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synced 2025-03-13 17:02:32 +00:00

Using it implies to configure a Webhook on discord and set the parameter : - WebhookURL (New parameter, discord-specific) Discord API does not allow to change the name of the user posting, but webhooks does. This makes the relay much more elegant, even if we might lose some more advanced features. Signed-off-by: saury07 <sacha.aury@gmail.com>
277 lines
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277 lines
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package bdiscord
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
type bdiscord struct {
c *discordgo.Session
Config *config.Protocol
Remote chan config.Message
Account string
Channels []*discordgo.Channel
Nick string
UseChannelID bool
userMemberMap map[string]*discordgo.Member
guildID string
webhookID string
webhookToken string
var flog *log.Entry
var protocol = "discord"
func init() {
flog = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": protocol})
func New(cfg config.Protocol, account string, c chan config.Message) *bdiscord {
b := &bdiscord{}
b.Config = &cfg
b.Remote = c
b.Account = account
b.userMemberMap = make(map[string]*discordgo.Member)
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
flog.Debug("Configuring Discord Incoming Webhook")
webhookURLSplit := strings.Split(b.Config.WebhookURL, "/")
b.webhookToken = webhookURLSplit[len(webhookURLSplit)-1]
b.webhookID = webhookURLSplit[len(webhookURLSplit)-2]
return b
func (b *bdiscord) Connect() error {
var err error
if !strings.HasPrefix(b.Config.Token, "Bot ") {
b.Config.Token = "Bot " + b.Config.Token
b.c, err = discordgo.New(b.Config.Token)
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
flog.Info("Connection succeeded")
err = b.c.Open()
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
guilds, err := b.c.UserGuilds()
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
userinfo, err := b.c.User("@me")
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
b.Nick = userinfo.Username
for _, guild := range guilds {
if guild.Name == b.Config.Server {
b.Channels, err = b.c.GuildChannels(guild.ID)
b.guildID = guild.ID
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) JoinChannel(channel string) error {
idcheck := strings.Split(channel, "ID:")
if len(idcheck) > 1 {
b.UseChannelID = true
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) Send(msg config.Message) error {
flog.Debugf("Receiving %#v", msg)
channelID := b.getChannelID(msg.Channel)
if channelID == "" {
flog.Errorf("Could not find channelID for %v", msg.Channel)
return nil
if b.Config.WebhookURL == ""{
flog.Debugf("Broadcasting using API")
b.c.ChannelMessageSend(channelID, msg.Username+msg.Text)
} else {
flog.Debugf("Broadcasting using Webhook")
Content: msg.Text,
Username: msg.Username,
AvatarURL: msg.Avatar,
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) messageUpdate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageUpdate) {
if b.Config.EditDisable {
// only when message is actually edited
if m.Message.EditedTimestamp != "" {
flog.Debugf("Sending edit message")
m.Content = m.Content + b.Config.EditSuffix
b.messageCreate(s, (*discordgo.MessageCreate)(m))
func (b *bdiscord) messageCreate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate) {
// not relay our own messages
if m.Author.Username == b.Nick {
// if using webhooks, do not relay if it's ours
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" && m.Author.Bot && m.Author.ID == b.webhookID {
if len(m.Attachments) > 0 {
for _, attach := range m.Attachments {
m.Content = m.Content + "\n" + attach.URL
if m.Content == "" {
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", m.Author.Username, b.Account)
channelName := b.getChannelName(m.ChannelID)
if b.UseChannelID {
channelName = "ID:" + m.ChannelID
username := b.getNick(m.Author)
if len(m.MentionRoles) > 0 {
m.Message.Content = b.replaceRoleMentions(m.Message.Content)
m.Message.Content = b.stripCustomoji(m.Message.Content)
m.Message.Content = b.replaceChannelMentions(m.Message.Content)
text := m.ContentWithMentionsReplaced()
if b.Config.ShowEmbeds && m.Message.Embeds != nil {
for _, embed := range m.Message.Embeds {
text = text + "embed: " + embed.Title + " - " + embed.Description + " - " + embed.URL + "\n"
b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: username, Text: text, Channel: channelName,
Account: b.Account, Avatar: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/" + m.Author.ID + "/" + m.Author.Avatar + ".jpg",
UserID: m.Author.ID}
func (b *bdiscord) memberUpdate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.GuildMemberUpdate) {
if _, ok := b.userMemberMap[m.Member.User.ID]; ok {
flog.Debugf("%s: memberupdate: user %s (nick %s) changes nick to %s", b.Account, m.Member.User.Username, b.userMemberMap[m.Member.User.ID].Nick, m.Member.Nick)
b.userMemberMap[m.Member.User.ID] = m.Member
func (b *bdiscord) getNick(user *discordgo.User) string {
var err error
defer b.Unlock()
if _, ok := b.userMemberMap[user.ID]; ok {
if b.userMemberMap[user.ID] != nil {
if b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick != "" {
// only return if nick is set
return b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick
// otherwise return username
return user.Username
// if we didn't find nick, search for it
member, err := b.c.GuildMember(b.guildID, user.ID)
if err != nil {
return user.Username
b.userMemberMap[user.ID] = member
// only return if nick is set
if b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick != "" {
return b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick
return user.Username
func (b *bdiscord) getChannelID(name string) string {
idcheck := strings.Split(name, "ID:")
if len(idcheck) > 1 {
return idcheck[1]
for _, channel := range b.Channels {
if channel.Name == name {
return channel.ID
return ""
func (b *bdiscord) getChannelName(id string) string {
for _, channel := range b.Channels {
if channel.ID == id {
return channel.Name
return ""
func (b *bdiscord) replaceRoleMentions(text string) string {
roles, err := b.c.GuildRoles(b.guildID)
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", string(err.(*discordgo.RESTError).ResponseBody))
return text
for _, role := range roles {
text = strings.Replace(text, "<@&"+role.ID+">", "@"+role.Name, -1)
return text
func (b *bdiscord) replaceChannelMentions(text string) string {
var err error
re := regexp.MustCompile("<#[0-9]+>")
text = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(text, func(m string) string {
channel := b.getChannelName(m[2 : len(m)-1])
// if at first don't succeed, try again
if channel == "" {
b.Channels, err = b.c.GuildChannels(b.guildID)
if err != nil {
return "#unknownchannel"
channel = b.getChannelName(m[2 : len(m)-1])
return "#" + channel
return "#" + channel
return text
func (b *bdiscord) stripCustomoji(text string) string {
// <:doge:302803592035958784>
re := regexp.MustCompile("<(:.*?:)[0-9]+>")
return re.ReplaceAllString(text, `$1`)