package object // import "" import ( "fmt" ) // PhotosPhoto struct. type PhotosPhoto struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the photo AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` // Album ID Date int `json:"date"` // Date when uploaded Height int `json:"height"` // Original photo height ID int `json:"id"` // Photo ID Images []PhotosImage `json:"images"` Lat float64 `json:"lat"` // Latitude Long float64 `json:"long"` // Longitude OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Photo owner's ID PostID int `json:"post_id"` // Post ID Text string `json:"text"` // Photo caption UserID int `json:"user_id"` // ID of the user who have uploaded the photo Width int `json:"width"` // Original photo width CanUpload BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload"` CommentsDisabled BaseBoolInt `json:"comments_disabled"` ThumbIsLast BaseBoolInt `json:"thumb_is_last"` UploadByAdminsOnly BaseBoolInt `json:"upload_by_admins_only"` HasTags BaseBoolInt `json:"has_tags"` Created int `json:"created"` Description string `json:"description"` PrivacyComment []string `json:"privacy_comment"` PrivacyView []string `json:"privacy_view"` Size int `json:"size"` Sizes []PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"` ThumbID int `json:"thumb_id"` ThumbSrc string `json:"thumb_src"` Title string `json:"title"` Updated int `json:"updated"` Color string `json:"color"` } // ToAttachment return attachment format. func (photo PhotosPhoto) ToAttachment() string { return fmt.Sprintf("photo%d_%d", photo.OwnerID, photo.ID) } // MaxSize return the largest PhotosPhotoSizes. func (photo PhotosPhoto) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes) { var max float64 for _, photoSize := range photo.Sizes { size := photoSize.Height * photoSize.Width if size > max { max = size maxPhotoSize = photoSize } } return } // MinSize return the smallest PhotosPhotoSizes. func (photo PhotosPhoto) MinSize() (minPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes) { var min float64 for _, photoSize := range photo.Sizes { size := photoSize.Height * photoSize.Width if size < min || min == 0 { min = size minPhotoSize = photoSize } } return } // PhotosCommentXtrPid struct. type PhotosCommentXtrPid struct { Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Author ID ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` Pid int `json:"pid"` // Photo ID ReplyToComment int `json:"reply_to_comment"` // Replied comment ID ReplyToUser int `json:"reply_to_user"` // Replied user ID Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text Thread WallWallCommentThread `json:"thread"` } // PhotosImage struct. type PhotosImage struct { BaseImage Type string `json:"type"` } // PhotosChatUploadResponse struct. type PhotosChatUploadResponse struct { Response string `json:"response"` // Uploaded photo data } // PhotosMarketAlbumUploadResponse struct. type PhotosMarketAlbumUploadResponse struct { GID int `json:"gid"` // Community ID Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number } // PhotosMarketUploadResponse struct. type PhotosMarketUploadResponse struct { CropData string `json:"crop_data"` // Crop data CropHash string `json:"crop_hash"` // Crop hash GroupID int `json:"group_id"` // Community ID Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number } // PhotosMessageUploadResponse struct. type PhotosMessageUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number } // PhotosOwnerUploadResponse struct. type PhotosOwnerUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number } // PhotosPhotoAlbum struct. type PhotosPhotoAlbum struct { Created int `json:"created"` // Date when the album has been created in Unixtime Description string `json:"description"` // Photo album description ID int `json:"id"` // Photo album ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Album owner's ID Size int `json:"size"` // Photos number Thumb PhotosPhoto `json:"thumb"` Title string `json:"title"` // Photo album title Updated int `json:"updated"` // Date when the album has been updated last time in Unixtime } // ToAttachment return attachment format. func (album PhotosPhotoAlbum) ToAttachment() string { return fmt.Sprintf("album%d_%d", album.OwnerID, album.ID) } // PhotosPhotoAlbumFull struct. type PhotosPhotoAlbumFull struct { // Information whether current user can upload photo to the album. CanUpload BaseBoolInt `json:"can_upload"` CommentsDisabled BaseBoolInt `json:"comments_disabled"` // Information whether album comments are disabled Created int `json:"created"` // Date when the album has been created in Unixtime Description string `json:"description"` // Photo album description ID int `json:"id"` // Photo album ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Album owner's ID Size int `json:"size"` // Photos number PrivacyComment Privacy `json:"privacy_comment"` PrivacyView Privacy `json:"privacy_view"` Sizes []PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"` ThumbID int `json:"thumb_id"` // Thumb photo ID // Information whether the album thumb is last photo. ThumbIsLast int `json:"thumb_is_last"` ThumbSrc string `json:"thumb_src"` // URL of the thumb image Title string `json:"title"` // Photo album title // Date when the album has been updated last time in Unixtime. Updated int `json:"updated"` // Information whether only community administrators can upload photos. UploadByAdminsOnly int `json:"upload_by_admins_only"` } // ToAttachment return attachment format. func (album PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) ToAttachment() string { return fmt.Sprintf("album%d_%d", album.OwnerID, album.ID) } // MaxSize return the largest PhotosPhotoSizes. func (album PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes) { var max float64 for _, photoSize := range album.Sizes { size := photoSize.Height * photoSize.Width if size > max { max = size maxPhotoSize = photoSize } } return } // MinSize return the smallest PhotosPhotoSizes. func (album PhotosPhotoAlbumFull) MinSize() (minPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes) { var min float64 for _, photoSize := range album.Sizes { size := photoSize.Height * photoSize.Width if size < min || min == 0 { min = size minPhotoSize = photoSize } } return } // PhotosPhotoFull struct. type PhotosPhotoFull struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the photo AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` // Album ID CanComment BaseBoolInt `json:"can_comment"` // Information whether current user can comment the photo CanRepost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_repost"` // Information whether current user can repost the photo HasTags BaseBoolInt `json:"has_tags"` Comments BaseObjectCount `json:"comments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when uploaded Height int `json:"height"` // Original photo height ID int `json:"id"` // Photo ID Images []PhotosImage `json:"images"` Lat float64 `json:"lat"` // Latitude Likes BaseLikes `json:"likes"` Long float64 `json:"long"` // Longitude OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Photo owner's ID PostID int `json:"post_id"` // Post ID Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` Tags BaseObjectCount `json:"tags"` Text string `json:"text"` // Photo caption UserID int `json:"user_id"` // ID of the user who have uploaded the photo Width int `json:"width"` // Original photo width Hidden int `json:"hidden"` // Returns if the photo is hidden above the wall Photo75 string `json:"photo_75"` // URL of image with 75 px width Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of image with 130 px width Photo604 string `json:"photo_604"` // URL of image with 604 px width Photo807 string `json:"photo_807"` // URL of image with 807 px width Photo1280 string `json:"photo_1280"` // URL of image with 1280 px width Photo2560 string `json:"photo_2560"` // URL of image with 2560 px width Sizes []PhotosPhotoSizes `json:"sizes"` } // ToAttachment return attachment format. func (photo PhotosPhotoFull) ToAttachment() string { return fmt.Sprintf("photo%d_%d", photo.OwnerID, photo.ID) } // MaxSize return the largest PhotosPhotoSizes. func (photo PhotosPhotoFull) MaxSize() (maxPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes) { var max float64 for _, photoSize := range photo.Sizes { size := photoSize.Height * photoSize.Width if size > max { max = size maxPhotoSize = photoSize } } return } // MinSize return the smallest PhotosPhotoSizes. func (photo PhotosPhotoFull) MinSize() (minPhotoSize PhotosPhotoSizes) { var min float64 for _, photoSize := range photo.Sizes { size := photoSize.Height * photoSize.Width if size < min || min == 0 { min = size minPhotoSize = photoSize } } return } // PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset struct. type PhotosPhotoFullXtrRealOffset struct { PhotosPhotoFull RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the photo } // PhotosPhotoSizes struct. type PhotosPhotoSizes struct { // BUG(VK): json: cannot unmarshal number 180.000000 into Go struct field PhotosPhotoSizes.height of type int BaseImage } // PhotosPhotoTag struct. type PhotosPhotoTag struct { Date int `json:"date"` // Date when tag has been added in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Tag ID PlacerID int `json:"placer_id"` // ID of the tag creator TaggedName string `json:"tagged_name"` // Tag description Description string `json:"description"` // Tagged description. UserID int `json:"user_id"` // Tagged user ID Viewed BaseBoolInt `json:"viewed"` // Information whether the tag is reviewed X float64 `json:"x"` // Coordinate X of the left upper corner X2 float64 `json:"x2"` // Coordinate X of the right lower corner Y float64 `json:"y"` // Coordinate Y of the left upper corner Y2 float64 `json:"y2"` // Coordinate Y of the right lower corner } // PhotosPhotoUpload struct. type PhotosPhotoUpload struct { AlbumID int `json:"album_id"` // Album ID UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` // URL to upload photo UserID int `json:"user_id"` // User ID } // PhotosPhotoUploadResponse struct. type PhotosPhotoUploadResponse struct { AID int `json:"aid"` // Album ID Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash PhotosList string `json:"photos_list"` // Uploaded photos data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number } // PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset struct. type PhotosPhotoXtrRealOffset struct { PhotosPhoto RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the photo } // PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo struct. type PhotosPhotoXtrTagInfo struct { PhotosPhoto TagCreated int `json:"tag_created"` // Date when tag has been added in Unixtime TagID int `json:"tag_id"` // Tag ID } // PhotosWallUploadResponse struct. type PhotosWallUploadResponse struct { Hash string `json:"hash"` // Uploading hash Photo string `json:"photo"` // Uploaded photo data Server int `json:"server"` // Upload server number }