// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // Profile undocumented type Profile struct { // Entity is the base model of Profile Entity // Account undocumented Account []UserAccountInformation `json:"account,omitempty"` // Anniversaries undocumented Anniversaries []PersonAnniversary `json:"anniversaries,omitempty"` // EducationalActivities undocumented EducationalActivities []EducationalActivity `json:"educationalActivities,omitempty"` // Emails undocumented Emails []ItemEmail `json:"emails,omitempty"` // Interests undocumented Interests []PersonInterest `json:"interests,omitempty"` // Languages undocumented Languages []LanguageProficiency `json:"languages,omitempty"` // Names undocumented Names []PersonName `json:"names,omitempty"` // Phones undocumented Phones []ItemPhone `json:"phones,omitempty"` // Positions undocumented Positions []WorkPosition `json:"positions,omitempty"` // Projects undocumented Projects []ProjectParticipation `json:"projects,omitempty"` // Skills undocumented Skills []SkillProficiency `json:"skills,omitempty"` // WebAccounts undocumented WebAccounts []WebAccount `json:"webAccounts,omitempty"` // Websites undocumented Websites []PersonWebsite `json:"websites,omitempty"` } // ProfilePhoto undocumented type ProfilePhoto struct { // Entity is the base model of ProfilePhoto Entity // Height undocumented Height *int `json:"height,omitempty"` // Width undocumented Width *int `json:"width,omitempty"` }