mirror of https://github.com/cwinfo/matterbridge.git synced 2024-10-18 15:20:42 +00:00
Wim 6438a3dba3
Add support for deleting files from slack to discord. Fixes #1705 (#1709)
We create a new event EventFileDelete which will be used to delete
specific uploaded files using the Extra["file"] in the config.Message.

We also add a new NativeID key to the FileInfo struct which will contain
the native file ID of the sending bridge.

When a new file is added to the config.Message.Extra["file"] map, now
the bridge native file ID should be added here.

When the receiving bridge receives such a message, it should keep an
internal mapping of NativeID <> bridge fileid/message id. In the case of
discord we map it to the resulted discord message ID after uploading it.

Now when a bridge deletes a file, it should send a EventFileDelete and
setting the ID to the native file ID of the bridge.

When the receiving bridge will get this event it'll look into the
NativeID <> bridge id mapping to find their internal ID and use it to
delete the specific file on their side.

For now this is implemented for slack to discord but this will be add to
other bridges where useful.
2022-02-05 14:45:54 +01:00

658 lines
19 KiB

package gateway
import (
lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
type Gateway struct {
Router *Router
MyConfig *config.Gateway
Bridges map[string]*bridge.Bridge
Channels map[string]*config.ChannelInfo
ChannelOptions map[string]config.ChannelOptions
Message chan config.Message
Name string
Messages *lru.Cache
logger *logrus.Entry
type BrMsgID struct {
br *bridge.Bridge
ID string
ChannelID string
const apiProtocol = "api"
// New creates a new Gateway object associated with the specified router and
// following the given configuration.
func New(rootLogger *logrus.Logger, cfg *config.Gateway, r *Router) *Gateway {
logger := rootLogger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"prefix": "gateway"})
cache, _ := lru.New(5000)
gw := &Gateway{
Channels: make(map[string]*config.ChannelInfo),
Message: r.Message,
Router: r,
Bridges: make(map[string]*bridge.Bridge),
Config: r.Config,
Messages: cache,
logger: logger,
if err := gw.AddConfig(cfg); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Failed to add configuration to gateway: %#v", err)
return gw
// FindCanonicalMsgID returns the ID under which a message was stored in the cache.
func (gw *Gateway) FindCanonicalMsgID(protocol string, mID string) string {
ID := protocol + " " + mID
if gw.Messages.Contains(ID) {
return ID
// If not keyed, iterate through cache for downstream, and infer upstream.
for _, mid := range gw.Messages.Keys() {
v, _ := gw.Messages.Peek(mid)
ids := v.([]*BrMsgID)
for _, downstreamMsgObj := range ids {
if ID == downstreamMsgObj.ID {
return mid.(string)
return ""
// AddBridge sets up a new bridge in the gateway object with the specified configuration.
func (gw *Gateway) AddBridge(cfg *config.Bridge) error {
br := gw.Router.getBridge(cfg.Account)
if br == nil {
br = bridge.New(cfg)
br.Config = gw.Router.Config
br.General = &gw.BridgeValues().General
br.Log = gw.logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"prefix": br.Protocol})
brconfig := &bridge.Config{
Remote: gw.Message,
Bridge: br,
// add the actual bridger for this protocol to this bridge using the bridgeMap
if _, ok := gw.Router.BridgeMap[br.Protocol]; !ok {
gw.logger.Fatalf("Incorrect protocol %s specified in gateway configuration %s, exiting.", br.Protocol, cfg.Account)
br.Bridger = gw.Router.BridgeMap[br.Protocol](brconfig)
gw.Bridges[cfg.Account] = br
return nil
func (gw *Gateway) checkConfig(cfg *config.Bridge) {
match := false
for _, key := range gw.Router.Config.Viper().AllKeys() {
if strings.HasPrefix(key, strings.ToLower(cfg.Account)) {
match = true
if !match {
gw.logger.Fatalf("Account %s defined in gateway %s but no configuration found, exiting.", cfg.Account, gw.Name)
// AddConfig associates a new configuration with the gateway object.
