// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build !go1.8,darwin !go1.8,freebsd !go1.8,openbsd package osext import ( "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "runtime" "syscall" "unsafe" ) var initCwd, initCwdErr = os.Getwd() func executable() (string, error) { var mib [4]int32 switch runtime.GOOS { case "freebsd": mib = [4]int32{1 /* CTL_KERN */, 14 /* KERN_PROC */, 12 /* KERN_PROC_PATHNAME */, -1} case "darwin": mib = [4]int32{1 /* CTL_KERN */, 38 /* KERN_PROCARGS */, int32(os.Getpid()), -1} case "openbsd": mib = [4]int32{1 /* CTL_KERN */, 55 /* KERN_PROC_ARGS */, int32(os.Getpid()), 1 /* KERN_PROC_ARGV */} } n := uintptr(0) // Get length. _, _, errNum := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])), 4, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&n)), 0, 0) if errNum != 0 { return "", errNum } if n == 0 { // This shouldn't happen. return "", nil } buf := make([]byte, n) _, _, errNum = syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS___SYSCTL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0])), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&n)), 0, 0) if errNum != 0 { return "", errNum } if n == 0 { // This shouldn't happen. return "", nil } var execPath string switch runtime.GOOS { case "openbsd": // buf now contains **argv, with pointers to each of the C-style // NULL terminated arguments. var args []string argv := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) Loop: for { argp := *(**[1 << 20]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(argv)) if argp == nil { break } for i := 0; uintptr(i) < n; i++ { // we don't want the full arguments list if string(argp[i]) == " " { break Loop } if argp[i] != 0 { continue } args = append(args, string(argp[:i])) n -= uintptr(i) break } if n < unsafe.Sizeof(argv) { break } argv += unsafe.Sizeof(argv) n -= unsafe.Sizeof(argv) } execPath = args[0] // There is no canonical way to get an executable path on // OpenBSD, so check PATH in case we are called directly if execPath[0] != '/' && execPath[0] != '.' { execIsInPath, err := exec.LookPath(execPath) if err == nil { execPath = execIsInPath } } default: for i, v := range buf { if v == 0 { buf = buf[:i] break } } execPath = string(buf) } var err error // execPath will not be empty due to above checks. // Try to get the absolute path if the execPath is not rooted. if execPath[0] != '/' { execPath, err = getAbs(execPath) if err != nil { return execPath, err } } // For darwin KERN_PROCARGS may return the path to a symlink rather than the // actual executable. if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { if execPath, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(execPath); err != nil { return execPath, err } } return execPath, nil } func getAbs(execPath string) (string, error) { if initCwdErr != nil { return execPath, initCwdErr } // The execPath may begin with a "../" or a "./" so clean it first. // Join the two paths, trailing and starting slashes undetermined, so use // the generic Join function. return filepath.Join(initCwd, filepath.Clean(execPath)), nil }