// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph import "time" // TeamsDeviceUsageUserCounts undocumented type TeamsDeviceUsageUserCounts struct { // Entity is the base model of TeamsDeviceUsageUserCounts Entity // ReportRefreshDate undocumented ReportRefreshDate *time.Time `json:"reportRefreshDate,omitempty"` // Web undocumented Web *int `json:"web,omitempty"` // WindowsPhone undocumented WindowsPhone *int `json:"windowsPhone,omitempty"` // AndroidPhone undocumented AndroidPhone *int `json:"androidPhone,omitempty"` // IOS undocumented IOS *int `json:"ios,omitempty"` // Mac undocumented Mac *int `json:"mac,omitempty"` // Windows undocumented Windows *int `json:"windows,omitempty"` // ReportDate undocumented ReportDate *time.Time `json:"reportDate,omitempty"` // ReportPeriod undocumented ReportPeriod *string `json:"reportPeriod,omitempty"` }