func (gw *Gateway) AddConfig(cfg *config.Gateway) error {
gw.Name = cfg.Name
gw.MyConfig = cfg
if err := gw.mapChannels(); err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("mapChannels() failed: %s", err)
for _, br := range append(gw.MyConfig.In, append(gw.MyConfig.InOut, gw.MyConfig.Out...)...) {
br := br // scopelint
err := gw.AddBridge(&br)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (gw *Gateway) mapChannelsToBridge(br *bridge.Bridge) {
for ID, channel := range gw.Channels {
if br.Account == channel.Account {
br.Channels[ID] = *channel
func (gw *Gateway) reconnectBridge(br *bridge.Bridge) {
if err := br.Disconnect(); err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("Disconnect() %s failed: %s", br.Account, err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
gw.logger.Infof("Reconnecting %s", br.Account)
err := br.Connect()
if err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("Reconnection failed: %s. Trying again in 60 seconds", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 60)
br.Joined = make(map[string]bool)
if err := br.JoinChannels(); err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("JoinChannels() %s failed: %s", br.Account, err)
func (gw *Gateway) mapChannelConfig(cfg []config.Bridge, direction string) {
for _, br := range cfg {
if isAPI(br.Account) {
br.Channel = apiProtocol
// make sure to lowercase irc channels in config #348
if strings.HasPrefix(br.Account, "irc.") {
br.Channel = strings.ToLower(br.Channel)
if strings.HasPrefix(br.Account, "mattermost.") && strings.HasPrefix(br.Channel, "#") {
gw.logger.Errorf("Mattermost channels do not start with a #: remove the # in %s", br.Channel)
if strings.HasPrefix(br.Account, "zulip.") && !strings.Contains(br.Channel, "/topic:") {
gw.logger.Errorf("Breaking change, since matterbridge 1.14.0 zulip channels need to specify the topic with channel/topic:mytopic in %s of %s", br.Channel, br.Account)
ID := br.Channel + br.Account
if _, ok := gw.Channels[ID]; !ok {
channel := &config.ChannelInfo{
Name: br.Channel,
Direction: direction,
Options: br.Options,
Account: br.Account,
SameChannel: make(map[string]bool),
channel.SameChannel[gw.Name] = br.SameChannel
gw.Channels[channel.ID] = channel
} else {
// if we already have a key and it's not our current direction it means we have a bidirectional inout
if gw.Channels[ID].Direction != direction {
gw.Channels[ID].Direction = "inout"
gw.Channels[ID].SameChannel[gw.Name] = br.SameChannel
func (gw *Gateway) mapChannels() error {
gw.mapChannelConfig(gw.MyConfig.In, "in")
gw.mapChannelConfig(gw.MyConfig.Out, "out")
gw.mapChannelConfig(gw.MyConfig.InOut, "inout")
return nil
func (gw *Gateway) getDestChannel(msg *config.Message, dest bridge.Bridge) []config.ChannelInfo {
var channels []config.ChannelInfo
// for messages received from the api check that the gateway is the specified one
if msg.Protocol == apiProtocol && gw.Name != msg.Gateway {
return channels
// discord join/leave is for the whole bridge, isn't a per channel join/leave
if msg.Event == config.EventJoinLeave && getProtocol(msg) == "discord" && msg.Channel == "" {
for _, channel := range gw.Channels {
if channel.Account == dest.Account && strings.Contains(channel.Direction, "out") &&
gw.validGatewayDest(msg) {
channels = append(channels, *channel)
return channels
// if source channel is in only, do nothing
for _, channel := range gw.Channels {
// lookup the channel from the message
if channel.ID == getChannelID(msg) {
// we only have destinations if the original message is from an "in" (sending) channel
if !strings.Contains(channel.Direction, "in") {
return channels
for _, channel := range gw.Channels {
if _, ok := gw.Channels[getChannelID(msg)]; !ok {
// do samechannelgateway logic
if channel.SameChannel[msg.Gateway] {
if msg.Channel == channel.Name && msg.Account != dest.Account {
channels = append(channels, *channel)
if strings.Contains(channel.Direction, "out") && channel.Account == dest.Account && gw.validGatewayDest(msg) {
channels = append(channels, *channel)
return channels
func (gw *Gateway) getDestMsgID(msgID string, dest *bridge.Bridge, channel *config.ChannelInfo) string {
if res, ok := gw.Messages.Get(msgID); ok {
IDs := res.([]*BrMsgID)
for _, id := range IDs {
// check protocol, bridge name and channelname
// for people that reuse the same bridge multiple times. see #342
if dest.Protocol == id.br.Protocol && dest.Name == id.br.Name && channel.ID == id.ChannelID {
return strings.Replace(id.ID, dest.Protocol+" ", "", 1)
return ""
// ignoreTextEmpty returns true if we need to ignore a message with an empty text.
