// Code generated by msgraph-generate.go DO NOT EDIT. package msgraph // Win32LobApp Contains properties and inherited properties for Win32 apps. type Win32LobApp struct { // MobileLobApp is the base model of Win32LobApp MobileLobApp // InstallCommandLine The command line to install this app InstallCommandLine *string `json:"installCommandLine,omitempty"` // UninstallCommandLine The command line to uninstall this app UninstallCommandLine *string `json:"uninstallCommandLine,omitempty"` // ApplicableArchitectures The Windows architecture(s) for which this app can run on. ApplicableArchitectures *WindowsArchitecture `json:"applicableArchitectures,omitempty"` // MinimumSupportedOperatingSystem The value for the minimum applicable operating system. MinimumSupportedOperatingSystem *WindowsMinimumOperatingSystem `json:"minimumSupportedOperatingSystem,omitempty"` // MinimumFreeDiskSpaceInMB The value for the minimum free disk space which is required to install this app. MinimumFreeDiskSpaceInMB *int `json:"minimumFreeDiskSpaceInMB,omitempty"` // MinimumMemoryInMB The value for the minimum physical memory which is required to install this app. MinimumMemoryInMB *int `json:"minimumMemoryInMB,omitempty"` // MinimumNumberOfProcessors The value for the minimum number of processors which is required to install this app. MinimumNumberOfProcessors *int `json:"minimumNumberOfProcessors,omitempty"` // MinimumCPUSpeedInMHz The value for the minimum CPU speed which is required to install this app. MinimumCPUSpeedInMHz *int `json:"minimumCpuSpeedInMHz,omitempty"` // DetectionRules The detection rules to detect Win32 Line of Business (LoB) app. DetectionRules []Win32LobAppDetection `json:"detectionRules,omitempty"` // RequirementRules The requirement rules to detect Win32 Line of Business (LoB) app. RequirementRules []Win32LobAppRequirement `json:"requirementRules,omitempty"` // InstallExperience The install experience for this app. InstallExperience *Win32LobAppInstallExperience `json:"installExperience,omitempty"` // ReturnCodes The return codes for post installation behavior. ReturnCodes []Win32LobAppReturnCode `json:"returnCodes,omitempty"` // MsiInformation The MSI details if this Win32 app is an MSI app. MsiInformation *Win32LobAppMsiInformation `json:"msiInformation,omitempty"` // SetupFilePath The relative path of the setup file in the encrypted Win32LobApp package. SetupFilePath *string `json:"setupFilePath,omitempty"` }