// Copyright (c) 2021 Tulir Asokan // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. package whatsmeow import ( "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "errors" "fmt" "sort" "strings" "time" "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" "go.mau.fi/libsignal/groups" "go.mau.fi/libsignal/keys/prekey" "go.mau.fi/libsignal/protocol" "go.mau.fi/libsignal/session" waBinary "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary" waProto "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary/proto" "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/types" ) // GenerateMessageID generates a random string that can be used as a message ID on WhatsApp. // // msgID := whatsmeow.GenerateMessageID() // cli.SendMessage(targetJID, msgID, &waProto.Message{...}) func GenerateMessageID() types.MessageID { id := make([]byte, 16) _, err := rand.Read(id) if err != nil { // Out of entropy panic(err) } return strings.ToUpper(hex.EncodeToString(id)) } // SendMessage sends the given message. // // If the message ID is not provided, a random message ID will be generated. // // This method will wait for the server to acknowledge the message before returning. // The return value is the timestamp of the message from the server. // // The message itself can contain anything you want (within the protobuf schema). // e.g. for a simple text message, use the Conversation field: // cli.SendMessage(targetJID, "", &waProto.Message{ // Conversation: proto.String("Hello, World!"), // }) // // Things like replies, mentioning users and the "forwarded" flag are stored in ContextInfo, // which can be put in ExtendedTextMessage and any of the media message types. // // For uploading and sending media/attachments, see the Upload method. // // For other message types, you'll have to figure it out yourself. Looking at the protobuf schema // in binary/proto/def.proto may be useful to find out all the allowed fields. func (cli *Client) SendMessage(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message) (time.Time, error) { if to.AD { return time.Time{}, ErrRecipientADJID } if len(id) == 0 { id = GenerateMessageID() } cli.addRecentMessage(to, id, message) respChan := cli.waitResponse(id) var err error var phash string switch to.Server { case types.GroupServer: phash, err = cli.sendGroup(to, id, message) case types.DefaultUserServer: err = cli.sendDM(to, id, message) case types.BroadcastServer: err = ErrBroadcastListUnsupported default: err = fmt.Errorf("%w %s", ErrUnknownServer, to.Server) } if err != nil { cli.cancelResponse(id, respChan) return time.Time{}, err } resp := <-respChan if resp == closedNode { return time.Time{}, ErrSendDisconnected } ag := resp.AttrGetter() ts := time.Unix(ag.Int64("t"), 0) expectedPHash := ag.OptionalString("phash") if len(expectedPHash) > 0 && phash != expectedPHash { cli.Log.Warnf("Server returned different participant list hash when sending to %s. Some devices may not have received the message.", to) // TODO also invalidate device list caches cli.groupParticipantsCacheLock.Lock() delete(cli.groupParticipantsCache, to) cli.groupParticipantsCacheLock.Unlock() } return ts, nil } // RevokeMessage deletes the given message from everyone in the chat. // You can only revoke your own messages, and if the message is too old, then other users will ignore the deletion. // // This method will wait for the server to acknowledge the revocation message before returning. // The return value is the timestamp of the message from the server. func (cli *Client) RevokeMessage(chat types.JID, id types.MessageID) (time.Time, error) { return cli.SendMessage(chat, cli.generateRequestID(), &waProto.Message{ ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{ Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE.Enum(), Key: &waProto.MessageKey{ FromMe: proto.Bool(true), Id: proto.String(id), RemoteJid: proto.String(chat.String()), }, }, }) } func participantListHashV2(participants []types.JID) string { participantsStrings := make([]string, len(participants)) for i, part := range participants { participantsStrings[i] = part.String() } sort.Strings(participantsStrings) hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(strings.Join(participantsStrings, ""))) return fmt.Sprintf("2:%s", base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash[:6])) } func (cli *Client) sendGroup(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message) (string, error) { participants, err := cli.getGroupMembers(to) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get group members: %w", err) } plaintext, _, err := marshalMessage(to, message) if err != nil { return "", err } builder := groups.NewGroupSessionBuilder(cli.Store, pbSerializer) senderKeyName := protocol.NewSenderKeyName(to.String(), cli.Store.ID.SignalAddress()) signalSKDMessage, err := builder.Create(senderKeyName) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create sender key distribution message to send %s to %s: %w", id, to, err) } skdMessage := &waProto.Message{ SenderKeyDistributionMessage: &waProto.SenderKeyDistributionMessage{ GroupId: proto.String(to.String()), AxolotlSenderKeyDistributionMessage: signalSKDMessage.Serialize(), }, } skdPlaintext, err := proto.Marshal(skdMessage) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal sender key distribution message to send %s to %s: %w", id, to, err) } cipher := groups.NewGroupCipher(builder, senderKeyName, cli.Store) encrypted, err := cipher.Encrypt(padMessage(plaintext)) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt group message to send %s to %s: %w", id, to, err) } ciphertext := encrypted.SignedSerialize() node, allDevices, err := cli.prepareMessageNode(to, id, message, participants, skdPlaintext, nil) if err != nil { return "", err } phash := participantListHashV2(allDevices) node.Attrs["phash"] = phash