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreTextEmpty(msg *config.Message) bool {
if msg.Text != "" {
return false
if msg.Event == config.EventUserTyping {
return false
// we have an attachment or actual bytes, do not ignore
if msg.Extra != nil &&
(msg.Extra["attachments"] != nil ||
len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 ||
len(msg.Extra[config.EventFileFailureSize]) > 0) {
return false
gw.logger.Debugf("ignoring empty message %#v from %s", msg, msg.Account)
return true
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreMessage(msg *config.Message) bool {
// if we don't have the bridge, ignore it
if _, ok := gw.Bridges[msg.Account]; !ok {
return true
igNicks := strings.Fields(gw.Bridges[msg.Account].GetString("IgnoreNicks"))
igMessages := strings.Fields(gw.Bridges[msg.Account].GetString("IgnoreMessages"))
if gw.ignoreTextEmpty(msg) || gw.ignoreText(msg.Username, igNicks) || gw.ignoreText(msg.Text, igMessages) {
return true
return false
func (gw *Gateway) modifyUsername(msg *config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) string {
if dest.GetBool("StripNick") {
re := regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
msg.Username = re.ReplaceAllString(msg.Username, "")
nick := dest.GetString("RemoteNickFormat")
// loop to replace nicks
br := gw.Bridges[msg.Account]
for _, outer := range br.GetStringSlice2D("ReplaceNicks") {
search := outer[0]
replace := outer[1]
// TODO move compile to bridge init somewhere
re, err := regexp.Compile(search)
if err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("regexp in %s failed: %s", msg.Account, err)
msg.Username = re.ReplaceAllString(msg.Username, replace)
if len(msg.Username) > 0 {
// fix utf-8 issue #193
i := 0
for index := range msg.Username {
if i == 1 {
i = index
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{NOPINGNICK}", msg.Username[:i]+"\u200b"+msg.Username[i:])
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{BRIDGE}", br.Name)
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{PROTOCOL}", br.Protocol)
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{GATEWAY}", gw.Name)
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{LABEL}", br.GetString("Label"))
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{NICK}", msg.Username)
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{USERID}", msg.UserID)
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{CHANNEL}", msg.Channel)
tengoNick, err := gw.modifyUsernameTengo(msg, br)
if err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("modifyUsernameTengo error: %s", err)
nick = strings.ReplaceAll(nick, "{TENGO}", tengoNick)
return nick
func (gw *Gateway) modifyAvatar(msg *config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) string {
iconurl := dest.GetString("IconURL")
iconurl = strings.Replace(iconurl, "{NICK}", msg.Username, -1)
if msg.Avatar == "" {
msg.Avatar = iconurl
return msg.Avatar
func (gw *Gateway) modifyMessage(msg *config.Message) {
if gw.BridgeValues().General.TengoModifyMessage != "" {
gw.logger.Warnf("General TengoModifyMessage=%s is deprecated and will be removed in v1.20.0, please move to Tengo InMessage=%s", gw.BridgeValues().General.TengoModifyMessage, gw.BridgeValues().General.TengoModifyMessage)
if err := modifyInMessageTengo(gw.BridgeValues().General.TengoModifyMessage, msg); err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("TengoModifyMessage failed: %s", err)
inMessage := gw.BridgeValues().Tengo.InMessage
if inMessage == "" {
inMessage = gw.BridgeValues().Tengo.Message
if inMessage != "" {
gw.logger.Warnf("Tengo Message=%s is deprecated and will be removed in v1.20.0, please move to Tengo InMessage=%s", inMessage, inMessage)
if err := modifyInMessageTengo(inMessage, msg); err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("Tengo.Message failed: %s", err)
