mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:22:32 +00:00
899 lines
31 KiB
899 lines
31 KiB
![]() |
var ChartsFlotcharts = function() {
return {
//main function to initiate the module
init: function() {
Metronic.addResizeHandler(function() {
initCharts: function() {
if (!jQuery.plot) {
var data = [];
var totalPoints = 250;
// random data generator for plot charts
function getRandomData() {
if (data.length > 0) data = data.slice(1);
// do a random walk
while (data.length < totalPoints) {
var prev = data.length > 0 ? data[data.length - 1] : 50;
var y = prev + Math.random() * 10 - 5;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y > 100) y = 100;
// zip the generated y values with the x values
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
res.push([i, data[i]]);
return res;
//Basic Chart
function chart1() {
if ($('#chart_1').size() != 1) {
var d1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25)
d1.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
var d2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.25)
d2.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);
var d3 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.PI * 2; i += 0.1)
d3.push([i, Math.tan(i)]);
$.plot($("#chart_1"), [{
label: "sin(x)",
data: d1,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}, {
label: "cos(x)",
data: d2,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}, {
label: "tan(x)",
data: d3,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}], {
series: {
lines: {
show: true,
points: {
show: true,
fill: true,
radius: 3,
lineWidth: 1
xaxis: {
tickColor: "#eee",
ticks: [0, [Math.PI / 2, "\u03c0/2"],
[Math.PI, "\u03c0"],
[Math.PI * 3 / 2, "3\u03c0/2"],
[Math.PI * 2, "2\u03c0"]
yaxis: {
tickColor: "#eee",
ticks: 10,
min: -2,
max: 2
grid: {
borderColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 1
//Interactive Chart
function chart2() {
if ($('#chart_2').size() != 1) {
function randValue() {
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 + 40 - 20))) + 20;
var pageviews = [
[1, randValue()],
[2, randValue()],
[3, 2 + randValue()],
[4, 3 + randValue()],
[5, 5 + randValue()],
[6, 10 + randValue()],
[7, 15 + randValue()],
[8, 20 + randValue()],
[9, 25 + randValue()],
[10, 30 + randValue()],
[11, 35 + randValue()],
[12, 25 + randValue()],
[13, 15 + randValue()],
[14, 20 + randValue()],
[15, 45 + randValue()],
[16, 50 + randValue()],
[17, 65 + randValue()],
[18, 70 + randValue()],
[19, 85 + randValue()],
[20, 80 + randValue()],
[21, 75 + randValue()],
[22, 80 + randValue()],
[23, 75 + randValue()],
[24, 70 + randValue()],
[25, 65 + randValue()],
[26, 75 + randValue()],
[27, 80 + randValue()],
[28, 85 + randValue()],
[29, 90 + randValue()],
[30, 95 + randValue()]
var visitors = [
[1, randValue() - 5],
[2, randValue() - 5],
[3, randValue() - 5],
[4, 6 + randValue()],
[5, 5 + randValue()],
[6, 20 + randValue()],
[7, 25 + randValue()],
[8, 36 + randValue()],
[9, 26 + randValue()],
[10, 38 + randValue()],
[11, 39 + randValue()],
[12, 50 + randValue()],
[13, 51 + randValue()],
[14, 12 + randValue()],
[15, 13 + randValue()],
[16, 14 + randValue()],
[17, 15 + randValue()],
[18, 15 + randValue()],
[19, 16 + randValue()],
[20, 17 + randValue()],
[21, 18 + randValue()],
[22, 19 + randValue()],
[23, 20 + randValue()],
[24, 21 + randValue()],
[25, 14 + randValue()],
[26, 24 + randValue()],
[27, 25 + randValue()],
[28, 26 + randValue()],
[29, 27 + randValue()],
[30, 31 + randValue()]
var plot = $.plot($("#chart_2"), [{
data: pageviews,
label: "Unique Visits",
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}, {
data: visitors,
label: "Page Views",
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}], {
series: {
lines: {
show: true,
lineWidth: 2,
fill: true,
fillColor: {
colors: [{
opacity: 0.05
}, {
opacity: 0.01
points: {
show: true,
radius: 3,
lineWidth: 1
shadowSize: 2
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true,
tickColor: "#eee",
borderColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 1
colors: ["#d12610", "#37b7f3", "#52e136"],
xaxis: {
ticks: 11,
tickDecimals: 0,
tickColor: "#eee",
yaxis: {
ticks: 11,
tickDecimals: 0,
tickColor: "#eee",
function showTooltip(x, y, contents) {
$('<div id="tooltip">' + contents + '</div>').css({
position: 'absolute',
display: 'none',
top: y + 5,
left: x + 15,
border: '1px solid #333',