node.Content = append(node.GetChildren(), waBinary.Node{ Tag: "enc", Content: ciphertext, Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{"v": "2", "type": "skmsg"}, }) err = cli.sendNode(*node) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to send message node: %w", err) } return phash, nil } func (cli *Client) sendDM(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message) error { messagePlaintext, deviceSentMessagePlaintext, err := marshalMessage(to, message) if err != nil { return err } node, _, err := cli.prepareMessageNode(to, id, message, []types.JID{to, *cli.Store.ID}, messagePlaintext, deviceSentMessagePlaintext) if err != nil { return err } err = cli.sendNode(*node) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to send message node: %w", err) } return nil } func (cli *Client) prepareMessageNode(to types.JID, id types.MessageID, message *waProto.Message, participants []types.JID, plaintext, dsmPlaintext []byte) (*waBinary.Node, []types.JID, error) { allDevices, err := cli.GetUserDevices(participants) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get device list: %w", err) } participantNodes, includeIdentity := cli.encryptMessageForDevices(allDevices, id, plaintext, dsmPlaintext) node := waBinary.Node{ Tag: "message", Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{ "id": id, "type": "text", "to": to, }, Content: []waBinary.Node{{ Tag: "participants", Content: participantNodes, }}, } if message.ProtocolMessage != nil && message.GetProtocolMessage().GetType() == waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE && message.GetProtocolMessage().GetKey() != nil { node.Attrs["edit"] = "7" } if includeIdentity { err := cli.appendDeviceIdentityNode(&node) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } } return &node, allDevices, nil } func marshalMessage(to types.JID, message *waProto.Message) (plaintext, dsmPlaintext []byte, err error) { plaintext, err = proto.Marshal(message) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal message: %w", err) return } if to.Server != types.GroupServer { dsmPlaintext, err = proto.Marshal(&waProto.Message{ DeviceSentMessage: &waProto.DeviceSentMessage{ DestinationJid: proto.String(to.String()), Message: message, }, }) if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal message (for own devices): %w", err) return } } return } func (cli *Client) appendDeviceIdentityNode(node *waBinary.Node) error { deviceIdentity, err := proto.Marshal(cli.Store.Account) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal device identity: %w", err) } node.Content = append(node.GetChildren(), waBinary.Node{ Tag: "device-identity", Content: deviceIdentity, }) return nil } func (cli *Client) encryptMessageForDevices(allDevices []types.JID, id string, msgPlaintext, dsmPlaintext []byte) ([]waBinary.Node, bool) { includeIdentity := false participantNodes := make([]waBinary.Node, 0, len(allDevices)) var retryDevices []types.JID for _, jid := range allDevices { plaintext := msgPlaintext if jid.User == cli.Store.ID.User && dsmPlaintext != nil { if jid == *cli.Store.ID { continue } plaintext = dsmPlaintext } encrypted, isPreKey, err := cli.encryptMessageForDeviceAndWrap(plaintext, jid, nil) if errors.Is(err, ErrNoSession) { retryDevices = append(retryDevices, jid) continue } else if err != nil { cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to encrypt %s for %s: %v", id, jid, err) continue } participantNodes = append(participantNodes, *encrypted) if isPreKey { includeIdentity = true } } if len(retryDevices) > 0 { bundles, err := cli.fetchPreKeys(retryDevices) if err != nil { cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to fetch prekeys for %d to retry encryption: %v", retryDevices, err) } else { for _, jid := range retryDevices { resp := bundles[jid] if resp.err != nil { cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to fetch prekey for %s: %v", jid, resp.err) continue } plaintext := msgPlaintext if jid.User == cli.Store.ID.User && dsmPlaintext != nil { plaintext = dsmPlaintext } encrypted, isPreKey, err := cli.encryptMessageForDeviceAndWrap(plaintext, jid, resp.bundle) if err != nil { cli.Log.Warnf("Failed to encrypt %s for %s (retry): %v", id, jid, err) continue } participantNodes = append(participantNodes, *encrypted) if isPreKey { includeIdentity = true } } } } return participantNodes, includeIdentity } func (cli *Client) encryptMessageForDeviceAndWrap(plaintext []byte, to types.JID, bundle *prekey.Bundle) (*waBinary.Node, bool, error) { node, includeDeviceIdentity, err := cli.encryptMessageForDevice(plaintext, to, bundle) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } return &waBinary.Node{ Tag: "to", Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{"jid": to}, Content: []waBinary.Node{*node}, }, includeDeviceIdentity, nil } func (cli *Client) encryptMessageForDevice(plaintext []byte, to types.JID, bundle *prekey.Bundle) (*waBinary.Node, bool, error) { builder := session.NewBuilderFromSignal(cli.Store, to.SignalAddress(), pbSerializer) if bundle != nil { cli.Log.Debugf("Processing prekey bundle for %s", to) err := builder.ProcessBundle(bundle) if err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("failed to process prekey bundle: %w", err) } } else if !cli.Store.ContainsSession(to.SignalAddress()) { return nil, false, ErrNoSession } cipher := session.NewCipher(builder, to.SignalAddress()) ciphertext, err := cipher.Encrypt(padMessage(plaintext)) if err != nil { return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("cipher encryption failed: %w", err) } encType := "msg" if ciphertext.Type() == protocol.PREKEY_TYPE { encType = "pkmsg" } return &waBinary.Node{ Tag: "enc", Attrs: waBinary.Attrs{ "v": "2", "type": encType, }, Content: ciphertext.Serialize(), }, encType == "pkmsg", nil }