package steam import ( "bytes" "compress/gzip" "crypto/rand" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "hash/crc32" "io/ioutil" "net" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" "" . "" . "" . "" . "" ) // Represents a client to the Steam network. // Always poll events from the channel returned by Events() or receiving messages will stop. // All access, unless otherwise noted, should be threadsafe. // // When a FatalErrorEvent is emitted, the connection is automatically closed. The same client can be used to reconnect. // Other errors don't have any effect. type Client struct { // these need to be 64 bit aligned for sync/atomic on 32bit sessionId int32 _ uint32 steamId uint64 currentJobId uint64 Auth *Auth Social *Social Web *Web Notifications *Notifications Trading *Trading GC *GameCoordinator events chan interface{} handlers []PacketHandler handlersMutex sync.RWMutex tempSessionKey []byte ConnectionTimeout time.Duration mutex sync.RWMutex // guarding conn and writeChan conn connection writeChan chan IMsg writeBuf *bytes.Buffer heartbeat *time.Ticker } type PacketHandler interface { HandlePacket(*Packet) } func NewClient() *Client { client := &Client{ events: make(chan interface{}, 3), writeBuf: new(bytes.Buffer), } client.Auth = &Auth{client: client} client.RegisterPacketHandler(client.Auth) client.Social = newSocial(client) client.RegisterPacketHandler(client.Social) client.Web = &Web{client: client} client.RegisterPacketHandler(client.Web) client.Notifications = newNotifications(client) client.RegisterPacketHandler(client.Notifications) client.Trading = &Trading{client: client} client.RegisterPacketHandler(client.Trading) client.GC = newGC(client) client.RegisterPacketHandler(client.GC) return client } // Get the event channel. By convention all events are pointers, except for errors. // It is never closed. func (c *Client) Events() <-chan interface{} { return } func (c *Client) Emit(event interface{}) { <- event } // Emits a FatalErrorEvent formatted with fmt.Errorf and disconnects. func (c *Client) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) { c.Emit(FatalErrorEvent(fmt.Errorf(format, a...))) c.Disconnect() } // Emits an error formatted with fmt.Errorf. func (c *Client) Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) { c.Emit(fmt.Errorf(format, a...)) } // Registers a PacketHandler that receives all incoming packets. func (c *Client) RegisterPacketHandler(handler PacketHandler) { c.handlersMutex.Lock() defer c.handlersMutex.Unlock() c.handlers = append(c.handlers, handler) } func (c *Client) GetNextJobId() JobId { return JobId(atomic.AddUint64(&c.currentJobId, 1)) } func (c *Client) SteamId() SteamId { return SteamId(atomic.LoadUint64(&c.steamId)) } func (c *Client) SessionId() int32 { return atomic.LoadInt32(&c.sessionId) } func (c *Client) Connected() bool { c.mutex.RLock() defer c.mutex.RUnlock() return c.conn != nil } // Connects to a random Steam server and returns its address. // If this client is already connected, it is disconnected first. // This method tries to use an address from the Steam Directory and falls // back to the built-in server list if the Steam Directory can't be reached. // If you want to connect to a specific server, use `ConnectTo`. func (c *Client) Connect() *netutil.PortAddr { var server *netutil.PortAddr // try to initialize the directory cache if !steamDirectoryCache.IsInitialized() { _ = steamDirectoryCache.Initialize() } if steamDirectoryCache.IsInitialized() { server = steamDirectoryCache.GetRandomCM() } else { server = GetRandomCM() } c.ConnectTo(server) return server } // Connects to a specific server. // You may want to use one of the `GetRandom*CM()` functions in this package. // If this client is already connected, it is disconnected first. func (c *Client) ConnectTo(addr *netutil.PortAddr) { c.ConnectToBind(addr, nil) } // Connects to a specific server, and binds to a specified local IP // If this client is already connected, it is disconnected first. func (c *Client) ConnectToBind(addr *netutil.PortAddr, local *net.TCPAddr) { c.Disconnect() conn, err := dialTCP(local, addr.ToTCPAddr()) if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Connect failed: %v", err) return } c.conn = conn c.writeChan = make(chan IMsg, 5) go c.readLoop() go c.writeLoop() } func (c *Client) Disconnect() { c.mutex.Lock() defer c.mutex.Unlock() if c.conn == nil { return } c.conn.Close() c.conn = nil if c.heartbeat != nil { c.heartbeat.Stop() } close(c.writeChan) c.Emit(&DisconnectedEvent{}) } // Adds a message to the send queue. Modifications to the given message after // writing are not allowed (possible race conditions). // // Writes to this client when not connected are ignored. func (c *Client) Write(msg IMsg) { if cm, ok := msg.