __sinval; double __cosval; };
// struct __double2 __sincos_stret(double);
func X__sincos_stret(t *TLS, f float64) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float64 } {
// struct __float2 __sincospif_stret(float);
func X__sincospif_stret(t *TLS, f float32) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float32 } {
// struct _double2 __sincospi_stret(double);
func X__sincospi_stret(t *TLS, f float64) struct{ F__sinval, F__cosval float64 } {