// Package tgbotapi has functions and types used for interacting with // the Telegram Bot API. package tgbotapi import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/technoweenie/multipartstreamer" ) // BotAPI allows you to interact with the Telegram Bot API. type BotAPI struct { Token string `json:"token"` Debug bool `json:"debug"` Buffer int `json:"buffer"` Self User `json:"-"` Client *http.Client `json:"-"` } // NewBotAPI creates a new BotAPI instance. // // It requires a token, provided by @BotFather on Telegram. func NewBotAPI(token string) (*BotAPI, error) { return NewBotAPIWithClient(token, &http.Client{}) } // NewBotAPIWithClient creates a new BotAPI instance // and allows you to pass a http.Client. // // It requires a token, provided by @BotFather on Telegram. func NewBotAPIWithClient(token string, client *http.Client) (*BotAPI, error) { bot := &BotAPI{ Token: token, Client: client, Buffer: 100, } self, err := bot.GetMe() if err != nil { return nil, err } bot.Self = self return bot, nil } // MakeRequest makes a request to a specific endpoint with our token. func (bot *BotAPI) MakeRequest(endpoint string, params url.Values) (APIResponse, error) { method := fmt.Sprintf(APIEndpoint, bot.Token, endpoint) resp, err := bot.Client.PostForm(method, params) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusForbidden { return APIResponse{}, errors.New(ErrAPIForbidden) } if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { return APIResponse{}, errors.New(http.StatusText(resp.StatusCode)) } bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } if bot.Debug { log.Println(endpoint, string(bytes)) } var apiResp APIResponse json.Unmarshal(bytes, &apiResp) if !apiResp.Ok { return apiResp, errors.New(apiResp.Description) } return apiResp, nil } // makeMessageRequest makes a request to a method that returns a Message. func (bot *BotAPI) makeMessageRequest(endpoint string, params url.Values) (Message, error) { resp, err := bot.MakeRequest(endpoint, params) if err != nil { return Message{}, err } var message Message json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &message) bot.debugLog(endpoint, params, message) return message, nil } // UploadFile makes a request to the API with a file. // // Requires the parameter to hold the file not be in the params. // File should be a string to a file path, a FileBytes struct, // a FileReader struct, or a url.URL. // // Note that if your FileReader has a size set to -1, it will read // the file into memory to calculate a size. func (bot *BotAPI) UploadFile(endpoint string, params map[string]string, fieldname string, file interface{}) (APIResponse, error) { ms := multipartstreamer.New() switch f := file.(type) { case string: ms.WriteFields(params) fileHandle, err := os.Open(f) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } defer fileHandle.Close() fi, err := os.Stat(f) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } ms.WriteReader(fieldname, fileHandle.Name(), fi.Size(), fileHandle) case FileBytes: ms.WriteFields(params) buf := bytes.NewBuffer(f.Bytes) ms.WriteReader(fieldname, f.Name, int64(len(f.Bytes)), buf) case FileReader: ms.WriteFields(params) if f.Size != -1 { ms.WriteReader(fieldname, f.Name, f.Size, f.Reader) break } data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f.Reader) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data) ms.WriteReader(fieldname, f.Name, int64(len(data)), buf) case url.URL: params[fieldname] = f.String() ms.WriteFields(params) default: return APIResponse{}, errors.New(ErrBadFileType) } method := fmt.Sprintf(APIEndpoint, bot.Token, endpoint) req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", method, nil) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } ms.SetupRequest(req) res, err := bot.Client.Do(req) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } defer res.Body.Close() bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } if bot.Debug { log.Println(string(bytes)) } var apiResp APIResponse err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &apiResp) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } if !apiResp.Ok { return APIResponse{}, errors.New(apiResp.Description) } return apiResp, nil } // GetFileDirectURL returns direct URL to file // // It requires the FileID. func (bot *BotAPI) GetFileDirectURL(fileID string) (string, error) { file, err := bot.GetFile(FileConfig{fileID}) if err != nil { return "", err } return file.Link(bot.Token), nil } // GetMe fetches the currently authenticated bot. // // This method is called upon creation to validate the token, // and so you may get this data from BotAPI.Self without the need for // another request. func (bot *BotAPI) GetMe() (User, error) { resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getMe", nil) if err != nil { return User{}, err } var user User json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &user) bot.debugLog("getMe", nil, user) return user, nil } // IsMessageToMe returns true if message directed to this bot. // // It requires the Message. func (bot *BotAPI) IsMessageToMe(message Message) bool { return strings.Contains(message.Text, "@"+bot.Self.UserName) } // Send will send a Chattable item to Telegram. // // It requires the Chattable to send. func (bot *BotAPI) Send(c Chattable) (Message, error) { switch c.(type) { case Fileable: return bot.sendFile(c.