// replace :emoji: to unicode
emoji.ReplacePadding = ""
msg.Text = emoji.Sprint(msg.Text)
br := gw.Bridges[msg.Account]
// loop to replace messages
for _, outer := range br.GetStringSlice2D("ReplaceMessages") {
search := outer[0]
replace := outer[1]
// TODO move compile to bridge init somewhere
re, err := regexp.Compile(search)
if err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("regexp in %s failed: %s", msg.Account, err)
msg.Text = re.ReplaceAllString(msg.Text, replace)
// messages from api have Gateway specified, don't overwrite
if msg.Protocol != apiProtocol {
msg.Gateway = gw.Name
// SendMessage sends a message (with specified parentID) to the channel on the selected
// destination bridge and returns a message ID or an error.
func (gw *Gateway) SendMessage(
rmsg *config.Message,
dest *bridge.Bridge,
channel *config.ChannelInfo,
canonicalParentMsgID string,
) (string, error) {
msg := *rmsg
// Only send the avatar download event to ourselves.
if msg.Event == config.EventAvatarDownload {
if channel.ID != getChannelID(rmsg) {
return "", nil
} else {
// do not send to ourself for any other event
if channel.ID == getChannelID(rmsg) {
return "", nil
// Only send irc notices to irc
if msg.Event == config.EventNoticeIRC && dest.Protocol != "irc" {
return "", nil
// Too noisy to log like other events
debugSendMessage := ""
if msg.Event != config.EventUserTyping {
debugSendMessage = fmt.Sprintf("=> Sending %#v from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", msg, msg.Account, rmsg.Channel, dest.Account, channel.Name)
msg.Channel = channel.Name
msg.Avatar = gw.modifyAvatar(rmsg, dest)
msg.Username = gw.modifyUsername(rmsg, dest)
// exclude file delete event as the msg ID here is the native file ID that needs to be deleted
if msg.Event != config.EventFileDelete {
msg.ID = gw.getDestMsgID(rmsg.Protocol+" "+rmsg.ID, dest, channel)
// for api we need originchannel as channel
if dest.Protocol == apiProtocol {
msg.Channel = rmsg.Channel
msg.ParentID = gw.getDestMsgID(canonicalParentMsgID, dest, channel)
if msg.ParentID == "" {
msg.ParentID = strings.Replace(canonicalParentMsgID, dest.Protocol+" ", "", 1)
// if the parentID is still empty and we have a parentID set in the original message
// this means that we didn't find it in the cache so set it to a "msg-parent-not-found" constant
if msg.ParentID == "" && rmsg.ParentID != "" {
msg.ParentID = config.ParentIDNotFound
drop, err := gw.modifyOutMessageTengo(rmsg, &msg, dest)
if err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("modifySendMessageTengo: %s", err)
if drop {
gw.logger.Debugf("=> Tengo dropping %#v from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", msg, msg.Account, rmsg.Channel, dest.Account, channel.Name)
return "", nil
if debugSendMessage != "" {
// if we are using mattermost plugin account, send messages to MattermostPlugin channel
// that can be picked up by the mattermost matterbridge plugin
if dest.Account == "mattermost.plugin" {
gw.Router.MattermostPlugin <- msg
defer func(t time.Time) {
gw.logger.Debugf("=> Send from %s (%s) to %s (%s) took %s", msg.Account, rmsg.Channel, dest.Account, channel.Name, time.Since(t))
mID, err := dest.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return mID, err
// append the message ID (mID) from this bridge (dest) to our brMsgIDs slice
if mID != "" {
gw.logger.Debugf("mID %s: %s", dest.Account, mID)
return mID, nil
// brMsgIDs = append(brMsgIDs, &BrMsgID{dest, dest.Protocol + " " + mID, channel.ID})
return "", nil
func (gw *Gateway) validGatewayDest(msg *config.Message) bool {
return msg.Gateway == gw.Name
func getChannelID(msg *config.Message) string {
return msg.Channel + msg.Account
func isAPI(account string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(account, "api.")
