mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:52:32 +00:00
403 lines
12 KiB
403 lines
12 KiB
package btelegram
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type Btelegram struct {
c *tgbotapi.BotAPI
avatarMap map[string]string // keep cache of userid and avatar sha
var flog *log.Entry
var protocol = "telegram"
func init() {
flog = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"prefix": protocol})
func New(cfg *config.BridgeConfig) *Btelegram {
return &Btelegram{BridgeConfig: cfg, avatarMap: make(map[string]string)}
func (b *Btelegram) Connect() error {
var err error
b.c, err = tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(b.Config.Token)
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
u := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(0)
u.Timeout = 60
updates, err := b.c.GetUpdatesChan(u)
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
flog.Info("Connection succeeded")
go b.handleRecv(updates)
return nil
func (b *Btelegram) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *Btelegram) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
return nil
func (b *Btelegram) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
flog.Debugf("Receiving %#v", msg)
chatid, err := strconv.ParseInt(msg.Channel, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// map the file SHA to our user (caches the avatar)
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_AVATAR_DOWNLOAD {
fi := msg.Extra["file"][0].(config.FileInfo)
/* if we have a sha we have successfully uploaded the file to the media server,
so we can now cache the sha */
if fi.SHA != "" {
flog.Debugf("Added %s to %s in avatarMap", fi.SHA, msg.UserID)
b.avatarMap[msg.UserID] = fi.SHA
return "", nil
if b.Config.MessageFormat == "HTML" {
msg.Text = makeHTML(msg.Text)
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE {
if msg.ID == "" {
return "", nil
msgid, err := strconv.Atoi(msg.ID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = b.c.DeleteMessage(tgbotapi.DeleteMessageConfig{ChatID: chatid, MessageID: msgid})
return "", err
// edit the message if we have a msg ID
if msg.ID != "" {
msgid, err := strconv.Atoi(msg.ID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
m := tgbotapi.NewEditMessageText(chatid, msgid, msg.Username+msg.Text)
if b.Config.MessageFormat == "HTML" {
flog.Debug("Using mode HTML")
m.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeHTML
if b.Config.MessageFormat == "Markdown" {
flog.Debug("Using mode markdown")
m.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeMarkdown
_, err = b.c.Send(m)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
if msg.Extra != nil {
for _, rmsg := range helper.HandleExtra(&msg, b.General) {
b.sendMessage(chatid, rmsg.Username+rmsg.Text)
// check if we have files to upload (from slack, telegram or mattermost)
if len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 {
var c tgbotapi.Chattable
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
file := tgbotapi.FileBytes{fi.Name, *fi.Data}
re := regexp.MustCompile(".(jpg|png)$")
if re.MatchString(fi.Name) {
c = tgbotapi.NewPhotoUpload(chatid, file)
} else {
c = tgbotapi.NewDocumentUpload(chatid, file)
_, err := b.c.Send(c)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("file upload failed: %#v", err)
if fi.Comment != "" {
b.sendMessage(chatid, msg.Username+fi.Comment)
return "", nil
return b.sendMessage(chatid, msg.Username+msg.Text)
func (b *Btelegram) handleRecv(updates <-chan tgbotapi.Update) {
for update := range updates {
flog.Debugf("Receiving from telegram: %#v", update.Message)
if update.Message == nil {
flog.Error("Getting nil messages, this shouldn't happen.")
