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2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
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2016-04-21 18:37:33 -06:00
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2016-04-21 18:37:33 -06:00
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<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='adminlte2/dist/img/avatar.png') }}" class="img-circle" alt="User Image"/>
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{{ current_user.firstname }} {{ current_user.lastname }}
<small>{{ current_user.role.name }}</small>
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2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
2016-04-21 18:37:33 -06:00
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<div class="pull-left info">
<p>{{ current_user.firstname }} {{ current_user.lastname }}</p>
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<li><a href="{{ url_for('domain_add') }}"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <span>New Domain</span></a></li>
{% if current_user.role.name == 'Administrator' %}
<li class="header">ADMINISTRATION</li>
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{% block dashboard_stat %}
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<small>Control panel</small>
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<li class="active">Dashboard</li>
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
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2016-04-21 18:37:33 -06:00
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<h3>53<sup style="font-size: 20px">%</sup></h3>
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2016-04-21 18:37:33 -06:00
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