/* ========================================================= * bootstrap-gtreetable v2.2.1-alpha * https://github.com/gilek/bootstrap-gtreetable * ========================================================= * Copyright 2014 Maciej Kłak * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/gilek/bootstrap-gtreetable/blob/master/LICENSE) * ========================================================= */ (function ($) { // GTREETABLE CLASSES DEFINITION // ============================= function GTreeTable(element, options) { this.options = options; this.$tree = $(element); this.language = this.options.languages[this.options.language] === undefined ? this.options.languages['en-US'] : $.extend({}, this.options.languages['en-US'], this.options.languages[this.options.language]); this._isNodeDragging = false; this._lastId = 0; this.actions = []; if (this.options.defaultActions !== null) { this.actions = this.options.defaultActions; } if (this.options.actions !== undefined) { this.actions.push.apply(this.actions, this.options.actions); } if (this.options.cache > 0) { this.cacheManager = new GTreeTableCache(this); } var lang = this.language; this.template = this.options.template !== undefined ? this.options.template : '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '${draggableIcon}${indent}${ecIcon}${selectedIcon}${typeIcon}${name}' + '${input}${saveButton} ${cancelButton}' + '
' + '
'; this.templateParts = this.options.templateParts !== undefined ? this.options.templateParts : { draggableIcon: this.options.draggable === true ? '' : '', indent: '', ecIcon: '', selectedIcon: '', typeIcon: '', name: '', input: '', saveButton: '', cancelButton: '', actionsButton: '', actionsList: '' }; if (this.actions.length > 0) { var templateActionsList = ''; this.templateParts.actionsList = templateActionsList; } var template = this.template; $.each(this.templateParts, function(index, value) { template = template.replace('${'+index+'}', value); }); this.options.template = template; if (this.$tree.find('tbody').length === 0) { this.$tree.append(''); } if (!this.options.readonly) { this.$tree.addClass('gtreetable-fullAccess'); } this.$nodeTemplate = $(this.options.templateSelector !== undefined ? this.options.templateSelector : this.options.template).find('.' + this.options.classes.node); if (this.options.draggable === true) { this.isNodeDragging(false); } this.init(); } GTreeTable.prototype = { getNode: function ($node) { return $node.data('bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode'); }, getNodeById: function (id) { return this.getNode(this.$tree.find('.' + this.options.classes.node + "[data-id='" + id + "']")); }, getSelectedNodes: function () { var selectedNodes = [], that = this; $.each(this.$tree.find('.' + this.options.classes.selected), function () { selectedNodes.push(that.getNode($(this))); }); return selectedNodes; }, getSourceNodes: function (nodeId, force) { var that = this, oNode = this.getNodeById(nodeId), cached = (nodeId > 0 && this.options.cache > 0); if (cached && force !== true) { var data = this.cacheManager.get(oNode); if (data !== undefined) { var temp = {}; temp[that.options.nodesWrapper] = data; return temp; } } var sourceOptions = this.options.source(nodeId); var defaultSourceOptions = { beforeSend: function () { if (nodeId > 0) { oNode.isLoading(true); } }, success: function (result) { if (result[that.options.nodesWrapper] !== undefined) { data = result[that.options.nodesWrapper]; for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x += 1) { data[x].parent = nodeId; } if (typeof that.options.sort === "function") { data.sort(that.options.sort); } if (cached) { that.cacheManager.set(oNode, data); } } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest) { alert(XMLHttpRequest.status + ': ' + XMLHttpRequest.responseText); }, complete: function () { if (nodeId > 0) { oNode.isLoading(false); } } }; return $.ajax($.extend({}, defaultSourceOptions, sourceOptions)); }, init: function () { var that = this; this.getSourceNodes(0).done(function (result) { var data = result[that.options.nodesWrapper]; for(var x in data) { var oNewNode = new GTreeTableNode(data[x], that); oNewNode.insertIntegral(oNewNode); } }); }, isNodeDragging: function(action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isNodeDragging; } else if (action === true) { this._isNodeDragging = true; this.