(Fileable)) default: return bot.sendChattable(c) } } // debugLog checks if the bot is currently running in debug mode, and if // so will display information about the request and response in the // debug log. func (bot *BotAPI) debugLog(context string, v url.Values, message interface{}) { if bot.Debug { log.Printf("%s req : %+v\n", context, v) log.Printf("%s resp: %+v\n", context, message) } } // sendExisting will send a Message with an existing file to Telegram. func (bot *BotAPI) sendExisting(method string, config Fileable) (Message, error) { v, err := config.values() if err != nil { return Message{}, err } message, err := bot.makeMessageRequest(method, v) if err != nil { return Message{}, err } return message, nil } // uploadAndSend will send a Message with a new file to Telegram. func (bot *BotAPI) uploadAndSend(method string, config Fileable) (Message, error) { params, err := config.params() if err != nil { return Message{}, err } file := config.getFile() resp, err := bot.UploadFile(method, params, config.name(), file) if err != nil { return Message{}, err } var message Message json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &message) bot.debugLog(method, nil, message) return message, nil } // sendFile determines if the file is using an existing file or uploading // a new file, then sends it as needed. func (bot *BotAPI) sendFile(config Fileable) (Message, error) { if config.useExistingFile() { return bot.sendExisting(config.method(), config) } return bot.uploadAndSend(config.method(), config) } // sendChattable sends a Chattable. func (bot *BotAPI) sendChattable(config Chattable) (Message, error) { v, err := config.values() if err != nil { return Message{}, err } message, err := bot.makeMessageRequest(config.method(), v) if err != nil { return Message{}, err } return message, nil } // GetUserProfilePhotos gets a user's profile photos. // // It requires UserID. // Offset and Limit are optional. func (bot *BotAPI) GetUserProfilePhotos(config UserProfilePhotosConfig) (UserProfilePhotos, error) { v := url.Values{} v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID)) if config.Offset != 0 { v.Add("offset", strconv.Itoa(config.Offset)) } if config.Limit != 0 { v.Add("limit", strconv.Itoa(config.Limit)) } resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getUserProfilePhotos", v) if err != nil { return UserProfilePhotos{}, err } var profilePhotos UserProfilePhotos json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &profilePhotos) bot.debugLog("GetUserProfilePhoto", v, profilePhotos) return profilePhotos, nil } // GetFile returns a File which can download a file from Telegram. // // Requires FileID. func (bot *BotAPI) GetFile(config FileConfig) (File, error) { v := url.Values{} v.Add("file_id", config.FileID) resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getFile", v) if err != nil { return File{}, err } var file File json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &file) bot.debugLog("GetFile", v, file) return file, nil } // GetUpdates fetches updates. // If a WebHook is set, this will not return any data! // // Offset, Limit, and Timeout are optional. // To avoid stale items, set Offset to one higher than the previous item. // Set Timeout to a large number to reduce requests so you can get updates // instantly instead of having to wait between requests. func (bot *BotAPI) GetUpdates(config UpdateConfig) ([]Update, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.Offset != 0 { v.Add("offset", strconv.Itoa(config.Offset)) } if config.Limit > 0 { v.Add("limit", strconv.Itoa(config.Limit)) } if config.Timeout > 0 { v.Add("timeout", strconv.Itoa(config.Timeout)) } resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getUpdates", v) if err != nil { return []Update{}, err } var updates []Update json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &updates) bot.debugLog("getUpdates", v, updates) return updates, nil } // RemoveWebhook unsets the webhook. func (bot *BotAPI) RemoveWebhook() (APIResponse, error) { return bot.MakeRequest("setWebhook", url.Values{}) } // SetWebhook sets a webhook. // // If this is set, GetUpdates will not get any data! // // If you do not have a legitimate TLS certificate, you need to include // your self signed certificate with the config. func (bot *BotAPI) SetWebhook(config WebhookConfig) (APIResponse, error) { if config.Certificate == nil { v := url.Values{} v.Add("url", config.URL.String()) if config.MaxConnections != 0 { v.Add("max_connections", strconv.Itoa(config.MaxConnections)) } return bot.MakeRequest("setWebhook", v) } params := make(map[string]string) params["url"] = config.URL.String() if config.MaxConnections != 0 { params["max_connections"] = strconv.Itoa(config.MaxConnections) } resp, err := bot.UploadFile("setWebhook", params, "certificate", config.Certificate) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } return resp, nil } // GetWebhookInfo allows you to fetch information about a webhook and if // one currently is set, along with pending update count and error messages. func (bot *BotAPI) GetWebhookInfo() (WebhookInfo, error) { resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getWebhookInfo", url.Values{}) if err != nil { return WebhookInfo{}, err } var info WebhookInfo err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &info) return info, err } // GetUpdatesChan starts and returns a channel for getting updates. func (bot *BotAPI) GetUpdatesChan(config