Account for the hierarchical nature of DNS by sorting records by their
name label-wise from right to left. Also justify the record names to the
right, so they visually line up on label borders.
First pass at HTML conversion from Master/Slave to Primary/Secondary (TODO: Backend)
Start work on migrating admin_auth_settings to Bootstrap v4
admin_setting_basic -> Change plain text for On/Off to toggles in current state, and changed "Action" column to the opposite toggle of current setting
dashboard_domain -> Reduce deuplicate code for the new dropdown-menu for Actions
register -> Add exclamation icon in front of error text
template_add -> changed box-body to card-body
user_profile -> Fixed tab naviation for Bootstrap v4. Tabs also fade between changes
Convert col-xs-* to just col-* as part of bootstrap v3 -> v4
Convert box-* -> card-* as part of bootstrap v3 -> v4
Moved domain actions on main dashboard to a dropdown menu to avoid clutter
Added "Log Out" to top header left
Hid OTP on admin edit user to only show the disable card & options if the user account has OTP enabled
When clicking the changelog button for a record with the name
``, the url you get redirected to is
`/domain/`. Because of the
non-greedy behaviour of the path converter, the last part gets split at
the *first* hyphen, so the example above gets wrongly dissected into
`record_name=foo` and ``. This results
for obvious reasons in an empty changelog.
As described in rfc5395 [0], types have to be alphanumerical, so its
converter is changed from path to string.
The hyphen is one of the few characters recommended by rfc1035 [1],
so it is a bad choice as separator. The separator is instead changed to
a slash.
Granted, this does not entirely solve the issue but at least makes it a
lot less likely to happen. Plus, a lot more and other things break in
pda with slashes in names.
Semantically and syntactically it is better to have the same number of
`<th>` as `<td>`. Not that anyone will ever see that new header, since
that column is always invisible (except if the user disables javascript).
Plus remove a unmatched closing html element.