{% macro applied_change_template(change_set) -%} {{ caller() }} {% for hist_rec_entry in change_set %} {% for changes in hist_rec_entry.changeSet %} {% endfor %}
{% if hist_rec_entry.change_type == '-' %} {{ hist_rec_entry.del_rrset['name'] }} {{ hist_rec_entry.del_rrset['type'] }} {% elif hist_rec_entry.change_type == '+' %} {{ hist_rec_entry.add_rrset['name'] }} {{ hist_rec_entry.add_rrset['type'] }} {% else %} {{ hist_rec_entry.add_rrset['name'] }} {{ hist_rec_entry.add_rrset['type'] }} {% endif %} , TTL {% if not 'ttl' in hist_rec_entry.changed_fields %} {{ hist_rec_entry.add_rrset['ttl'] }} {% else %} {% if hist_rec_entry.change_type in ['-', '*'] %} {{ hist_rec_entry.del_rrset['ttl'] }} {% endif %} {% if hist_rec_entry.change_type in ['+', '*'] %} {{ hist_rec_entry.add_rrset['ttl'] }} {% endif %} {% endif %}
Status Data Comment
{% if changes[2] == "unchanged" or (changes[2] == "edit" and changes[0]['disabled'] == changes[1]['disabled']) %}
{{ "Disabled" if changes[1]['disabled'] else "Activated" }}
{% else %} {% if changes[2] in ["deletion", "edit"] %}
{{ "Disabled" if changes[0]['disabled'] else "Activated" }}
{% endif %} {% if changes[2] in ["addition", "edit"] %}
{{ "Disabled" if changes[1]['disabled'] else "Activated" }}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if changes[2] == "unchanged" or (changes[2] == "edit" and changes[0]['content'] == changes[1]['content']) %}
{{ changes[1]['content'] }}
{% else %} {% if changes[2] in ["deletion", "edit"] %}
{{ changes[0]['content'] }}
{% endif %} {% if changes[2] in ["addition", "edit"] %}
{{ changes[1]['content'] }}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if changes[2] == "unchanged" or (changes[2] == "edit" and changes[0]['comment'] == changes[1]['comment']) %}
{{ changes[1]['comment'] }}
{% else %} {% if changes[2] in ["deletion", "edit"] and changes[0]['comment'] %}
{{ changes[0]['comment'] }}
{% endif %} {% if changes[2] in ["addition", "edit"] and changes[1]['comment'] %}
{{ changes[1]['comment'] }}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {%- endmacro %}