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synced 2025-03-13 23:52:32 +00:00
402 lines
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402 lines
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package bdiscord
import (
log "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
type bdiscord struct {
c *discordgo.Session
Channels []*discordgo.Channel
Nick string
UseChannelID bool
userMemberMap map[string]*discordgo.Member
guildID string
webhookID string
webhookToken string
channelInfoMap map[string]*config.ChannelInfo
var flog *log.Entry
var protocol = "discord"
func init() {
flog = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": protocol})
func New(cfg *config.BridgeConfig) *bdiscord {
b := &bdiscord{BridgeConfig: cfg}
b.userMemberMap = make(map[string]*discordgo.Member)
b.channelInfoMap = make(map[string]*config.ChannelInfo)
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
flog.Debug("Configuring Discord Incoming Webhook")
b.webhookID, b.webhookToken = b.splitURL(b.Config.WebhookURL)
return b
func (b *bdiscord) Connect() error {
var err error
if b.Config.WebhookURL == "" {
flog.Info("Connecting using token")
} else {
flog.Info("Connecting using webhookurl (for posting) and token")
if !strings.HasPrefix(b.Config.Token, "Bot ") {
b.Config.Token = "Bot " + b.Config.Token
b.c, err = discordgo.New(b.Config.Token)
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
flog.Info("Connection succeeded")
err = b.c.Open()
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
guilds, err := b.c.UserGuilds(100, "", "")
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
userinfo, err := b.c.User("@me")
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
b.Nick = userinfo.Username
for _, guild := range guilds {
if guild.Name == b.Config.Server {
b.Channels, err = b.c.GuildChannels(guild.ID)
b.guildID = guild.ID
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", err)
return err
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) Disconnect() error {
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error {
b.channelInfoMap[channel.ID] = &channel
idcheck := strings.Split(channel.Name, "ID:")
if len(idcheck) > 1 {
b.UseChannelID = true
return nil
func (b *bdiscord) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) {
flog.Debugf("Receiving %#v", msg)
channelID := b.getChannelID(msg.Channel)
if channelID == "" {
flog.Errorf("Could not find channelID for %v", msg.Channel)
return "", nil
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_USER_ACTION {
msg.Text = "_" + msg.Text + "_"
wID := b.webhookID
wToken := b.webhookToken
if ci, ok := b.channelInfoMap[msg.Channel+b.Account]; ok {
if ci.Options.WebhookURL != "" {
wID, wToken = b.splitURL(ci.Options.WebhookURL)
if wID == "" {
flog.Debugf("Broadcasting using token (API)")
if msg.Event == config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE {
if msg.ID == "" {
return "", nil
err := b.c.ChannelMessageDelete(channelID, msg.ID)
return "", err
if msg.ID != "" {
_, err := b.c.ChannelMessageEdit(channelID, msg.ID, msg.Username+msg.Text)
return msg.ID, err
if msg.Extra != nil {
// check if we have files to upload (from slack, telegram or mattermost)
if len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 {
var err error
for _, f := range msg.Extra["file"] {
fi := f.(config.FileInfo)
files := []*discordgo.File{}
files = append(files, &discordgo.File{fi.Name, "", bytes.NewReader(*fi.Data)})
_, err = b.c.ChannelMessageSendComplex(channelID, &discordgo.MessageSend{Content: msg.Username + fi.Comment, Files: files})
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("file upload failed: %#v", err)
return "", nil
res, err := b.c.ChannelMessageSend(channelID, msg.Username+msg.Text)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return res.ID, err
flog.Debugf("Broadcasting using Webhook")
err := b.c.WebhookExecute(
Content: msg.Text,
Username: msg.Username,
AvatarURL: msg.Avatar,
return "", err
func (b *bdiscord) messageDelete(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageDelete) {
rmsg := config.Message{Account: b.Account, ID: m.ID, Event: config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE, Text: config.EVENT_MSG_DELETE}
rmsg.Channel = b.getChannelName(m.ChannelID)
if b.UseChannelID {
rmsg.Channel = "ID:" + m.ChannelID
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s to gateway", b.Account)
flog.Debugf("Message is %#v", rmsg)
b.Remote <- rmsg
func (b *bdiscord) messageUpdate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageUpdate) {
if b.Config.EditDisable {
// only when message is actually edited
if m.Message.EditedTimestamp != "" {
flog.Debugf("Sending edit message")
m.Content = m.Content + b.Config.EditSuffix
b.messageCreate(s, (*discordgo.MessageCreate)(m))
func (b *bdiscord) messageCreate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate) {
// not relay our own messages
if m.Author.Username == b.Nick {
