# barcode.php ### Generate barcodes from a single PHP file. MIT license. * Output to PNG, GIF, JPEG, or SVG. * Generates UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, Codabar, ITF, QR Code, and Data Matrix. ### Use directly as a PHP script with GET or POST: ``` barcode.php?f={format}&s={symbology}&d={data}&{options} ``` e.g. ``` barcode.php?f=png&s=upc-e&d=06543217 barcode.php?f=svg&s=qr&d=HELLO%20WORLD&sf=8&ms=r&md=0.8 ``` **When using this method, you must escape non-alphanumeric characters with URL encoding, for example `%26` for `&` or `%2F` for `?`.** ### Or use as a library from another PHP script: ``` include 'barcode.php'; $generator = new barcode_generator(); /* Output directly to standard output. */ header("Content-Type: image/$format"); $generator->output_image($format, $symbology, $data, $options); /* Create bitmap image and write to standard output. */ header('Content-Type: image/png'); $image = $generator->render_image($symbology, $data, $options); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); /* Create bitmap image and write to file. */ $image = $generator->render_image($symbology, $data, $options); imagepng($image, $filename); imagedestroy($image); /* Generate SVG markup and write to standard output. */ header('Content-Type: image/svg+xml'); $svg = $generator->render_svg($symbology, $data, $options); echo $svg; /* Generate SVG markup and write to file. */ $svg = $generator->render_svg($symbology, $data, $options); file_put_contents($filename, $svg); ``` **When using this method, you must NOT use URL encoding.** ### Options: `f` - Format. One of: ``` png gif jpeg svg ``` `s` - Symbology (type of barcode). One of: ``` upc-a code-39 qr dmtx upc-e code-39-ascii qr-l dmtx-s ean-8 code-93 qr-m dmtx-r ean-13 code-93-ascii qr-q gs1-dmtx ean-13-pad code-128 qr-h gs1-dmtx-s ean-13-nopad codabar gs1-dmtx-r ean-128 itf ``` `d` - Data. For UPC or EAN, use `*` for missing digit. For Codabar, use `ABCD` or `ENT*` for start and stop characters. For QR, encode in Shift-JIS for kanji mode. `w` - Width of image. Overrides `sf` or `sx`. `h` - Height of image. Overrides `sf` or `sy`. `sf` - Scale factor. Default is 1 for linear barcodes or 4 for matrix barcodes. `sx` - Horizontal scale factor. Overrides `sf`. `sy` - Vertical scale factor. Overrides `sf`. `p` - Padding. Default is 10 for linear barcodes or 0 for matrix barcodes. `pv` - Top and bottom padding. Default is value of `p`. `ph` - Left and right padding. Default is value of `p`. `pt` - Top padding. Default is value of `pv`. `pl` - Left padding. Default is value of `ph`. `pr` - Right padding. Default is value of `ph`. `pb` - Bottom padding. Default is value of `pv`. `bc` - Background color in `#RRGGBB` format. `cs` - Color of spaces in `#RRGGBB` format. `cm` - Color of modules in `#RRGGBB` format. `tc` - Text color in `#RRGGBB` format. Applies to linear barcodes only. `tf` - Text font for SVG output. Default is monospace. Applies to linear barcodes only. `ts` - Text size. For SVG output, this is in points and the default is 10. For PNG, GIF, or JPEG output, this is the GD library built-in font number from 1 to 5 and the default is 1. Applies to linear barcodes only. `th` - Distance from text baseline to bottom of modules. Default is 10. Applies to linear barcodes only. `ms` - Module shape. One of: `s` for square, `r` for round, or `x` for X-shaped. Default is `s`. Applies to matrix barcodes only. `md` - Module density. A number between 0 and 1. Default is 1. Applies to matrix barcodes only. `wq` - Width of quiet area units. Default is 1. Use 0 to suppress quiet area. `wm` - Width of narrow modules and spaces. Default is 1. `ww` - Width of wide modules and spaces. Applies to Code 39, Codabar, and ITF only. Default is 3. `wn` - Width of narrow space between characters. Applies to Code 39 and Codabar only. Default is 1.