package object // import "" // WallAppPost struct. type WallAppPost struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Application ID Name string `json:"name"` // Application name Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of the preview image with 130 px in width Photo604 string `json:"photo_604"` // URL of the preview image with 604 px in width } // WallAttachedNote struct. type WallAttachedNote struct { Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments number Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the note has been created in Unixtime ID int `json:"id"` // Note ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Note owner's ID ReadComments int `json:"read_comments"` // Read comments number Title string `json:"title"` // Note title ViewURL string `json:"view_url"` // URL of the page with note preview } // WallCommentAttachment struct. type WallCommentAttachment struct { Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio"` Doc DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Market MarketMarketItem `json:"market"` MarketMarketAlbum MarketMarketAlbum `json:"market_market_album"` Note WallAttachedNote `json:"note"` Page PagesWikipageFull `json:"page"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` Sticker BaseSticker `json:"sticker"` Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Graffiti WallGraffiti `json:"graffiti"` } // WallGraffiti struct. type WallGraffiti struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Graffiti ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Graffiti owner's ID Photo200 string `json:"photo_200"` // URL of the preview image with 200 px in width Photo586 string `json:"photo_586"` // URL of the preview image with 586 px in width URL string `json:"url"` Width int `json:"width"` Height int `json:"height"` AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` } // Type of post source. const ( WallPostSourceTypeVk = "vk" WallPostSourceTypeWidget = "widget" WallPostSourceTypeAPI = "api" WallPostSourceTypeRss = "rss" WallPostSourceTypeSms = "sms" ) // WallPostSource struct. type WallPostSource struct { Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Data string `json:"data"` // Additional data Platform string `json:"platform"` // Platform name Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` // URL to an external site used to publish the post } // WallPostedPhoto struct. type WallPostedPhoto struct { ID int `json:"id"` // Photo ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Photo owner's ID Photo130 string `json:"photo_130"` // URL of the preview image with 130 px in width Photo604 string `json:"photo_604"` // URL of the preview image with 604 px in width } // WallViews struct. type WallViews struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Count } // WallWallCommentThread struct. type WallWallCommentThread struct { Count int `json:"count"` // Comments number Items []WallWallComment `json:"items"` CanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"can_post"` // Information whether current user can comment the post GroupsCanPost BaseBoolInt `json:"groups_can_post"` // Information whether groups can comment the post ShowReplyButton BaseBoolInt `json:"show_reply_button"` } // WallWallComment struct. type WallWallComment struct { Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime Deleted BaseBoolInt `json:"deleted"` FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Author ID ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the comment ReplyToComment int `json:"reply_to_comment"` // Replied comment ID ReplyToUser int `json:"reply_to_user"` // Replied user ID Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text PostID int `json:"post_id"` PostOwnerID int `json:"post_owner_id"` PhotoID int `json:"photo_id"` PhotoOwnerID int `json:"photo_owner_id"` VideoID int `json:"video_id"` VideoOwnerID int `json:"video_owner_id"` ItemID int `json:"item_id"` MarketOwnerID int `json:"market_owner_id"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` Thread WallWallCommentThread `json:"thread"` Donut WallWallCommentDonut `json:"donut"` } // WallWallCommentDonut info about VK Donut. type WallWallCommentDonut struct { IsDonut BaseBoolInt `json:"is_donut"` Placeholder string `json:"placeholder"` } // WallPost type. const ( WallPostTypePost = "post" WallPostTypeCopy = "copy" WallPostTypeReply = "reply" WallPostTypePostpone = "postpone" WallPostTypeSuggest = "suggest" ) // WallWallpost struct. type WallWallpost struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key to private object ID int `json:"id"` // Post ID OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Wall owner's ID FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Post author ID CreatedBy int `json:"created_by"` Date int `json:"date"` // Date of publishing in Unixtime Text string `json:"text"` // Post text ReplyOwnerID int `json:"reply_owner_id"` ReplyPostID int `json:"reply_post_id"` FriendsOnly int `json:"friends_only"` Comments BaseCommentsInfo `json:"comments"` Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` // Count of likes Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` // Count of reposts Views WallViews `json:"views"` // Count of views PostType string `json:"post_type"` PostSource WallPostSource `json:"post_source"` Attachments []WallWallpostAttachment `json:"attachments"` Geo BaseGeo `json:"geo"` SignerID int `json:"signer_id"` // Post signer ID CopyHistory []WallWallpost `json:"copy_history"` CanPin BaseBoolInt `json:"can_pin"` CanDelete BaseBoolInt `json:"can_delete"` CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` IsPinned BaseBoolInt `json:"is_pinned"` IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` // Information whether the post in favorites list IsArchived BaseBoolInt `json:"is_archived"` // Is post archived, only for post owners IsDeleted BaseBoolInt `json:"is_deleted"` MarkedAsAds BaseBoolInt `json:"marked_as_ads"` Edited int `json:"edited"` // Date of editing in Unixtime Copyright WallPostCopyright `json:"copyright"` PostID int `json:"post_id"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` Donut WallWallpostDonut `json:"donut"` ShortTextRate float64 `json:"short_text_rate"` CarouselOffset int `json:"carousel_offset"` Header WallWallpostHeader `json:"header"` Hash string `json:"hash"` } // Attachment type. // // TODO: check this. const ( AttachmentTypePhoto = "photo" AttachmentTypePostedPhoto = "posted_photo" AttachmentTypeAudio = "audio" AttachmentTypeVideo = "video" AttachmentTypeDoc = "doc" AttachmentTypeLink = "link" AttachmentTypeGraffiti = "graffiti" AttachmentTypeNote = "note" AttachmentTypeApp = "app" AttachmentTypePoll = "poll" AttachmentTypePage = "page" AttachmentTypeAlbum = "album" AttachmentTypePhotosList = "photos_list" AttachmentTypeMarketAlbum = "market_album" AttachmentTypeMarket = "market" AttachmentTypeEvent = "event" AttachmentTypeWall = "wall" AttachmentTypeStory = "story" AttachmentTypePodcast = "podcast" ) // WallWallpostAttachment struct. type WallWallpostAttachment struct { AccessKey string `json:"access_key"` // Access key for the audio Album PhotosPhotoAlbum `json:"album"` App WallAppPost `json:"app"` Audio AudioAudio `json:"audio"` Doc DocsDoc `json:"doc"` Event EventsEventAttach `json:"event"` Graffiti WallGraffiti `json:"graffiti"` Link BaseLink `json:"link"` Market MarketMarketItem `json:"market"` MarketMarketAlbum MarketMarketAlbum `json:"market_market_album"` Note WallAttachedNote `json:"note"` Page PagesWikipageFull `json:"page"` Photo PhotosPhoto `json:"photo"` PhotosList []string `json:"photos_list"` Poll PollsPoll `json:"poll"` PostedPhoto WallPostedPhoto `json:"posted_photo"` Type string `json:"type"` Video VideoVideo `json:"video"` Podcast PodcastsEpisode `json:"podcast"` } // WallWallpostToID struct. type WallWallpostToID struct { Attachments []WallWallpostAttachment `json:"attachments"` Comments BaseCommentsInfo `json:"comments"` CopyOwnerID int `json:"copy_owner_id"` // ID of the source post owner CopyPostID int `json:"copy_post_id"` // ID of the source post Date int `json:"date"` // Date of publishing in Unixtime FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Post author ID Geo BaseGeo `json:"geo"` ID int `json:"id"` // Post ID Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"` PostID int `json:"post_id"` // wall post ID (if comment) PostSource WallPostSource `json:"post_source"` PostType string `json:"post_type"` Reposts BaseRepostsInfo `json:"reposts"` SignerID int `json:"signer_id"` // Post signer ID Text string `json:"text"` // Post text ToID int `json:"to_id"` // Wall owner's ID IsFavorite BaseBoolInt `json:"is_favorite"` // Information whether the post in favorites list MarkedAsAds BaseBoolInt `json:"marked_as_ads"` ParentsStack []int `json:"parents_stack"` Donut WallWallpostDonut `json:"donut"` ShortTextRate float64 `json:"short_text_rate"` Views WallViews `json:"views"` // Count of views Header WallWallpostHeader `json:"header"` } // WallWallpostDonut info about VK Donut. type WallWallpostDonut struct { IsDonut BaseBoolInt `json:"is_donut"` CanPublishFreeCopy BaseBoolInt `json:"can_publish_free_copy"` PaidDuration int `json:"paid_duration"` EditMode string `json:"edit_mode"` Durations []BaseObjectWithName `json:"durations"` } // WallPostCopyright information about the source of the post. type WallPostCopyright struct { ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` Link string `json:"link"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` } // WallWallpostHeader struct. type WallWallpostHeader struct { Type string `json:"type"` CustomDescription WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription `json:"custom_description"` } // WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription struct. type WallWallpostHeaderCustomDescription struct { SourceID int `json:"source_id"` Date int `json:"date"` }