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synced 2025-03-16 02:42:33 +00:00
435 lines
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435 lines
12 KiB
package bridge
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
ircm "github.com/sorcix/irc"
//type Bridge struct {
type MMhook struct {
mh *matterhook.Client
type MMapi struct {
mc *matterclient.MMClient
mmMap map[string]string
mmIgnoreNicks []string
type MMirc struct {
i *irc.Connection
ircNick string
ircMap map[string]string
names map[string][]string
ircIgnoreNicks []string
type MMMessage struct {
Text string
Channel string
Username string
type Bridge struct {
kind string
type FancyLog struct {
irc *log.Entry
mm *log.Entry
var flog FancyLog
const Legacy = "legacy"
func initFLog() {
flog.irc = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": "irc"})
flog.mm = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": "mattermost"})
func NewBridge(name string, config *Config, kind string) *Bridge {
b := &Bridge{}
b.Config = config
b.kind = kind
b.ircNick = b.Config.IRC.Nick
b.ircMap = make(map[string]string)
b.MMirc.names = make(map[string][]string)
b.ircIgnoreNicks = strings.Fields(b.Config.IRC.IgnoreNicks)
b.mmIgnoreNicks = strings.Fields(b.Config.Mattermost.IgnoreNicks)
if kind == Legacy {
if len(b.Config.Token) > 0 {
for _, val := range b.Config.Token {
b.ircMap[val.IRCChannel] = val.MMChannel
b.mh = matterhook.New(b.Config.Mattermost.URL,
matterhook.Config{Port: b.Config.Mattermost.Port, Token: b.Config.Mattermost.Token,
InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.Mattermost.SkipTLSVerify,
BindAddress: b.Config.Mattermost.BindAddress})
} else {
b.mmMap = make(map[string]string)
if len(b.Config.Channel) > 0 {
for _, val := range b.Config.Channel {
b.ircMap[val.IRC] = val.Mattermost
b.mmMap[val.Mattermost] = val.IRC
b.mc = matterclient.New(b.Config.Mattermost.Login, b.Config.Mattermost.Password,
b.Config.Mattermost.Team, b.Config.Mattermost.Server)
b.mc.SkipTLSVerify = b.Config.Mattermost.SkipTLSVerify
b.mc.NoTLS = b.Config.Mattermost.NoTLS
flog.mm.Infof("Trying login %s (team: %s) on %s", b.Config.Mattermost.Login, b.Config.Mattermost.Team, b.Config.Mattermost.Server)
err := b.mc.Login()
if err != nil {
flog.mm.Fatal("Can not connect", err)
flog.mm.Info("Login ok")
if len(b.Config.Channel) > 0 {
for _, val := range b.Config.Channel {
go b.mc.WsReceiver()
flog.irc.Info("Trying IRC connection")
b.i = b.createIRC(name)
flog.irc.Info("Connection succeeded")
go b.handleMatter()
return b
func (b *Bridge) createIRC(name string) *irc.Connection {
i := irc.IRC(b.Config.IRC.Nick, b.Config.IRC.Nick)
i.UseTLS = b.Config.IRC.UseTLS
i.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.Config.IRC.SkipTLSVerify}
if b.Config.IRC.Password != "" {
i.Password = b.Config.IRC.Password
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_WELCOME, b.handleNewConnection)
i.Connect(b.Config.IRC.Server + ":" + strconv.Itoa(b.Config.IRC.Port))
return i
func (b *Bridge) handleNewConnection(event *irc.Event) {
flog.irc.Info("Registering callbacks")
i := b.i
b.ircNick = event.Arguments[0]
i.AddCallback("PRIVMSG", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.AddCallback("CTCP_ACTION", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_ENDOFNAMES, b.endNames)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_NAMREPLY, b.storeNames)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, b.handleTopicWhoTime)
