package libtgsconverter import "bytes" import "errors" import "compress/gzip" import "image" import "io/ioutil" import "" type ConverterOptions interface { SetExtension(ext string) SetFPS(fps uint) SetScale(scale float32) SetWebpQuality(webp_quality float32) GetExtension() string GetFPS() uint GetScale() float32 GetWebpQuality() float32 } type converter_options struct { // apng, gif, png or webp extension string // Frame per second of output image (if you specify apng, gif or webp) fps uint // Scale of image result scale float32 // Webp encoder quality (0 to 100) webpQuality float32 } func(opt *converter_options) SetExtension(ext string) { opt.extension = ext } func(opt *converter_options) SetFPS(fps uint) { opt.fps = fps } func(opt *converter_options) SetScale(scale float32) { opt.scale = scale } func(opt *converter_options) SetWebpQuality(webp_quality float32) { opt.webpQuality = webp_quality } func(opt *converter_options) GetExtension() string { return opt.extension } func(opt *converter_options) GetFPS() uint { return opt.fps } func(opt *converter_options) GetScale() float32 { return opt.scale } func(opt *converter_options) GetWebpQuality() float32 { return opt.webpQuality } func NewConverterOptions() ConverterOptions { return &converter_options{"png", 30, 1.0, 75} } func imageFromBuffer(p []byte, w uint, h uint) *image.RGBA { // rlottie use ARGB32_Premultiplied for i := 0; i < len(p); i += 4 { p[i + 0], p[i + 2] = p[i + 2], p[i + 0] } m := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, int(w), int(h))) m.Pix = p m.Stride = int(w) * 4 return m } var disabled_cache = false func ImportFromData(data []byte, options ConverterOptions) ([]byte, error) { if !disabled_cache { disabled_cache = true go_rlottie.LottieConfigureModelCacheSize(0) } z, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(data)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed to create gzip reader:" + err.Error()) } uncompressed, err := ioutil.ReadAll(z) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed to read gzip archive") } z.Close() animation := go_rlottie.LottieAnimationFromData(string(uncompressed[:]), "", "") if animation == nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed to import lottie animation data") } w, h := go_rlottie.LottieAnimationGetSize(animation) w = uint(float32(w) * options.GetScale()) h = uint(float32(h) * options.GetScale()) frame_rate := go_rlottie.LottieAnimationGetFramerate(animation) frame_count := go_rlottie.LottieAnimationGetTotalframe(animation) duration := float32(frame_count) / float32(frame_rate) var desired_framerate = float32(options.GetFPS()) // Most (Gif) player doesn't support ~60fps (found in most tgs) if desired_framerate > 50. { desired_framerate = 50. } step := 1.0 / desired_framerate writer := newImageWriter(options.GetExtension(), w, h, options) if writer == nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed create imagewriter") } var i float32 for i = 0.; i < duration; i += step { frame := go_rlottie.LottieAnimationGetFrameAtPos(animation, i / duration) buf := make([]byte, w * h * 4) go_rlottie.LottieAnimationRender(animation, frame, buf, w, h, w * 4) m := imageFromBuffer(buf, w, h) err := writer.AddFrame(m, uint(desired_framerate)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Failed to add frame:" + err.Error()) } if !writer.SupportsAnimation() { break } } go_rlottie.LottieAnimationDestroy(animation) return writer.Result(), nil } func ImportFromFile(path string, options ConverterOptions) ([]byte, error) { tgs, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return nil, errors.New("Error when opening file:" + err.Error()) } return ImportFromData(tgs, options) } func SupportsExtension(extension string) (bool) { switch extension { case "apng": fallthrough case "gif": fallthrough case "png": fallthrough case "webp": return true default: return false } return false }