$tree.disableSelection(); } else { this._isNodeDragging = false; this.$tree.enableSelection(); } }, generateNewId: function() { this._lastId += 1; return 'g' + this._lastId; } }; function GTreeTableNode(data, gtreetable) { this.manager = gtreetable; this.level = parseInt(data.level); this.parent = data.parent; this.name = data.name; this.type = data.type; this.id = data.id; this.insertPosition = undefined; this.movePosition = undefined; this.relatedNodeId = undefined; this._isExpanded = false; this._isLoading = false; this._isSaved = data.id === undefined ? false : true; this._isSelected = false; this._isHovered = false; this._isEditable = false; this.init(); } GTreeTableNode.prototype = { getPath: function () { var oNode = this, path = [oNode.name], parent = oNode.parent; oNode.$node.prevAll('.' + this.manager.options.classes.node).each(function () { var currentNode = oNode.manager.getNode($(this)); if (currentNode.id === parent) { parent = currentNode.parent; path[path.length] = currentNode.name; } }); return path; }, getParents: function () { var parents = [], parentId = this.parent; while (true) { if (parentId === 0) { break; } var oNode = this.manager.getNodeById(parentId); parents.push(oNode); parentId = oNode.parent; } return parents; }, //TODO // potrzebne tylko w przypadku cache getIP: function() { var oNode = this, ip = '0'; var parents = oNode.getParents(); parents.reverse(); $.each(parents, function() { ip += '.'+this.id; }); ip += '.'+oNode.id; return ip; }, getSiblings: function () { var oNode = this, siblings = [], findPath = '.' + oNode.manager.options.classes.node + "[data-parent='" + oNode.parent + "']", prev = oNode.$node.prevAll(findPath); for (var i = prev.length-1; i >= 0; --i) { siblings.push(oNode.manager.getNode($(prev[i]))); } siblings.push(oNode); oNode.$node .nextAll(findPath) .each(function () { siblings.push(oNode.manager.getNode($(this))); }); return siblings; }, getDescendants: function (options) { var oParentNode = this, settings = $.extend({},{ depth: 1, includeNotSaved: false, index: undefined },options), findPath = '.' + oParentNode.manager.options.classes.node, depth = settings.depth !== -1 || isNaN(settings.depth) ? settings.depth : Infinity, descendants = []; if ((settings.includeNotSaved === false)) { findPath += '.' + oParentNode.manager.options.classes.saved; } if (depth > 1) { oParentNode.$node.nextAll(findPath).each(function () { var oCurrentNode = oParentNode.manager.getNode($(this)); if ( (oCurrentNode.level <= oParentNode.level) || (oCurrentNode.level === oParentNode.level && oCurrentNode.parent === oParentNode.parent) ) { if (!(settings.includeNotSaved === true && !oCurrentNode.isSaved())) { return false; } } descendants.push(oCurrentNode); }); } else { oParentNode.$node .nextAll(findPath + "[data-parent='" + oParentNode.id + "'][data-level='" + (oParentNode.level + 1) + "']") .each(function () { descendants.push(oParentNode.manager.getNode($(this))); }); } if (!isNaN(settings.index)) { var index = settings.index >= 0 ? settings.index - 1 : descendants.length + settings.index; return descendants[index]; } return descendants; }, getMovePosition: function() { return this.movePosition; }, setMovePosition: function(position, pointerOffset) { this.$node.removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.draggableContainer); if (position !== undefined) { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.draggableContainer); this.movePosition = position; this.$pointer.css('top', pointerOffset.top + 'px'); this.$pointer.css('left', pointerOffset.left + 'px'); } }, getId: function () { return this.id; }, getName: function () { return this.isEditable() ? this.