// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // AndroidGeneralDeviceConfiguration This topic provides descriptions of the declared methods, properties and relationships exposed by the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration resource. type AndroidGeneralDeviceConfiguration struct { // DeviceConfiguration is the base model of AndroidGeneralDeviceConfiguration DeviceConfiguration // AppsBlockClipboardSharing Indicates whether or not to block clipboard sharing to copy and paste between applications. AppsBlockClipboardSharing *bool `json:"appsBlockClipboardSharing,omitempty"` // AppsBlockCopyPaste Indicates whether or not to block copy and paste within applications. AppsBlockCopyPaste *bool `json:"appsBlockCopyPaste,omitempty"` // AppsBlockYouTube Indicates whether or not to block the YouTube app. AppsBlockYouTube *bool `json:"appsBlockYouTube,omitempty"` // BluetoothBlocked Indicates whether or not to block Bluetooth. BluetoothBlocked *bool `json:"bluetoothBlocked,omitempty"` // CameraBlocked Indicates whether or not to block the use of the camera. CameraBlocked *bool `json:"cameraBlocked,omitempty"` // CellularBlockDataRoaming Indicates whether or not to block data roaming. CellularBlockDataRoaming *bool `json:"cellularBlockDataRoaming,omitempty"` // CellularBlockMessaging Indicates whether or not to block SMS/MMS messaging. CellularBlockMessaging *bool `json:"cellularBlockMessaging,omitempty"` // CellularBlockVoiceRoaming Indicates whether or not to block voice roaming. CellularBlockVoiceRoaming *bool `json:"cellularBlockVoiceRoaming,omitempty"` // CellularBlockWiFiTethering Indicates whether or not to block syncing Wi-Fi tethering. CellularBlockWiFiTethering *bool `json:"cellularBlockWiFiTethering,omitempty"` // CompliantAppsList List of apps in the compliance (either allow list or block list, controlled by CompliantAppListType). This collection can contain a maximum of 10000 elements. CompliantAppsList []AppListItem `json:"compliantAppsList,omitempty"` // CompliantAppListType Type of list that is in the CompliantAppsList. CompliantAppListType *AppListType `json:"compliantAppListType,omitempty"` // DiagnosticDataBlockSubmission Indicates whether or not to block diagnostic data submission. DiagnosticDataBlockSubmission *bool `json:"diagnosticDataBlockSubmission,omitempty"` // LocationServicesBlocked Indicates whether or not to block location services. LocationServicesBlocked *bool `json:"locationServicesBlocked,omitempty"` // GoogleAccountBlockAutoSync Indicates whether or not to block Google account auto sync. GoogleAccountBlockAutoSync *bool `json:"googleAccountBlockAutoSync,omitempty"` // GooglePlayStoreBlocked Indicates whether or not to block the Google Play store. GooglePlayStoreBlocked *bool `json:"googlePlayStoreBlocked,omitempty"` // KioskModeBlockSleepButton Indicates whether or not to block the screen sleep button while in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeBlockSleepButton *bool `json:"kioskModeBlockSleepButton,omitempty"` // KioskModeBlockVolumeButtons Indicates whether or not to block the volume buttons while in Kiosk Mode. KioskModeBlockVolumeButtons *bool `json:"kioskModeBlockVolumeButtons,omitempty"` // DateAndTimeBlockChanges Indicates whether or not to block changing date and time while in KNOX Mode. DateAndTimeBlockChanges *bool `json:"dateAndTimeBlockChanges,omitempty"` // KioskModeApps A list of apps that will be allowed to run when the device is in Kiosk Mode. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements. KioskModeApps []AppListItem `json:"kioskModeApps,omitempty"` // NfcBlocked Indicates whether or not to block Near-Field Communication. NfcBlocked *bool `json:"nfcBlocked,omitempty"` // PasswordBlockFingerprintUnlock Indicates whether or not to block fingerprint unlock. PasswordBlockFingerprintUnlock *bool `json:"passwordBlockFingerprintUnlock,omitempty"` // PasswordBlockTrustAgents Indicates whether or not to block Smart Lock and other trust agents. PasswordBlockTrustAgents *bool `json:"passwordBlockTrustAgents,omitempty"` // PasswordExpirationDays Number of days before the password expires. Valid values 1 to 365 PasswordExpirationDays *int `json:"passwordExpirationDays,omitempty"` // PasswordMinimumLength Minimum length of passwords. Valid values 4 to 16 PasswordMinimumLength *int `json:"passwordMinimumLength,omitempty"` // PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout Minutes of inactivity before the screen times out. PasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout *int `json:"passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout,omitempty"` // PasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount Number of previous passwords to block. Valid values 0 to 24 PasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount *int `json:"passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount,omitempty"` // PasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset Number of sign in failures allowed before factory reset. Valid values 1 to 16 PasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset *int `json:"passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset,omitempty"` // PasswordRequiredType Type of password that is required. PasswordRequiredType *AndroidRequiredPasswordType `json:"passwordRequiredType,omitempty"` // PasswordRequired Indicates whether or not to require a password. PasswordRequired *bool `json:"passwordRequired,omitempty"` // PowerOffBlocked Indicates whether or not to block powering off the device. PowerOffBlocked *bool `json:"powerOffBlocked,omitempty"` // FactoryResetBlocked Indicates whether or not to block user performing a factory reset. FactoryResetBlocked *bool `json:"factoryResetBlocked,omitempty"` // ScreenCaptureBlocked Indicates whether or not to block screenshots. ScreenCaptureBlocked *bool `json:"screenCaptureBlocked,omitempty"` // DeviceSharingAllowed Indicates whether or not to allow device sharing mode. DeviceSharingAllowed *bool `json:"deviceSharingAllowed,omitempty"` // StorageBlockGoogleBackup Indicates whether or not to block Google Backup. StorageBlockGoogleBackup *bool `json:"storageBlockGoogleBackup,omitempty"` // StorageBlockRemovableStorage Indicates whether or not to block removable storage usage. StorageBlockRemovableStorage *bool `json:"storageBlockRemovableStorage,omitempty"` // StorageRequireDeviceEncryption Indicates whether or not to require device encryption. StorageRequireDeviceEncryption *bool `json:"storageRequireDeviceEncryption,omitempty"` // StorageRequireRemovableStorageEncryption Indicates whether or not to require removable storage encryption. StorageRequireRemovableStorageEncryption *bool `json:"storageRequireRemovableStorageEncryption,omitempty"` // VoiceAssistantBlocked Indicates whether or not to block the use of the Voice Assistant. VoiceAssistantBlocked *bool `json:"voiceAssistantBlocked,omitempty"` // VoiceDialingBlocked Indicates whether or not to block voice dialing. VoiceDialingBlocked *bool `json:"voiceDialingBlocked,omitempty"` // WebBrowserBlockPopups Indicates whether or not to block popups within the web browser. WebBrowserBlockPopups *bool `json:"webBrowserBlockPopups,omitempty"` // WebBrowserBlockAutofill Indicates whether or not to block the web browser's auto fill feature. WebBrowserBlockAutofill *bool `json:"webBrowserBlockAutofill,omitempty"` // WebBrowserBlockJavaScript Indicates whether or not to block JavaScript within the web browser. WebBrowserBlockJavaScript *bool `json:"webBrowserBlockJavaScript,omitempty"` // WebBrowserBlocked Indicates whether or not to block the web browser. WebBrowserBlocked *bool `json:"webBrowserBlocked,omitempty"` // WebBrowserCookieSettings Cookie settings within the web browser. WebBrowserCookieSettings *WebBrowserCookieSettings `json:"webBrowserCookieSettings,omitempty"` // WiFiBlocked Indicates whether or not to block syncing Wi-Fi. WiFiBlocked *bool `json:"wiFiBlocked,omitempty"` // AppsInstallAllowList List of apps which can be installed on the KNOX device. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements. AppsInstallAllowList []AppListItem `json:"appsInstallAllowList,omitempty"` // AppsLaunchBlockList List of apps which are blocked from being launched on the KNOX device. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements. AppsLaunchBlockList []AppListItem `json:"appsLaunchBlockList,omitempty"` // AppsHideList List of apps to be hidden on the KNOX device. This collection can contain a maximum of 500 elements. AppsHideList []AppListItem `json:"appsHideList,omitempty"` // SecurityRequireVerifyApps Require the Android Verify apps feature is turned on. SecurityRequireVerifyApps *bool `json:"securityRequireVerifyApps,omitempty"` }