padding: '4px',
color: '#fff',
'border-radius': '3px',
'background-color': '#333',
opacity: 0.80
var previousPoint = null;
$("#chart_2").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
var x = item.datapoint[0].toFixed(2),
y = item.datapoint[1].toFixed(2);
showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY, item.series.label + " of " + x + " = " + y);
} else {
previousPoint = null;
//Tracking Curves
function chart3() {
if ($('#chart_3').size() != 1) {
//tracking curves:
var sin = [],
cos = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 14; i += 0.1) {
sin.push([i, Math.sin(i)]);
cos.push([i, Math.cos(i)]);
plot = $.plot($("#chart_3"), [{
data: sin,
label: "sin(x) = -0.00",
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}, {
data: cos,
label: "cos(x) = -0.00",
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}], {
series: {
lines: {
show: true
crosshair: {
mode: "x"
grid: {
hoverable: true,
autoHighlight: false,
tickColor: "#eee",
borderColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 1
yaxis: {
min: -1.2,
max: 1.2
var legends = $("#chart_3 .legendLabel");
legends.each(function() {
// fix the widths so they don't jump around
$(this).css('width', $(this).width());
var updateLegendTimeout = null;
var latestPosition = null;
function updateLegend() {
updateLegendTimeout = null;
var pos = latestPosition;
var axes = plot.getAxes();
if (pos.x < axes.xaxis.min || pos.x > axes.xaxis.max || pos.y < axes.yaxis.min || pos.y > axes.yaxis.max) return;
var i, j, dataset = plot.getData();
for (i = 0; i < dataset.length; ++i) {
var series = dataset[i];
// find the nearest points, x-wise
for (j = 0; j < series.data.length; ++j)
if (series.data[j][0] > pos.x) break;
// now interpolate
var y, p1 = series.data[j - 1],
p2 = series.data[j];
if (p1 == null) y = p2[1];
else if (p2 == null) y = p1[1];
else y = p1[1] + (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (pos.x - p1[0]) / (p2[0] - p1[0]);
legends.eq(i).text(series.label.replace(/=.*/, "= " + y.toFixed(2)));
$("#chart_3").bind("plothover", function(event, pos, item) {
latestPosition = pos;
if (!updateLegendTimeout) updateLegendTimeout = setTimeout(updateLegend, 50);
//Dynamic Chart
function chart4() {
if ($('#chart_4').size() != 1) {
//server load
var options = {
series: {
shadowSize: 1
lines: {
show: true,
lineWidth: 0.5,
fill: true,
fillColor: {
colors: [{
opacity: 0.1
}, {
opacity: 1
yaxis: {
min: 0,
max: 100,
tickColor: "#eee",
tickFormatter: function(v) {
return v + "%";
xaxis: {
show: false,
colors: ["#6ef146"],
grid: {
tickColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 0,
var updateInterval = 30;
var plot = $.plot($("#chart_4"), [getRandomData()], options);
function update() {
setTimeout(update, updateInterval);
//bars with controls
function chart5() {
if ($('#chart_5').size() != 1) {
var d1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 1)
d1.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 30)]);
var d2 = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 1)
d2.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 30)]);
var d3 = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i += 1)
d3.push([i, parseInt(Math.random() * 30)]);
var stack = 0,
bars = true,
lines = false,
steps = false;
function plotWithOptions() {
label: "sales",
data: d1,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}, {
label: "tax",
data: d2,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}, {
label: "profit",
data: d3,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
, {
series: {
stack: stack,
lines: {
show: lines,
fill: true,
steps: steps,
lineWidth: 0, // in pixels
bars: {
show: bars,
barWidth: 0.5,
lineWidth: 0, // in pixels
shadowSize: 0,
align: 'center'
grid: {
tickColor: "#eee",
borderColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 1
$(".stackControls input").click(function(e) {
stack = $(this).val() == "With stacking" ? true : null;
$(".graphControls input").click(function(e) {
bars = $(this).val().indexOf("Bars") != -1;
lines = $(this).val().indexOf("Lines") != -1;
steps = $(this).val().indexOf("steps") != -1;
initBarCharts: function() {
// bar chart:
var data = GenerateSeries(0);
function GenerateSeries(added) {
var data = [];
var start = 100 + added;
var end = 200 + added;
for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
