language: go go: - 1.11.x # we have everything vendored install: true git: depth: 200 env: - GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 # - GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 #- GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm matrix: # It's ok if our code fails on unstable development versions of Go. allow_failures: - go: tip # Don't wait for tip tests to finish. Mark the test run green if the # tests pass on the stable versions of Go. fast_finish: true notifications: email: false before_script: - MY_VERSION=$(git describe --tags) # - GO_FILES=$(find . -iname '*.go' | grep -v /vendor/) # All the .go files, excluding vendor/ - PKGS=$(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/) # All the import paths, excluding vendor/ # - go get # Linter #- go get # Badass static analyzer/linter - curl -sfL | bash -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin v1.12.2 # Anything in before_script: that returns a nonzero exit code will # flunk the build and immediately stop. It's sorta like having # set -e enabled in bash. script: #- test -z "$(go fmt ./...)" # Fail if a .go file hasn't been formatted with gofmt - go test -v -race $PKGS # Run all the tests with the race detector enabled #- go vet $PKGS # go vet is the official Go static analyzer - golangci-lint run --enable-all -D lll -D errcheck -D gosec -D maligned -D prealloc -D gocyclo -D gochecknoglobals #- megacheck $PKGS # "go vet on steroids" + linter - /bin/bash ci/ #- golint -set_exit_status $PKGS # one last linter deploy: provider: bintray edge: branch: v1.8.47 file: ci/deploy.json user: 42wim key: secure: "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"