i.AddCallback(ircm.NOTICE, b.handleNotice)
i.AddCallback(ircm.RPL_MYINFO, func(e *irc.Event) { flog.irc.Infof("%s: %s", e.Code, strings.Join(e.Arguments[1:], " ")) })
i.AddCallback("PING", func(e *irc.Event) {
i.SendRaw("PONG :" + e.Message())
if b.Config.Mattermost.ShowJoinPart {
i.AddCallback("JOIN", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("PART", b.handleJoinPart)
i.AddCallback("*", b.handleOther)
func (b *Bridge) setupChannels() {
i := b.i
if b.Config.IRC.Channel != "" {
flog.irc.Infof("Joining %s as %s", b.Config.IRC.Channel, b.ircNick)
if b.kind == Legacy {
for _, val := range b.Config.Token {
flog.irc.Infof("Joining %s as %s", val.IRCChannel, b.ircNick)
} else {
for _, val := range b.Config.Channel {
flog.irc.Infof("Joining %s as %s", val.IRC, b.ircNick)
func (b *Bridge) handleIrcBotCommand(event *irc.Event) bool {
parts := strings.Fields(event.Message())
exp, _ := regexp.Compile("[:,]+$")
channel := event.Arguments[0]
command := ""
if len(parts) == 2 {
command = parts[1]
if exp.ReplaceAllString(parts[0], "") == b.ircNick {
switch command {
case "users":
usernames := b.mc.UsernamesInChannel(b.getMMChannel(channel))
b.i.Privmsg(channel, "Users on Mattermost: "+strings.Join(usernames, ", "))
b.i.Privmsg(channel, "Valid commands are: [users, help]")
return true
return false
func (b *Bridge) ircNickFormat(nick string) string {
if nick == b.ircNick {
return nick
if b.Config.Mattermost.RemoteNickFormat == nil {
return "irc-" + nick
return strings.Replace(*b.Config.Mattermost.RemoteNickFormat, "{NICK}", nick, -1)
func (b *Bridge) handlePrivMsg(event *irc.Event) {
if b.ignoreMessage(event.Nick, event.Message(), "irc") {
if b.handleIrcBotCommand(event) {
msg := ""
if event.Code == "CTCP_ACTION" {
msg = event.Nick + " "
msg += event.Message()
b.Send(b.ircNickFormat(event.Nick), msg, b.getMMChannel(event.Arguments[0]))
func (b *Bridge) handleJoinPart(event *irc.Event) {
b.Send(b.ircNick, b.ircNickFormat(event.Nick)+" "+strings.ToLower(event.Code)+"s "+event.Message(), b.getMMChannel(event.Arguments[0]))
func (b *Bridge) handleNotice(event *irc.Event) {
if strings.Contains(event.Message(), "This nickname is registered") {
b.i.Privmsg(b.Config.IRC.NickServNick, "IDENTIFY "+b.Config.IRC.NickServPassword)
func (b *Bridge) nicksPerRow() int {
if b.Config.Mattermost.NicksPerRow < 1 {
return 4
return b.Config.Mattermost.NicksPerRow
func (b *Bridge) formatnicks(nicks []string, continued bool) string {
switch b.Config.Mattermost.NickFormatter {
case "table":
return tableformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow(), continued)
return plainformatter(nicks, b.nicksPerRow())
func (b *Bridge) storeNames(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[2]
b.MMirc.names[channel] = append(
strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(event.Message()), " ")...)
func (b *Bridge) endNames(event *irc.Event) {
channel := event.Arguments[1]
maxNamesPerPost := (300 / b.nicksPerRow()) * b.nicksPerRow()
continued := false
for len(b.MMirc.names[channel]) > maxNamesPerPost {
b.formatnicks(b.MMirc.names[channel][0:maxNamesPerPost], continued),
b.MMirc.names[channel] = b.MMirc.names[channel][maxNamesPerPost:]
continued = true
b.Send(b.ircNick, b.formatnicks(b.MMirc.names[channel], continued), b.getMMChannel(channel))
b.MMirc.names[channel] = nil
func (b *Bridge) handleTopicWhoTime(event *irc.Event) {
parts := strings.Split(event.Arguments[2], "!")