$input.val() : this.name; }, getParent: function () { return this.parent; }, getInsertPosition: function () { return this.insertPosition; }, getRelatedNodeId: function () { return this.relatedNodeId; }, init: function () { this.$node = this.manager.$nodeTemplate.clone(false); this.$name = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.name); this.$ceIcon = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.ceIcon); this.$typeIcon = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.typeIcon); this.$icon = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.icon); this.$action = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.action); this.$indent = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.indent); this.$saveButton = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.saveButton); this.$cancelButton = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.cancelButton); this.$input = this.$node.find('input'); this.$pointer = this.$node.find('.' + this.manager.options.classes.draggablePointer); this.render(); this.attachEvents(); this.$node.data('bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode', this); }, render: function() { this.$name.html(this.name); if (this.id !== undefined) { this.$node.attr('data-id', this.id); this.isSaved(true); if (this.manager.options.draggable === true) { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.draggable); } } this.$node.attr('data-parent', this.parent); this.$node.attr('data-level', this.level); this.$indent.css('marginLeft', ((parseInt(this.level) - this.manager.options.rootLevel) * this.manager.options.nodeIndent) + 'px').html('‌'); if (this.type !== undefined && this.manager.options.types && this.manager.options.types[this.type] !== undefined) { this.$typeIcon.addClass(this.manager.options.types[this.type]).show(); } }, attachEvents: function () { var that = this, selectLimit = parseInt(this.manager.options.selectLimit); this.$node.mouseover(function () { if (!(that.manager.options.draggable === true && that.manager.isNodeDragging() === true)) { that.$node.addClass(that.manager.options.classes.hovered); that.isHovered(true); } }); this.$node.mouseleave(function () { that.$node.removeClass(that.manager.options.classes.hovered); that.isHovered(false); }); if (isNaN(selectLimit) === false && (selectLimit > 0 || selectLimit === -1) ) { this.$name.click(function (e) { if (that.isSelected()) { if ($.isFunction(that.manager.options.onUnselect)) { that.manager.options.onUnselect(that); } that.isSelected(false); } else { var selectedNodes = that.manager.getSelectedNodes(); if (selectLimit === 1 && selectedNodes.length === 1) { selectedNodes[0].isSelected(false); selectedNodes = []; } else if (selectedNodes.length === selectLimit) { if ($.isFunction(that.manager.options.onSelectOverflow)) { that.options.onSelectOverflow(that); } e.preventDefault(); } if (selectedNodes.length < selectLimit || selectLimit === -1) { that.isSelected(true); } if ($.isFunction(that.manager.options.onSelect)) { that.manager.options.onSelect(that); } } }); } else { this.$name.click(function (e) { that.$ceIcon.click(); }); } this.$ceIcon.click(function (e) { if (!that.isExpanded()) { that.expand({ isAltPressed: e.altKey }); } else { that.collapse(); } }); if (that.manager.options.dragCanExpand === true) { this.$ceIcon.mouseover(function (e) { if (that.manager.options.draggable === true && that.manager.isNodeDragging() === true) { if (!that.isExpanded()) { that.expand(); } } }); } $.each(this.manager.actions, function (index, action) { that.$node.find('.' + that.manager.options.classes.action + '-' + index).click(function (event) { action.event(that, that.manager); }); }); this.$saveButton.click(function () { that.save(); }); this.$cancelButton.click(function () { that.saveCancel(); }); if (that.manager.options.draggable === true) { var getMoveData = function (ui, $droppable) { var draggableOffsetTop = ui.offset.top - $droppable.offset().top, containerOffsetTop = $droppable.offset().top, containerHeight = $droppable.outerHeight(), containerWorkspace = containerHeight - Math.round(ui.helper.outerHeight() / 2), movePosition, pointerOffset = {left: that.manager.