var d = Math.floor(Math.random() * (end - start + 1) + start);
data.push([i, d]);
return data;
var options = {
series: {
bars: {
show: true
bars: {
barWidth: 0.8,
lineWidth: 0, // in pixels
shadowSize: 0,
align: 'left'
grid: {
tickColor: "#eee",
borderColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 1
if ($('#chart_1_1').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#chart_1_1"), [{
data: data,
lines: {
lineWidth: 1,
shadowSize: 0
}], options);
// horizontal bar chart:
var data1 = [
[10, 10],
[20, 20],
[30, 30],
[40, 40],
[50, 50]
var options = {
series: {
bars: {
show: true
bars: {
horizontal: true,
barWidth: 6,
lineWidth: 0, // in pixels
shadowSize: 0,
align: 'left'
grid: {
tickColor: "#eee",
borderColor: "#eee",
borderWidth: 1
if ($('#chart_1_2').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#chart_1_2"), [data1], options);
initPieCharts: function() {
var data = [];
var series = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
series = series < 5 ? 5 : series;
for (var i = 0; i < series; i++) {
data[i] = {
label: "Series" + (i + 1),
data: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1
if ($('#pie_chart').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true
// GRAPH 1
if ($('#pie_chart_1').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_1"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 2
if ($('#pie_chart_2').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_2"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.8
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 3
if ($('#pie_chart_3').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_3"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 3 / 4,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.5
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 4
if ($('#pie_chart_4').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_4"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 3 / 4,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.5,
color: '#000'
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 5
if ($('#pie_chart_5').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_5"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 3 / 4,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 3 / 4,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.5,
color: '#000'
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 6
if ($('#pie_chart_6').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_6"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 2 / 3,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
threshold: 0.1
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 7
if ($('#pie_chart_7').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_7"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
combine: {
color: '#999',
threshold: 0.1
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 8
if ($('#pie_chart_8').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_8"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 300,
label: {
show: true,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
threshold: 0.1
legend: {
show: false
// GRAPH 9
if ($('#pie_chart_9').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#pie_chart_9"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
tilt: 0.5,
label: {
show: true,
radius: 1,
formatter: function(label, series) {
return '<div style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:white;">' + label + '<br/>' + Math.round(series.percent) + '%</div>';
background: {
opacity: 0.8
combine: {
color: '#999',
threshold: 0.1
legend: {
show: false
if ($('#donut').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#donut"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
innerRadius: 0.5,
show: true
if ($('#interactive').size() !== 0) {
$.plot($("#interactive"), data, {
series: {
pie: {
show: true
grid: {
hoverable: true,
clickable: true
$("#interactive").bind("plothover", pieHover);
$("#interactive").bind("plotclick", pieClick);
function pieHover(event, pos, obj) {
if (!obj)
percent = parseFloat(obj.series.percent).toFixed(2);
$("#hover").html('<span style="font-weight: bold; color: ' + obj.series.color + '">' + obj.series.label + ' (' + percent + '%)</span>');
function pieClick(event, pos, obj) {
if (!obj)
percent = parseFloat(obj.series.percent).toFixed(2);
alert('' + obj.series.label + ': ' + percent + '%');