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(event.Arguments[3], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
flog.irc.Errorf("Invalid time stamp: %s", event.Arguments[3])
user := parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1 {
user += " [" + parts[1] + "]"
flog.irc.Infof("%s: Topic set by %s [%s]", event.Code, user, time.Unix(t, 0))
func (b *Bridge) handleOther(event *irc.Event) {
flog.irc.Debugf("%#v", event)
func (b *Bridge) Send(nick string, message string, channel string) error {
return b.SendType(nick, message, channel, "")
func (b *Bridge) SendType(nick string, message string, channel string, mtype string) error {
if b.Config.Mattermost.PrefixMessagesWithNick {
if IsMarkup(message) {
message = nick + "\n\n" + message
} else {
message = nick + " " + message
if b.kind == Legacy {
matterMessage := matterhook.OMessage{IconURL: b.Config.Mattermost.IconURL}
matterMessage.Channel = channel
matterMessage.UserName = nick
matterMessage.Type = mtype
matterMessage.Text = message
err := b.mh.Send(matterMessage)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
flog.mm.Debug("->mattermost channel: ", channel, " ", message)
b.mc.PostMessage(channel, message)
return nil
func (b *Bridge) handleMatterHook(mchan chan *MMMessage) {
for {
message := b.mh.Receive()
m := &MMMessage{}
m.Username = message.UserName
m.Text = message.Text
m.Channel = message.Token
mchan <- m
func (b *Bridge) handleMatterClient(mchan chan *MMMessage) {
for message := range b.mc.MessageChan {
// do not post our own messages back to irc
if message.Raw.Action == "posted" && b.mc.User.Username != message.Username {
m := &MMMessage{}
m.Username = message.Username
m.Channel = message.Channel
m.Text = message.Text
flog.mm.Debugf("<-mattermost channel: %s %#v %#v", message.Channel, message.Post, message.Raw)
mchan <- m
func (b *Bridge) handleMatter() {
flog.mm.Infof("Choosing Mattermost connection type %s", b.kind)
mchan := make(chan *MMMessage)
if b.kind == Legacy {
go b.handleMatterHook(mchan)
} else {
go b.handleMatterClient(mchan)
flog.mm.Info("Start listening for Mattermost messages")
for message := range mchan {
var username string
if b.ignoreMessage(message.Username, message.Text, "mattermost") {
username = message.Username + ": "
if b.Config.IRC.RemoteNickFormat != "" {
username = strings.Replace(b.Config.IRC.RemoteNickFormat, "{NICK}", message.Username, -1)
} else if b.Config.IRC.UseSlackCircumfix {
username = "<" + message.Username + "> "
cmds := strings.Fields(message.Text)
// empty message
if len(cmds) == 0 {
cmd := cmds[0]
switch cmd {
case "!users":
flog.mm.Info("Received !users from ", message.Username)
b.i.SendRaw("NAMES " + b.getIRCChannel(message.Channel))
case "!gif":
message.Text = b.giphyRandom(strings.Fields(strings.Replace(message.Text, "!gif ", "", 1)))
b.Send(b.ircNick, message.Text, b.getIRCChannel(message.Channel))
texts := strings.Split(message.Text, "\n")
for _, text := range texts {
flog.mm.Debug("Sending message from " + message.Username + " to " + message.Channel)
b.i.Privmsg(b.getIRCChannel(message.Channel), username+text)
func (b *Bridge) giphyRandom(query []string) string {
g := giphy.DefaultClient
if b.Config.General.GiphyAPIKey != "" {
g.APIKey = b.Config.General.GiphyAPIKey
res, err := g.Random(query)
if err != nil {
return "error"
return res.Data.FixedHeightDownsampledURL
func (b *Bridge) getMMChannel(ircChannel string) string {
mmchannel, ok := b.ircMap[ircChannel]
if !ok {
mmchannel = b.Config.Mattermost.Channel
return mmchannel
func (b *Bridge) getIRCChannel(channel string) string {
if b.kind == Legacy {
ircchannel := b.Config.IRC.Channel
_, ok := b.Config.Token[channel]
if ok {
ircchannel = b.Config.Token[channel].IRCChannel
return ircchannel
ircchannel, ok := b.mmMap[channel]
if !ok {
ircchannel = b.Config.IRC.Channel
return ircchannel
func (b *Bridge) ignoreMessage(nick string, message string, protocol string) bool {
var ignoreNicks = b.mmIgnoreNicks
if protocol == "irc" {
ignoreNicks = b.ircIgnoreNicks
// should we discard messages ?
for _, entry := range ignoreNicks {
if nick == entry {
return true
return false