$tree.offset().left + 5 }; if (draggableOffsetTop <= (containerWorkspace * 0.3)) { movePosition = 'before'; pointerOffset.top = (containerOffsetTop + 3); } else if (draggableOffsetTop <= (containerWorkspace * 0.7)) { movePosition = 'lastChild'; pointerOffset.top = containerOffsetTop + (containerWorkspace / 2); } else { movePosition = 'after'; pointerOffset.top = containerOffsetTop + containerWorkspace; } pointerOffset.top += 2; return { position: movePosition, pointerOffset: pointerOffset }; }; this.$node .draggable( { scroll:true, refreshPositions: that.manager.options.dragCanExpand, helper: function (e) { var oName = that.manager.getNode($(this)); return '' + oName.name + ''; }, cursorAt: {top:0, left: 0 }, handle: '.'+ that.manager.options.classes.handleIcon, start: function (e) { if (!$.browser.webkit) { $(this).data("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.scrollTop", $(window).scrollTop()); } }, stop: function (e) { that.manager.isNodeDragging(false); }, drag: function (e, ui) { if (!$.browser.webkit) { var strollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), delta = ($(this).data("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.scrollTop") - strollTop); ui.position.top -= strollTop + delta; $(this).data("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.startingScrollTop", strollTop); } var $droppable = $(this).data("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.currentDroppable"); if ($droppable) { var data = getMoveData(ui, $droppable); that.manager.getNode($droppable).setMovePosition(data.position, data.pointerOffset); } } }) .droppable({ accept: '.' + that.manager.options.classes.node, over: function(event, ui) { var $this = $(this), data = getMoveData(ui, $this); that.manager.getNode($this).setMovePosition(data.position, data.pointerOffset); ui.draggable.data("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.currentDroppable", $this); }, out: function(event, ui) { ui.draggable.removeData("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.currentDroppable"); that.manager.getNode($(this)).setMovePosition(); }, drop: function(event, ui) { var $this = $(this), oNode = that.manager.getNode($this), movePosition = oNode.getMovePosition(); ui.draggable.removeData("bs.gtreetable.gtreetablenode.currentDroppable"); oNode.setMovePosition(); that.manager.getNode(ui.draggable).move(oNode, movePosition); } }); } }, makeEditable: function () { this.showForm(true); }, save: function () { var oNode = this; if ($.isFunction(oNode.manager.options.onSave)) { $.when($.ajax(oNode.manager.options.onSave(oNode))).done(function (data) { oNode._save(data); }); } else { oNode._save({ name: oNode.getName(), id: oNode.manager.generateNewId() }); } }, _save: function(data) { var oNode = this; oNode.id = data.id; oNode.name = data.name; if ($.isFunction(oNode.manager.options.sort)) { oNode.sort(); } if (this.manager.options.cache > 0) { this.manager.cacheManager.synchronize(oNode.isSaved() ? 'edit' : 'add', oNode); } oNode.render(); oNode.showForm(false); oNode.isHovered(false); }, saveCancel: function () { this.showForm(false); if (!this.isSaved()) { this._remove(); } }, expand: function (options) { var oNode = this, prevNode = oNode, settings = $.extend({}, { isAltPressed: false, onAfterFill: function (oNode, data) { oNode.isExpanded(true); if (data.length === 0) { if (oNode.manager.options.showExpandIconOnEmpty === true) { oNode.isExpanded(false); } else { oNode.showCeIcon(false); } } } },options); $.when(this.manager.getSourceNodes(oNode.id, settings.isAltPressed)).done(function (result) { var data = result[oNode.manager.options.nodesWrapper]; for(var x in data) { var newNode = new GTreeTableNode(data[x], oNode.manager); oNode.insertIntegral(newNode, prevNode); prevNode = newNode; } if (settings && typeof $.isFunction(settings.onAfterFill)) { settings.onAfterFill(oNode, data); } }); }, collapse: function () { this.isExpanded(false); $.each(this.getDescendants({ depth: -1, includeNotSaved: true }), function () { this.