// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // ProtectAdhocAction undocumented type ProtectAdhocAction struct { // InformationProtectionAction is the base model of ProtectAdhocAction InformationProtectionAction } // ProtectByTemplateAction undocumented type ProtectByTemplateAction struct { // InformationProtectionAction is the base model of ProtectByTemplateAction InformationProtectionAction // TemplateID undocumented TemplateID *string `json:"templateId,omitempty"` } // ProtectDoNotForwardAction undocumented type ProtectDoNotForwardAction struct { // InformationProtectionAction is the base model of ProtectDoNotForwardAction InformationProtectionAction } // ProtectGroup undocumented type ProtectGroup struct { // LabelActionBase is the base model of ProtectGroup LabelActionBase // AllowEmailFromGuestUsers undocumented AllowEmailFromGuestUsers *bool `json:"allowEmailFromGuestUsers,omitempty"` // AllowGuestUsers undocumented AllowGuestUsers *bool `json:"allowGuestUsers,omitempty"` // Privacy undocumented Privacy *GroupPrivacy `json:"privacy,omitempty"` } // ProtectSite undocumented type ProtectSite struct { // LabelActionBase is the base model of ProtectSite LabelActionBase // AccessType undocumented AccessType *SiteAccessType `json:"accessType,omitempty"` }