UpdateConfig) (UpdatesChannel, error) { ch := make(chan Update, bot.Buffer) go func() { for { updates, err := bot.GetUpdates(config) if err != nil { log.Println(err) log.Println("Failed to get updates, retrying in 3 seconds...") time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) continue } for _, update := range updates { if update.UpdateID >= config.Offset { config.Offset = update.UpdateID + 1 ch <- update } } } }() return ch, nil } // ListenForWebhook registers a http handler for a webhook. func (bot *BotAPI) ListenForWebhook(pattern string) UpdatesChannel { ch := make(chan Update, bot.Buffer) http.HandleFunc(pattern, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) var update Update json.Unmarshal(bytes, &update) ch <- update }) return ch } // AnswerInlineQuery sends a response to an inline query. // // Note that you must respond to an inline query within 30 seconds. func (bot *BotAPI) AnswerInlineQuery(config InlineConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} v.Add("inline_query_id", config.InlineQueryID) v.Add("cache_time", strconv.Itoa(config.CacheTime)) v.Add("is_personal", strconv.FormatBool(config.IsPersonal)) v.Add("next_offset", config.NextOffset) data, err := json.Marshal(config.Results) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } v.Add("results", string(data)) v.Add("switch_pm_text", config.SwitchPMText) v.Add("switch_pm_parameter", config.SwitchPMParameter) bot.debugLog("answerInlineQuery", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("answerInlineQuery", v) } // AnswerCallbackQuery sends a response to an inline query callback. func (bot *BotAPI) AnswerCallbackQuery(config CallbackConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} v.Add("callback_query_id", config.CallbackQueryID) if config.Text != "" { v.Add("text", config.Text) } v.Add("show_alert", strconv.FormatBool(config.ShowAlert)) if config.URL != "" { v.Add("url", config.URL) } v.Add("cache_time", strconv.Itoa(config.CacheTime)) bot.debugLog("answerCallbackQuery", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("answerCallbackQuery", v) } // KickChatMember kicks a user from a chat. Note that this only will work // in supergroups, and requires the bot to be an admin. Also note they // will be unable to rejoin until they are unbanned. func (bot *BotAPI) KickChatMember(config KickChatMemberConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID)) if config.UntilDate != 0 { v.Add("until_date", strconv.FormatInt(config.UntilDate, 10)) } bot.debugLog("kickChatMember", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("kickChatMember", v) } // LeaveChat makes the bot leave the chat. func (bot *BotAPI) LeaveChat(config ChatConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } bot.debugLog("leaveChat", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("leaveChat", v) } // GetChat gets information about a chat. func (bot *BotAPI) GetChat(config ChatConfig) (Chat, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getChat", v) if err != nil { return Chat{}, err } var chat Chat err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &chat) bot.debugLog("getChat", v, chat) return chat, err } // GetChatAdministrators gets a list of administrators in the chat. // // If none have been appointed, only the creator will be returned. // Bots are not shown, even if they are an administrator. func (bot *BotAPI) GetChatAdministrators(config ChatConfig) ([]ChatMember, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getChatAdministrators", v) if err != nil { return []ChatMember{}, err } var members []ChatMember err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &members) bot.debugLog("getChatAdministrators", v, members) return members, err } // GetChatMembersCount gets the number of users in a chat. func (bot *BotAPI) GetChatMembersCount(config ChatConfig) (int, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getChatMembersCount", v) if err != nil { return -1, err } var count int err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &count) bot.debugLog("getChatMembersCount", v, count) return count, err } // GetChatMember gets a specific chat member. func (bot *BotAPI) GetChatMember(config ChatConfigWithUser) (ChatMember, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID)) resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getChatMember", v) if err != nil { return ChatMember{}, err } var member ChatMember err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &member) bot.debugLog("getChatMember", v, member) return member, err } // UnbanChatMember unbans a user from a chat. Note that this only will work // in supergroups and channels, and requires the bot to be an admin. func (bot *BotAPI) UnbanChatMember(config ChatMemberConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername != "" { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } else if config.ChannelUsername != "" { v.Add("chat_id", config.ChannelUsername) } else { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID)) bot.debugLog("unbanChatMember", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("unbanChatMember", v) } // RestrictChatMember to restrict a user in a supergroup. The bot must be an //administrator in the supergroup for this to work and must have the //appropriate admin rights. Pass True for all boolean parameters to lift //restrictions from a user. Returns True on success. func (bot *BotAPI) RestrictChatMember(config RestrictChatMemberConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername != "" { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } else if config.ChannelUsername != "" { v.Add("chat_id", config.ChannelUsername) } else { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID)) if &config.CanSendMessages != nil { v.Add("can_send_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanSendMessages)) } if &config.CanSendMediaMessages != nil { v.Add("can_send_media_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanSendMediaMessages)) } if &config.CanSendOtherMessages != nil { v.Add("can_send_other_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanSendOtherMessages)) } if &config.CanAddWebPagePreviews != nil { v.Add("can_add_web_page_previews", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanAddWebPagePreviews)) } bot.debugLog("restrictChatMember", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("restrictChatMember", v) } func (bot *BotAPI) PromoteChatMember(config PromoteChatMemberConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername != "" { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } else if config.ChannelUsername != "" { v.Add("chat_id", config.ChannelUsername) } else { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID)) if &config.CanChangeInfo != nil { v.Add("can_change_info", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanChangeInfo)) } if &config.CanPostMessages != nil { v.Add("can_post_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanPostMessages)) } if &config.CanEditMessages != nil { v.Add("can_edit_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanEditMessages)) } if &config.CanDeleteMessages != nil { v.Add("can_delete_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanDeleteMessages)) } if &config.CanInviteUsers != nil { v.Add("can_invite_users", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanInviteUsers)) } if &config.CanRestrictMembers != nil { v.Add("can_restrict_members", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanRestrictMembers)) } if &config.CanPinMessages != nil { v.Add("can_pin_messages", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanPinMessages)) } if &config.CanPromoteMembers != nil { v.Add("can_promote_members", strconv.FormatBool(*config.CanPromoteMembers)) } bot.debugLog("promoteChatMember", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("promoteChatMember", v) } // GetGameHighScores allows you to get the high scores for a game. func (bot *BotAPI) GetGameHighScores(config GetGameHighScoresConfig) ([]GameHighScore, error) { v, _ := config.values() resp, err := bot.MakeRequest(config.method(), v) if err != nil { return []GameHighScore{}, err } var highScores []GameHighScore err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &highScores) return highScores, err } // AnswerShippingQuery allows you to reply to Update with shipping_query parameter. func (bot *BotAPI) AnswerShippingQuery(config ShippingConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} v.Add("shipping_query_id", config.ShippingQueryID) v.Add("ok", strconv.FormatBool(config.OK)) if config.OK == true { data, err := json.Marshal(config.ShippingOptions) if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } v.Add("shipping_options", string(data)) } else { v.Add("error_message", config.ErrorMessage) } bot.debugLog("answerShippingQuery", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("answerShippingQuery", v) } // AnswerPreCheckoutQuery allows you to reply to Update with pre_checkout_query. func (bot *BotAPI) AnswerPreCheckoutQuery(config PreCheckoutConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v := url.Values{} v.Add("pre_checkout_query_id", config.PreCheckoutQueryID) v.Add("ok", strconv.FormatBool(config.OK)) if config.OK != true { v.Add("error", config.ErrorMessage) } bot.debugLog("answerPreCheckoutQuery", v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest("answerPreCheckoutQuery", v) } // DeleteMessage deletes a message in a chat func (bot *BotAPI) DeleteMessage(config DeleteMessageConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v, err := config.values() if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } bot.debugLog(config.method(), v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest(config.method(), v) } // GetInviteLink get InviteLink for a chat func (bot *BotAPI) GetInviteLink(config ChatConfig) (string, error) { v := url.Values{} if config.SuperGroupUsername == "" { v.Add("chat_id", strconv.FormatInt(config.ChatID, 10)) } else { v.Add("chat_id", config.SuperGroupUsername) } resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("exportChatInviteLink", v) var inviteLink string err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &inviteLink) return inviteLink, err } // Pin message in supergroup func (bot *BotAPI) PinChatMessage(config PinChatMessageConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v, err := config.values() if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } bot.debugLog(config.method(), v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest(config.method(), v) } // Unpin message in supergroup func (bot *BotAPI) UnpinChatMessage(config UnpinChatMessageConfig) (APIResponse, error) { v, err := config.values() if err != nil { return APIResponse{}, err } bot.debugLog(config.method(), v, nil) return bot.MakeRequest(config.method(), v) }