// Copyright 2015 The Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package markdown var terminatorCharTable = [256]bool{ '\n': true, '!': true, '#': true, '$': true, '%': true, '&': true, '*': true, '+': true, '-': true, ':': true, '<': true, '=': true, '>': true, '@': true, '[': true, '\\': true, ']': true, '^': true, '_': true, '`': true, '{': true, '}': true, '~': true, } func ruleText(s *StateInline, silent bool) bool { pos := s.Pos max := s.PosMax src := s.Src for pos < max && !terminatorCharTable[src[pos]] { pos++ } if pos == s.Pos { return false } if !silent { s.Pending.WriteString(src[s.Pos:pos]) } s.Pos = pos return true }