var message *tgbotapi.Message
username := ""
channel := ""
text := ""
fmsg := config.Message{Extra: make(map[string][]interface{})}
// handle channels
if update.ChannelPost != nil {
message = update.ChannelPost
if update.EditedChannelPost != nil && !b.Config.EditDisable {
message = update.EditedChannelPost
message.Text = message.Text + b.Config.EditSuffix
// handle groups
if update.Message != nil {
message = update.Message
if update.EditedMessage != nil && !b.Config.EditDisable {
message = update.EditedMessage
message.Text = message.Text + b.Config.EditSuffix
if message.From != nil {
if b.Config.UseFirstName {
username = message.From.FirstName
if username == "" {
username = message.From.UserName
if username == "" {
username = message.From.FirstName
text = message.Text
channel = strconv.FormatInt(message.Chat.ID, 10)
// only download avatars if we have a place to upload them (configured mediaserver)
if b.General.MediaServerUpload != "" {
b.handleDownloadAvatar(message.From.ID, channel)
if username == "" {
username = "unknown"
if message.Sticker != nil {
b.handleDownload(message.Sticker, message.Caption, &fmsg)
if message.Video != nil {
b.handleDownload(message.Video, message.Caption, &fmsg)
if message.Photo != nil {
b.handleDownload(message.Photo, message.Caption, &fmsg)
if message.Document != nil {
b.handleDownload(message.Document, message.Caption, &fmsg)
if message.Voice != nil {
b.handleDownload(message.Voice, message.Caption, &fmsg)
if message.Audio != nil {
b.handleDownload(message.Audio, message.Caption, &fmsg)
// If UseInsecureURL is used we'll have a text in fmsg.Text
if fmsg.Text != "" {
text = text + fmsg.Text
if message.ForwardFrom != nil {
usernameForward := ""
if b.Config.UseFirstName {
usernameForward = message.ForwardFrom.FirstName
if usernameForward == "" {
usernameForward = message.ForwardFrom.UserName
if usernameForward == "" {
usernameForward = message.ForwardFrom.FirstName
if usernameForward == "" {
usernameForward = "unknown"
text = "Forwarded from " + usernameForward + ": " + text
// quote the previous message
if message.ReplyToMessage != nil {
usernameReply := ""
if message.ReplyToMessage.From != nil {
if b.Config.UseFirstName {
usernameReply = message.ReplyToMessage.From.FirstName
if usernameReply == "" {
usernameReply = message.ReplyToMessage.From.UserName
if usernameReply == "" {
usernameReply = message.ReplyToMessage.From.FirstName
if usernameReply == "" {
usernameReply = "unknown"
text = text + " (re @" + usernameReply + ":" + message.ReplyToMessage.Text + ")"
if text != "" || len(fmsg.Extra) > 0 {
avatar := helper.GetAvatar(b.avatarMap, strconv.Itoa(message.From.ID), b.General)
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", username, b.Account)
msg := config.Message{Username: username, Text: text, Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, UserID: strconv.Itoa(message.From.ID), ID: strconv.Itoa(message.MessageID), Extra: fmsg.Extra, Avatar: avatar}
flog.Debugf("Message is %#v", msg)
b.Remote <- msg
func (b *Btelegram) getFileDirectURL(id string) string {
res, err := b.c.GetFileDirectURL(id)
if err != nil {
return ""
return res
// handleDownloadAvatar downloads the avatar of userid from channel
// sends a EVENT_AVATAR_DOWNLOAD message to the gateway if successful.
