278 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
import re
import sys
import json
import requests
2016-07-13 21:33:21 +07:00
import hashlib
from app import app
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
from urllib.parse import urlparse
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Thread
2018-04-02 13:38:53 +07:00
from .certutil import *
if app.config['SAML_ENABLED']:
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
from onelogin.saml2.auth import OneLogin_Saml2_Auth
from onelogin.saml2.utils import OneLogin_Saml2_Utils
from onelogin.saml2.settings import OneLogin_Saml2_Settings
from onelogin.saml2.idp_metadata_parser import OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser
idp_timestamp = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
idp_data = None
idp_data = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.parse_remote(app.config['SAML_METADATA_URL'])
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
if idp_data is None:
print('SAML: IDP Metadata initial load failed')
idp_timestamp = datetime.now()
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
def get_idp_data():
global idp_data, idp_timestamp
lifetime = timedelta(minutes=app.config['SAML_METADATA_CACHE_LIFETIME'])
if idp_timestamp+lifetime < datetime.now():
background_thread = Thread(target=retreive_idp_data)
return idp_data
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
def retreive_idp_data():
global idp_data, idp_timestamp
new_idp_data = OneLogin_Saml2_IdPMetadataParser.parse_remote(app.config['SAML_METADATA_URL'])
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
if new_idp_data is not None:
idp_data = new_idp_data
idp_timestamp = datetime.now()
print("SAML: IDP Metadata successfully retreived from: " + app.config['SAML_METADATA_URL'])
print("SAML: IDP Metadata could not be retreived")
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
2016-04-13 11:13:59 +07:00
if 'TIMEOUT' in app.config.keys():
TIMEOUT = app.config['TIMEOUT']
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
def auth_from_url(url):
auth = None
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
parsed_url = urlparse(url).netloc
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
if '@' in parsed_url:
auth = parsed_url.split('@')[0].split(':')
auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(auth[0], auth[1])
return auth
def fetch_remote(remote_url, method='GET', data=None, accept=None, params=None, timeout=None, headers=None):
if data is not None and type(data) != str:
data = json.dumps(data)
if timeout is None:
timeout = TIMEOUT
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
verify = False
our_headers = {
'user-agent': 'powerdnsadmin/0',
'pragma': 'no-cache',
'cache-control': 'no-cache'
if accept is not None:
our_headers['accept'] = accept
if headers is not None:
r = requests.request(
if r.status_code not in (200, 400, 422):
except Exception as e:
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
raise RuntimeError('Error while fetching {0}'.format(remote_url)) from e
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
return r
def fetch_json(remote_url, method='GET', data=None, params=None, headers=None):
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
r = fetch_remote(remote_url, method=method, data=data, params=params, headers=headers,
accept='application/json; q=1')
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
if method == "DELETE":
return True
if r.status_code == 204:
return {}
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
assert('json' in r.headers['content-type'])
except Exception as e:
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
raise RuntimeError('Error while fetching {0}'.format(remote_url)) from e
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
# don't use r.json here, as it will read from r.text, which will trigger
# content encoding auto-detection in almost all cases, WHICH IS EXTREMELY
data = None
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
data = json.loads(r.content.decode('utf-8'))
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError('Error while loading JSON data from {0}'.format(remote_url)) from e
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
return data
def display_record_name(data):
record_name, domain_name = data
if record_name == domain_name:
return '@'
return record_name.replace('.'+domain_name, '')
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
def display_master_name(data):
input data: "[u'', u'']"
matches = re.findall(r'\'(.+?)\'', data)
return ", ".join(matches)
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
2015-12-13 16:34:12 +07:00
def display_time(amount, units='s', remove_seconds=True):
Convert timestamp to normal time format
amount = int(amount)
INTERVALS = [(lambda mlsec:divmod(mlsec, 1000), 'ms'),
(lambda seconds:divmod(seconds, 60), 's'),
(lambda minutes:divmod(minutes, 60), 'm'),
(lambda hours:divmod(hours, 24), 'h'),
(lambda days:divmod(days, 7), 'D'),
(lambda weeks:divmod(weeks, 4), 'W'),
(lambda years:divmod(years, 12), 'M'),
