// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // DeviceOperatingSystemSummary undocumented type DeviceOperatingSystemSummary struct { // Object is the base model of DeviceOperatingSystemSummary Object // AndroidCount Number of android device count. AndroidCount *int `json:"androidCount,omitempty"` // IOSCount Number of iOS device count. IOSCount *int `json:"iosCount,omitempty"` // MacOSCount Number of Mac OS X device count. MacOSCount *int `json:"macOSCount,omitempty"` // WindowsMobileCount Number of Windows mobile device count. WindowsMobileCount *int `json:"windowsMobileCount,omitempty"` // WindowsCount Number of Windows device count. WindowsCount *int `json:"windowsCount,omitempty"` // UnknownCount Number of unknown device count. UnknownCount *int `json:"unknownCount,omitempty"` // AndroidDedicatedCount Number of dedicated Android devices. AndroidDedicatedCount *int `json:"androidDedicatedCount,omitempty"` // AndroidDeviceAdminCount Number of device admin Android devices. AndroidDeviceAdminCount *int `json:"androidDeviceAdminCount,omitempty"` // AndroidFullyManagedCount Number of fully managed Android devices. AndroidFullyManagedCount *int `json:"androidFullyManagedCount,omitempty"` // AndroidWorkProfileCount Number of work profile Android devices. AndroidWorkProfileCount *int `json:"androidWorkProfileCount,omitempty"` }