// if using webhooks, do not relay if it's ours
if b.useWebhook() && m.Author.Bot && b.isWebhookID(m.Author.ID) {
if len(m.Attachments) > 0 {
for _, attach := range m.Attachments {
m.Content = m.Content + "\n" + attach.URL
var text string
if m.Content != "" {
flog.Debugf("Receiving message %#v", m.Message)
if len(m.MentionRoles) > 0 {
m.Message.Content = b.replaceRoleMentions(m.Message.Content)
m.Message.Content = b.stripCustomoji(m.Message.Content)
m.Message.Content = b.replaceChannelMentions(m.Message.Content)
text = m.ContentWithMentionsReplaced()
rmsg := config.Message{Account: b.Account, Avatar: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/" + m.Author.ID + "/" + m.Author.Avatar + ".jpg",
UserID: m.Author.ID, ID: m.ID}
rmsg.Channel = b.getChannelName(m.ChannelID)
if b.UseChannelID {
rmsg.Channel = "ID:" + m.ChannelID
if !b.Config.UseUserName {
rmsg.Username = b.getNick(m.Author)
} else {
rmsg.Username = m.Author.Username
if b.Config.ShowEmbeds && m.Message.Embeds != nil {
for _, embed := range m.Message.Embeds {
text = text + "embed: " + embed.Title + " - " + embed.Description + " - " + embed.URL + "\n"
// no empty messages
if text == "" {
text, ok := b.replaceAction(text)
if ok {
rmsg.Event = config.EVENT_USER_ACTION
rmsg.Text = text
flog.Debugf("Sending message from %s on %s to gateway", m.Author.Username, b.Account)
flog.Debugf("Message is %#v", rmsg)
b.Remote <- rmsg
func (b *bdiscord) memberUpdate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.GuildMemberUpdate) {
if _, ok := b.userMemberMap[m.Member.User.ID]; ok {
flog.Debugf("%s: memberupdate: user %s (nick %s) changes nick to %s", b.Account, m.Member.User.Username, b.userMemberMap[m.Member.User.ID].Nick, m.Member.Nick)
b.userMemberMap[m.Member.User.ID] = m.Member
func (b *bdiscord) getNick(user *discordgo.User) string {
var err error
defer b.Unlock()
if _, ok := b.userMemberMap[user.ID]; ok {
if b.userMemberMap[user.ID] != nil {
if b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick != "" {
// only return if nick is set
return b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick
// otherwise return username
return user.Username
// if we didn't find nick, search for it
member, err := b.c.GuildMember(b.guildID, user.ID)
if err != nil {
return user.Username
b.userMemberMap[user.ID] = member
// only return if nick is set
if b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick != "" {
return b.userMemberMap[user.ID].Nick
return user.Username
func (b *bdiscord) getChannelID(name string) string {
idcheck := strings.Split(name, "ID:")
if len(idcheck) > 1 {
return idcheck[1]
for _, channel := range b.Channels {
if channel.Name == name {
return channel.ID
return ""
func (b *bdiscord) getChannelName(id string) string {
for _, channel := range b.Channels {
if channel.ID == id {
return channel.Name
return ""
func (b *bdiscord) replaceRoleMentions(text string) string {
roles, err := b.c.GuildRoles(b.guildID)
if err != nil {
flog.Debugf("%#v", string(err.(*discordgo.RESTError).ResponseBody))
return text
for _, role := range roles {
text = strings.Replace(text, "<@&"+role.ID+">", "@"+role.Name, -1)
return text
func (b *bdiscord) replaceChannelMentions(text string) string {
var err error
re := regexp.MustCompile("<#[0-9]+>")
text = re.ReplaceAllStringFunc(text, func(m string) string {
channel := b.getChannelName(m[2 : len(m)-1])
// if at first don't succeed, try again
if channel == "" {
b.Channels, err = b.c.GuildChannels(b.guildID)
if err != nil {
return "#unknownchannel"
channel = b.getChannelName(m[2 : len(m)-1])
return "#" + channel
return "#" + channel
return text
func (b *bdiscord) replaceAction(text string) (string, bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(text, "_") && strings.HasSuffix(text, "_") {
return strings.Replace(text, "_", "", -1), true
return text, false
func (b *bdiscord) stripCustomoji(text string) string {
// <:doge:302803592035958784>
re := regexp.MustCompile("<(:.*?:)[0-9]+>")
return re.ReplaceAllString(text, `$1`)
// splitURL splits a webhookURL and returns the id and token
func (b *bdiscord) splitURL(url string) (string, string) {
webhookURLSplit := strings.Split(url, "/")
return webhookURLSplit[len(webhookURLSplit)-2], webhookURLSplit[len(webhookURLSplit)-1]
// useWebhook returns true if we have a webhook defined somewhere
func (b *bdiscord) useWebhook() bool {
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
return true
for _, channel := range b.channelInfoMap {
if channel.Options.WebhookURL != "" {
return true
return false
// isWebhookID returns true if the specified id is used in a defined webhook
func (b *bdiscord) isWebhookID(id string) bool {
if b.Config.WebhookURL != "" {
wID, _ := b.splitURL(b.Config.WebhookURL)
if wID == id {
return true
for _, channel := range b.channelInfoMap {
if channel.Options.WebhookURL != "" {
wID, _ := b.splitURL(channel.Options.WebhookURL)
if wID == id {
return true
return false