(IClientMsg); ok { cm.SetSessionId(c.SessionId()) cm.SetSteamId(c.SteamId()) } c.mutex.RLock() defer c.mutex.RUnlock() if c.conn == nil { return } c.writeChan <- msg } func (c *Client) readLoop() { for { // This *should* be atomic on most platforms, but the Go spec doesn't guarantee it c.mutex.RLock() conn := c.conn c.mutex.RUnlock() if conn == nil { return } packet, err := conn.Read() if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error reading from the connection: %v", err) return } c.handlePacket(packet) } } func (c *Client) writeLoop() { for { c.mutex.RLock() conn := c.conn c.mutex.RUnlock() if conn == nil { return } msg, ok := <-c.writeChan if !ok { return } err := msg.Serialize(c.writeBuf) if err != nil { c.writeBuf.Reset() c.Fatalf("Error serializing message %v: %v", msg, err) return } err = conn.Write(c.writeBuf.Bytes()) c.writeBuf.Reset() if err != nil { c.Fatalf("Error writing message %v: %v", msg, err) return } } } func (c *Client) heartbeatLoop(seconds time.Duration) { if c.heartbeat != nil { c.heartbeat.Stop() } c.heartbeat = time.NewTicker(seconds * time.Second) for { _, ok := <-c.heartbeat.C if !ok { break } c.Write(NewClientMsgProtobuf(EMsg_ClientHeartBeat, new(CMsgClientHeartBeat))) } c.heartbeat = nil } func (c *Client) handlePacket(packet *Packet) { switch packet.EMsg { case EMsg_ChannelEncryptRequest: c.handleChannelEncryptRequest(packet) case EMsg_ChannelEncryptResult: c.handleChannelEncryptResult(packet) case EMsg_Multi: c.handleMulti(packet) case EMsg_ClientCMList: c.handleClientCMList(packet) } c.handlersMutex.RLock() defer c.handlersMutex.RUnlock() for _, handler := range c.handlers { handler.HandlePacket(packet) } } func (c *Client) handleChannelEncryptRequest(packet *Packet) { body := NewMsgChannelEncryptRequest() packet.ReadMsg(body) if body.Universe != EUniverse_Public { c.Fatalf("Invalid univserse %v!", body.Universe) } c.tempSessionKey = make([]byte, 32) rand.Read(c.tempSessionKey) encryptedKey := cryptoutil.RSAEncrypt(GetPublicKey(EUniverse_Public), c.tempSessionKey) payload := new(bytes.Buffer) payload.Write(encryptedKey) binary.Write(payload, binary.LittleEndian, crc32.ChecksumIEEE(encryptedKey)) payload.WriteByte(0) payload.WriteByte(0) payload.WriteByte(0) payload.WriteByte(0) c.Write(NewMsg(NewMsgChannelEncryptResponse(), payload.Bytes())) } func (c *Client) handleChannelEncryptResult(packet *Packet) { body := NewMsgChannelEncryptResult() packet.ReadMsg(body) if body.Result != EResult_OK { c.Fatalf("Encryption failed: %v", body.Result) return } c.conn.SetEncryptionKey(c.tempSessionKey) c.tempSessionKey = nil c.Emit(&ConnectedEvent{}) } func (c *Client) handleMulti(packet *Packet) { body := new(CMsgMulti) packet.ReadProtoMsg(body) payload := body.GetMessageBody() if body.GetSizeUnzipped() > 0 { r, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(payload)) if err != nil { c.Errorf("handleMulti: Error while decompressing: %v", err) return } payload, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { c.Errorf("handleMulti: Error while decompressing: %v", err) return } } pr := bytes.NewReader(payload) for pr.Len() > 0 { var length uint32 binary.Read(pr, binary.LittleEndian, &length) packetData := make([]byte, length) pr.Read(packetData) p, err := NewPacket(packetData) if err != nil { c.Errorf("Error reading packet in Multi msg %v: %v", packet, err) continue } c.handlePacket(p) } } func (c *Client) handleClientCMList(packet *Packet) { body := new(CMsgClientCMList) packet.ReadProtoMsg(body) l := make([]*netutil.PortAddr, 0) for i, ip := range body.GetCmAddresses() { l = append(l, &netutil.PortAddr{ readIp(ip), uint16(body.GetCmPorts()[i]), }) } c.Emit(&ClientCMListEvent{l}) } func readIp(ip uint32) net.IP { r := make(net.IP, 4) r[3] = byte(ip) r[2] = byte(ip >> 8) r[1] = byte(ip >> 16) r[0] = byte(ip >> 24) return r }