$node.remove(); }); }, _canAdd: function(oNewNode) { var data = { result: !(oNewNode.parent === 0 && this.manager.options.manyroots === false) }; if (!data.result) { data.message = this.manager.language.messages.onNewRootNotAllowed; } return data; }, add: function (position, type) { var oTriggerNode = this, childPosition = (position === 'lastChild' || position === 'firstChild'), oNewNode = new GTreeTableNode({ level: oTriggerNode.level + (childPosition ? 1 : 0), parent: oTriggerNode.level === this.manager.options.rootLevel && !childPosition ? 0 : (childPosition ? oTriggerNode.id : oTriggerNode.parent), type: type },this.manager), canAddData = this._canAdd(oNewNode); if (!canAddData.result) { alert(canAddData.message); return false; } function ins() { if (childPosition) { oTriggerNode.isExpanded(true); oTriggerNode.showCeIcon(true); } oNewNode.insert(position, oTriggerNode); oNewNode.insertPosition = position; oNewNode.relatedNodeId = oTriggerNode.id; oNewNode.showForm(true); } if ( childPosition && !oTriggerNode.isExpanded() ) { oTriggerNode.expand({ onAfterFill: function () { ins(); } }); } else { ins(); } }, insert: function (position, oRelatedNode) { var oNode = this, oLastChild, oContext; if (position === 'before') { oRelatedNode.$node.before(oNode.$node); } else if (position === 'after') { oContext = oRelatedNode; if (oRelatedNode.isExpanded()) { oLastChild = oRelatedNode.getDescendants({ depth: 1, index: -1, includeNotSaved: true }); oContext = oLastChild === undefined ? oContext : oLastChild; } oContext.$node.after(oNode.$node); } else if (position === 'firstChild') { this.manager.getNodeById(oRelatedNode.id).$node.after(oNode.$node); } else if (position === 'lastChild') { oLastChild = oRelatedNode.getDescendants({ depth: 1, index: -1, includeNotSaved: true }); oContext = oLastChild === undefined ? oRelatedNode : oLastChild; oContext.$node.after(oNode.$node); } else { throw "Wrong position."; } }, insertIntegral: function (oNewNode, oNode) { if (oNode === undefined) { this.manager.$tree.append(oNewNode.$node); } else { oNode.$node.after(oNewNode.$node); } }, remove: function () { var oNode = this; if (oNode.isSaved() && $.isFunction(oNode.manager.options.onDelete)) { $.when($.ajax(oNode.manager.options.onDelete(oNode))).done(function () { oNode._remove(); }); } else { this._remove(); } }, _remove: function () { if (this.isExpanded() === true) { this.collapse(); } this.$node.remove(); if (this.parent > 0) { var oParent = this.manager.getNodeById(this.parent); if (oParent.getDescendants({ depth: 1, includeNotSaved: true }).length === 0) { oParent.collapse(); } } if (this.manager.options.cache > 0) { this.manager.cacheManager.synchronize('delete', this); } }, _canMove: function(oDestination, position) { var oNode = this, data = { result: true }; if (oDestination.parent === 0 && this.manager.options.manyroots === false && position !== 'lastChild') { data.result = false; data.message = this.manager.language.messages.onMoveAsRoot; } else { $.each(oDestination.getParents(), function () { if (this.id === oNode.id) { data.result = false; data.message = this.manager.language.messages.onMoveInDescendant; return false; } }); } return data; }, move: function(oDestination, position) { var oNode = this, moveData = this._canMove(oDestination, position); if (moveData.result === false) { alert(moveData.message); return false; } if ($.isFunction(oNode.manager.options.onMove)) { $.when($.ajax(oNode.manager.options.onMove(oNode, oDestination, position))).done(function (data) { oNode._move(oDestination, position); }); } else { oNode._move(oDestination, position); } }, _move: function(oDestination, position) { var oNode = this, oNodeDescendants = oNode.getDescendants({ depth: -1, includeNotSaved: true }), oOldNode = $.extend({}, oNode), oldIP = oNode.getIP(), delta = oDestination.level - oNode.level; oNode.parent = position === 'lastChild' ? oDestination.id : oDestination.parent; oNode.level = oDestination.level; if (position === 'lastChild' && !oDestination.isExpanded()) { oNode.