// ignoreText returns true if text matches any of the input regexes.
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreText(text string, input []string) bool {
for _, entry := range input {
if entry == "" {
// TODO do not compile regexps everytime
re, err := regexp.Compile(entry)
if err != nil {
gw.logger.Errorf("incorrect regexp %s", entry)
if re.MatchString(text) {
gw.logger.Debugf("matching %s. ignoring %s", entry, text)
return true
return false
func getProtocol(msg *config.Message) string {
p := strings.Split(msg.Account, ".")
return p[0]
func modifyInMessageTengo(filename string, msg *config.Message) error {
if filename == "" {
return nil
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
s := tengo.NewScript(res)
_ = s.Add("msgText", msg.Text)
_ = s.Add("msgUsername", msg.Username)
_ = s.Add("msgUserID", msg.UserID)
_ = s.Add("msgAccount", msg.Account)
_ = s.Add("msgChannel", msg.Channel)
c, err := s.Compile()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
return err
msg.Text = c.Get("msgText").String()
msg.Username = c.Get("msgUsername").String()
return nil
func (gw *Gateway) modifyUsernameTengo(msg *config.Message, br *bridge.Bridge) (string, error) {
filename := gw.BridgeValues().Tengo.RemoteNickFormat
if filename == "" {
return "", nil
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return "", err
s := tengo.NewScript(res)
_ = s.Add("result", "")
_ = s.Add("msgText", msg.Text)
_ = s.Add("msgUsername", msg.Username)
_ = s.Add("msgUserID", msg.UserID)
_ = s.Add("nick", msg.Username)
_ = s.Add("msgAccount", msg.Account)
_ = s.Add("msgChannel", msg.Channel)
_ = s.Add("channel", msg.Channel)
_ = s.Add("msgProtocol", msg.Protocol)
_ = s.Add("remoteAccount", br.Account)
_ = s.Add("protocol", br.Protocol)
_ = s.Add("bridge", br.Name)
_ = s.Add("gateway", gw.Name)
c, err := s.Compile()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
return "", err
return c.Get("result").String(), nil
func (gw *Gateway) modifyOutMessageTengo(origmsg *config.Message, msg *config.Message, br *bridge.Bridge) (bool, error) {
filename := gw.BridgeValues().Tengo.OutMessage
var (
res []byte
err error
drop bool
if filename == "" {
res, err = internal.Asset("tengo/outmessage.tengo")
if err != nil {
return drop, err
} else {
res, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return drop, err
s := tengo.NewScript(res)
_ = s.Add("inAccount", origmsg.Account)
_ = s.Add("inProtocol", origmsg.Protocol)
_ = s.Add("inChannel", origmsg.Channel)
_ = s.Add("inGateway", origmsg.Gateway)
_ = s.Add("inEvent", origmsg.Event)
_ = s.Add("outAccount", br.Account)
_ = s.Add("outProtocol", br.Protocol)
_ = s.Add("outChannel", msg.Channel)
_ = s.Add("outGateway", gw.Name)
_ = s.Add("outEvent", msg.Event)
_ = s.Add("msgText", msg.Text)
_ = s.Add("msgUsername", msg.Username)
_ = s.Add("msgUserID", msg.UserID)
_ = s.Add("msgDrop", drop)
c, err := s.Compile()
if err != nil {
return drop, err
if err := c.Run(); err != nil {
return drop, err
drop = c.Get("msgDrop").Bool()
msg.Text = c.Get("msgText").String()
msg.Username = c.Get("msgUsername").String()
return drop, nil