// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// See LICENSE.txt for license information.

package model

type PostMetadata struct {
	// Embeds holds information required to render content embedded in the post. This includes the OpenGraph metadata
	// for links in the post.
	Embeds []*PostEmbed `json:"embeds,omitempty"`

	// Emojis holds all custom emojis used in the post or used in reaction to the post.
	Emojis []*Emoji `json:"emojis,omitempty"`

	// Files holds information about the file attachments on the post.
	Files []*FileInfo `json:"files,omitempty"`

	// Images holds the dimensions of all external images in the post as a map of the image URL to its diemsnions.
	// This includes image embeds (when the message contains a plaintext link to an image), Markdown images, images
	// contained in the OpenGraph metadata, and images contained in message attachments. It does not contain
	// the dimensions of any file attachments as those are stored in FileInfos.
	Images map[string]*PostImage `json:"images,omitempty"`

	// Reactions holds reactions made to the post.
	Reactions []*Reaction `json:"reactions,omitempty"`

type PostImage struct {
	Width  int `json:"width"`
	Height int `json:"height"`

	// Format is the name of the image format as used by image/go such as "png", "gif", or "jpeg".
	Format string `json:"format"`

	// FrameCount stores the number of frames in this image, if it is an animated gif. It will be 0 for other formats.
	FrameCount int `json:"frame_count"`

// Copy does a deep copy
func (p *PostMetadata) Copy() *PostMetadata {
	embedsCopy := make([]*PostEmbed, len(p.Embeds))
	copy(embedsCopy, p.Embeds)

	emojisCopy := make([]*Emoji, len(p.Emojis))
	copy(emojisCopy, p.Emojis)

	filesCopy := make([]*FileInfo, len(p.Files))
	copy(filesCopy, p.Files)

	imagesCopy := map[string]*PostImage{}
	for k, v := range p.Images {
		imagesCopy[k] = v

	reactionsCopy := make([]*Reaction, len(p.Reactions))
	copy(reactionsCopy, p.Reactions)

	return &PostMetadata{
		Embeds:    embedsCopy,
		Emojis:    emojisCopy,
		Files:     filesCopy,
		Images:    imagesCopy,
		Reactions: reactionsCopy,