// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // DepEnrollmentProfile The depEnrollmentProfile resource represents an Apple Device Enrollment Program (DEP) enrollment profile. This type of profile must be assigned to Apple DEP serial numbers before the corresponding devices can enroll via DEP. type DepEnrollmentProfile struct { // EnrollmentProfile is the base model of DepEnrollmentProfile EnrollmentProfile // IsDefault Indicates if this is the default profile IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"` // SupervisedModeEnabled Supervised mode, True to enable, false otherwise. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/intune/deploy-use/enroll-devices-in-microsoft-intune for additional information. SupervisedModeEnabled *bool `json:"supervisedModeEnabled,omitempty"` // SupportDepartment Support department information SupportDepartment *string `json:"supportDepartment,omitempty"` // PassCodeDisabled Indicates if Passcode setup pane is disabled PassCodeDisabled *bool `json:"passCodeDisabled,omitempty"` // IsMandatory Indicates if the profile is mandatory IsMandatory *bool `json:"isMandatory,omitempty"` // LocationDisabled Indicates if Location service setup pane is disabled LocationDisabled *bool `json:"locationDisabled,omitempty"` // SupportPhoneNumber Support phone number SupportPhoneNumber *string `json:"supportPhoneNumber,omitempty"` // ITunesPairingMode Indicates the iTunes pairing mode ITunesPairingMode *ITunesPairingMode `json:"iTunesPairingMode,omitempty"` // ProfileRemovalDisabled Indicates if the profile removal option is disabled ProfileRemovalDisabled *bool `json:"profileRemovalDisabled,omitempty"` // ManagementCertificates Management certificates for Apple Configurator ManagementCertificates []ManagementCertificateWithThumbprint `json:"managementCertificates,omitempty"` // RestoreBlocked Indicates if Restore setup pane is blocked RestoreBlocked *bool `json:"restoreBlocked,omitempty"` // RestoreFromAndroidDisabled Indicates if Restore from Android is disabled RestoreFromAndroidDisabled *bool `json:"restoreFromAndroidDisabled,omitempty"` // AppleIDDisabled Indicates if Apple id setup pane is disabled AppleIDDisabled *bool `json:"appleIdDisabled,omitempty"` // TermsAndConditionsDisabled Indicates if 'Terms and Conditions' setup pane is disabled TermsAndConditionsDisabled *bool `json:"termsAndConditionsDisabled,omitempty"` // TouchIDDisabled Indicates if touch id setup pane is disabled TouchIDDisabled *bool `json:"touchIdDisabled,omitempty"` // ApplePayDisabled Indicates if Apple pay setup pane is disabled ApplePayDisabled *bool `json:"applePayDisabled,omitempty"` // ZoomDisabled Indicates if zoom setup pane is disabled ZoomDisabled *bool `json:"zoomDisabled,omitempty"` // SiriDisabled Indicates if siri setup pane is disabled SiriDisabled *bool `json:"siriDisabled,omitempty"` // DiagnosticsDisabled Indicates if diagnostics setup pane is disabled DiagnosticsDisabled *bool `json:"diagnosticsDisabled,omitempty"` // MacOSRegistrationDisabled Indicates if Mac OS registration is disabled MacOSRegistrationDisabled *bool `json:"macOSRegistrationDisabled,omitempty"` // MacOSFileVaultDisabled Indicates if Mac OS file vault is disabled MacOSFileVaultDisabled *bool `json:"macOSFileVaultDisabled,omitempty"` // AwaitDeviceConfiguredConfirmation Indicates if the device will need to wait for configured confirmation AwaitDeviceConfiguredConfirmation *bool `json:"awaitDeviceConfiguredConfirmation,omitempty"` // SharedIPadMaximumUserCount This specifies the maximum number of users that can use a shared iPad. Only applicable in shared iPad mode. SharedIPadMaximumUserCount *int `json:"sharedIPadMaximumUserCount,omitempty"` // EnableSharedIPad This indicates whether the device is to be enrolled in a mode which enables multi user scenarios. Only applicable in shared iPads. EnableSharedIPad *bool `json:"enableSharedIPad,omitempty"` }