// logs an error message if it fails
func (b *Btelegram) handleDownloadAvatar(userid int, channel string) {
msg := config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "avatar", Channel: channel, Account: b.Account, UserID: strconv.Itoa(userid), Event: config.EVENT_AVATAR_DOWNLOAD, Extra: make(map[string][]interface{})}
if _, ok := b.avatarMap[strconv.Itoa(userid)]; !ok {
photos, err := b.c.GetUserProfilePhotos(tgbotapi.UserProfilePhotosConfig{UserID: userid, Limit: 1})
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("Userprofile download failed for %#v %s", userid, err)
if len(photos.Photos) > 0 {
photo := photos.Photos[0][0]
url := b.getFileDirectURL(photo.FileID)
name := strconv.Itoa(userid) + ".png"
flog.Debugf("trying to download %#v fileid %#v with size %#v", name, photo.FileID, photo.FileSize)
if photo.FileSize <= b.General.MediaDownloadSize {
data, err := helper.DownloadFile(url)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("download %s failed %#v", url, err)
} else {
flog.Debugf("download OK %#v %#v %#v", name, len(*data), len(url))
msg.Extra["file"] = append(msg.Extra["file"], config.FileInfo{Name: name, Data: data, Avatar: true})
flog.Debugf("Sending avatar download message from %#v on %s to gateway", userid, b.Account)
flog.Debugf("Message is %#v", msg)
b.Remote <- msg
} else {
flog.Errorf("File %#v to large to download (%#v). MediaDownloadSize is %#v", name, photo.FileSize, b.General.MediaDownloadSize)
func (b *Btelegram) handleDownload(file interface{}, comment string, msg *config.Message) {
size := 0
url := ""
name := ""
text := ""
fileid := ""
switch v := file.(type) {
case *tgbotapi.Audio:
size = v.FileSize
url = b.getFileDirectURL(v.FileID)
urlPart := strings.Split(url, "/")
name = urlPart[len(urlPart)-1]
text = " " + url
fileid = v.FileID
case *tgbotapi.Voice:
size = v.FileSize
url = b.getFileDirectURL(v.FileID)
urlPart := strings.Split(url, "/")
name = urlPart[len(urlPart)-1]
text = " " + url
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, ".ogg") {
name = name + ".ogg"
fileid = v.FileID
case *tgbotapi.Sticker:
size = v.FileSize
url = b.getFileDirectURL(v.FileID)
urlPart := strings.Split(url, "/")
name = urlPart[len(urlPart)-1]
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, ".webp") {
name = name + ".webp"
text = " " + url
fileid = v.FileID
case *tgbotapi.Video:
size = v.FileSize
url = b.getFileDirectURL(v.FileID)
urlPart := strings.Split(url, "/")
name = urlPart[len(urlPart)-1]
text = " " + url
fileid = v.FileID
case *[]tgbotapi.PhotoSize:
photos := *v
size = photos[len(photos)-1].FileSize
url = b.getFileDirectURL(photos[len(photos)-1].FileID)
urlPart := strings.Split(url, "/")
name = urlPart[len(urlPart)-1]
text = " " + url
case *tgbotapi.Document:
size = v.FileSize
url = b.getFileDirectURL(v.FileID)
name = v.FileName
text = " " + v.FileName + " : " + url
fileid = v.FileID
if b.Config.UseInsecureURL {
flog.Debugf("Setting message text to :%s", text)
msg.Text = text
// if we have a file attached, download it (in memory) and put a pointer to it in msg.Extra
flog.Debugf("trying to download %#v fileid %#v with size %#v", name, fileid, size)
if size <= b.General.MediaDownloadSize {
data, err := helper.DownloadFile(url)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("download %s failed %#v", url, err)
} else {
flog.Debugf("download OK %#v %#v %#v", name, len(*data), len(url))
msg.Extra["file"] = append(msg.Extra["file"], config.FileInfo{Name: name, Data: data, Comment: comment})
} else {
flog.Errorf("File %#v to large to download (%#v). MediaDownloadSize is %#v", name, size, b.General.MediaDownloadSize)
msg.Event = config.EVENT_FILE_FAILURE_SIZE
msg.Extra[msg.Event] = append(msg.Extra[msg.Event], config.FileInfo{Name: name, Comment: comment, Size: int64(size)})
func (b *Btelegram) sendMessage(chatid int64, text string) (string, error) {
m := tgbotapi.NewMessage(chatid, text)
if b.Config.MessageFormat == "HTML" {
flog.Debug("Using mode HTML")
m.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeHTML
if b.Config.MessageFormat == "Markdown" {
flog.Debug("Using mode markdown")
m.ParseMode = tgbotapi.ModeMarkdown
res, err := b.c.Send(m)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strconv.Itoa(res.MessageID), nil