(lambda decades:divmod(decades, 10), 'Y')]
for index_start, (interval, unit) in enumerate(INTERVALS):
if unit == units:
amount_abrev = []
last_index = 0
amount_temp = amount
for index, (formula, abrev) in enumerate(INTERVALS[index_start: len(INTERVALS)]):
divmod_result = formula(amount_temp)
amount_temp = divmod_result[0]
amount_abrev.append((divmod_result[1], abrev))
if divmod_result[1] > 0:
last_index = index
amount_abrev_partial = amount_abrev[0: last_index + 1]
final_string = ''
for amount, abrev in amount_abrev_partial:
final_string += str(amount) + abrev + ' '
if remove_seconds and 'm' in final_string:
final_string = final_string[:final_string.rfind(' ')]
return final_string[:final_string.rfind(' ')]
return final_string
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
def pdns_api_extended_uri(version):
Check the pdns version
if StrictVersion(version) >= StrictVersion('4.0.0'):
return "/api/v1"
return ""
2016-07-13 21:33:21 +07:00
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
def email_to_gravatar_url(email="", size=100):
AD doesn't necessarily have email
2018-04-09 18:50:55 +07:00
if email is None:
email = ""
2018-03-30 13:49:35 +07:00
hash_string = hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
return "https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/{0}?s={1}".format(hash_string, size)
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
def prepare_flask_request(request):
# If server is behind proxys or balancers use the HTTP_X_FORWARDED fields
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
url_data = urlparse.urlparse(request.url)
return {
'https': 'on' if request.scheme == 'https' else 'off',
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
'http_host': request.host,
'server_port': url_data.port,
'script_name': request.path,
'get_data': request.args.copy(),
'post_data': request.form.copy(),
# Uncomment if using ADFS as IdP, https://github.com/onelogin/python-saml/pull/144
'lowercase_urlencoding': True,
'query_string': request.query_string
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
def init_saml_auth(req):
own_url = ''
2018-03-28 01:52:48 +02:00
if req['https'] is 'on':
own_url = 'https://'
own_url = 'http://'
own_url += req['http_host']
metadata = get_idp_data()
settings = {}
settings['sp'] = {}
settings['sp']['NameIDFormat'] = idp_data['sp']['NameIDFormat']
settings['sp']['entityId'] = app.config['SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID']
cert = open(CERT_FILE, "r").readlines()
key = open(KEY_FILE, "r").readlines()
settings['sp']['privateKey'] = "".join(key)
settings['sp']['x509cert'] = "".join(cert)
settings['sp']['assertionConsumerService'] = {}
settings['sp']['assertionConsumerService']['binding'] = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST'
settings['sp']['assertionConsumerService']['url'] = own_url+'/saml/authorized'
settings['sp']['attributeConsumingService'] = {}
settings['sp']['singleLogoutService'] = {}
settings['sp']['singleLogoutService']['binding'] = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect'
settings['sp']['singleLogoutService']['url'] = own_url+'/saml/sls'
settings['idp'] = metadata['idp']
settings['strict'] = True
settings['debug'] = app.config['SAML_DEBUG']
settings['security'] = {}
settings['security']['digestAlgorithm'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256'
settings['security']['metadataCacheDuration'] = None
settings['security']['metadataValidUntil'] = None
settings['security']['requestedAuthnContext'] = True
settings['security']['signatureAlgorithm'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256'
settings['security']['wantAssertionsEncrypted'] = False
settings['security']['wantAttributeStatement'] = True
settings['security']['wantNameId'] = True
settings['security']['authnRequestsSigned'] = app.config['SAML_SIGN_REQUEST']
settings['security']['logoutRequestSigned'] = app.config['SAML_SIGN_REQUEST']
settings['security']['logoutResponseSigned'] = app.config['SAML_SIGN_REQUEST']
settings['security']['nameIdEncrypted'] = False
settings['security']['signMetadata'] = True
settings['security']['wantAssertionsSigned'] = True
settings['security']['wantMessagesSigned'] = True
settings['security']['wantNameIdEncrypted'] = False
settings['contactPerson'] = {}
settings['contactPerson']['support'] = {}
settings['contactPerson']['support']['emailAddress'] = app.config['SAML_SP_CONTACT_NAME']
settings['contactPerson']['support']['givenName'] = app.config['SAML_SP_CONTACT_MAIL']
settings['contactPerson']['technical'] = {}
settings['contactPerson']['technical']['emailAddress'] = app.config['SAML_SP_CONTACT_NAME']
settings['contactPerson']['technical']['givenName'] = app.config['SAML_SP_CONTACT_MAIL']
settings['organization'] = {}
settings['organization']['en-US'] = {}
settings['organization']['en-US']['displayname'] = 'PowerDNS-Admin'
settings['organization']['en-US']['name'] = 'PowerDNS-Admin'
settings['organization']['en-US']['url'] = own_url
auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, settings)
2017-10-31 19:21:22 +01:00
return auth