package request import ( "bytes" "net/http" "net/http/cookiejar" "net/url" "time" ) // TODO: func unit test coverage func (c *Client) buildRequest() (err error) { if err = c.applyRequest(); err != nil { return } c.applyHTTPHeader() c.applyBasicAuth() c.applyClient() c.applyTimeout() c.applyCookies() // Apply transport needs to be called before TLSConfig as TLSConfig modifies // the http transport c.applyTransport() c.applyTLSConfig() err = c.applyProxy() c.client.Transport = c.Transport return } func (c *Client) applyRequest() (err error) { // encode requestURL.httpURL like c.requestURL = requestURL{ urlString: c.URL, parameters: c.Params, } if err = c.requestURL.EncodeURL(); err != nil { return } c.req, err = http.NewRequest(c.Method, c.requestURL.string(), bytes.NewReader(c.Body)) return } func (c *Client) applyHTTPHeader() { if c.Method == POST { if c.ContentType == emptyString { c.ContentType = ApplicationJSON } c.req.Header.Set(contentType, string(c.ContentType)) } for k, v := range c.Header { c.req.Header.Add(k, v) } } func (c *Client) applyBasicAuth() { if c.BasicAuth.Username != emptyString && c.BasicAuth.Password != emptyString { c.req.SetBasicAuth(c.BasicAuth.Username, c.BasicAuth.Password) } } func (c *Client) applyClient() { c.client = &http.Client{} } func (c *Client) applyTimeout() { if c.Timeout > 0 { c.client.Timeout = c.Timeout * time.Second } } func (c *Client) applyCookies() { if c.Cookies != nil { jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil) jar.SetCookies(&url.URL{Scheme: c.requestURL.scheme(), Host:}, c.Cookies) c.client.Jar = jar } } // TODO: test case func (c *Client) applyProxy() (err error) { if c.ProxyURL != emptyString { var proxy *url.URL if proxy, err = url.Parse(c.ProxyURL); err != nil { return } else if proxy != nil { c.Transport.Proxy = http.ProxyURL(proxy) } } return } func (c *Client) applyTLSConfig() { if c.TLSConfig != nil { c.Transport.TLSClientConfig = c.TLSConfig } } func (c *Client) applyTransport() { if c.Transport == nil { c.Transport = &http.Transport{} } }