$node.remove(); $.each(oNodeDescendants, function () { this.$node.remove(); }); } else { if (position === 'lastChild') { oNode.level += 1; oDestination.showCeIcon(true); } oNode.render(); oNode.insert(position, oDestination); if (oNodeDescendants.length > 0) { var prevNode = oNode.$node; if (position === 'lastChild') { delta += 1; } $.each(oNodeDescendants, function() { var oNode = this; oNode.level += delta; oNode.render(); prevNode.after(oNode.$node); prevNode = oNode.$node; }); } } // sprawdza, czy nie byl przeniesiony ostatni element // oOldSourceParent !== undefined => parent = 0 var oOldNodeParent = oNode.manager.getNodeById(oOldNode.parent); if (oOldNodeParent !== undefined && oOldNodeParent.getDescendants({depth: 1, includeNotSaved: true}).length === 0) { oOldNodeParent.isExpanded(false); } if ($.isFunction(oNode.manager.options.sort)) { oNode.sort(); } if (this.manager.options.cache > 0) { this.manager.cacheManager.synchronize('move', oNode, { 'oOldNode': oOldNode, 'oldIP': oldIP }); } }, sort: function() { var oNode = this, oSiblings = oNode.getSiblings(); // nie ma rodzenstwa = sortowanie nie jest potrzebne if (oSiblings.length > 0) { var oDescendants = !oNode.isExpanded() ? [] : oNode.getDescendants({ depth: -1, includeNotSaved: true }), oRelated; $.each(oSiblings, function () { if (oNode.manager.options.sort(oNode, this) === -1) { oRelated = this; return false; } }); if (oRelated === undefined) { oRelated = oSiblings[oSiblings.length-1]; if (oRelated.isExpanded()) { oRelated = oNode.manager.getNodeById(oNode.parent).getDescendants({ depth: -1, index: -1, includeNotSaved: true }); } oRelated.$node.after(oNode.$node); } else { oRelated.$node.before(oNode.$node); } var prevNode = oNode.$node; $.each(oDescendants, function() { var oCurrentNode = this; prevNode.after(oCurrentNode.$node); prevNode = oCurrentNode.$node; }); } }, isLoading: function (action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isLoading; } else if (action) { this.$name.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.loading); this._isLoading = true; } else { this.$name.removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.loading); this._isLoading = false; } }, isSaved: function (action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isSaved; } else if (action) { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.saved); this._isSaved = true; } else { this.$node.removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.saved); this._isSaved = false; } }, isSelected: function (action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isSelected; } else if (action) { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.selected); this._isSelected = true; } else { this.$node.removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.selected); this._isSelected = false; } }, isExpanded: function (action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isExpanded; } else if (action) { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.expanded).removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.collapsed); this._isExpanded = true; } else { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.collapsed).removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.expanded); this._isExpanded = false; } }, isHovered: function (action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isHovered; } else if (action) { this.$node.addClass(this.manager.options.classes.hovered); this._isHovered = true; } else { this.$node.removeClass(this.manager.options.classes.hovered); this.$node.find('.btn-group').removeClass('open'); this._isHovered = false; } }, isEditable: function (action) { if (action === undefined) { return this._isEditable; } else { this._isEditable = action; } }, showCeIcon: function (action) { this.$ceIcon.css('visibility', action ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); }, showForm: function (action) { if (action === true) { this.isEditable(true); this.$input.val(this.name); this.$name.addClass('hide'); this.$action.removeClass('hide'); //TODO nie dziala zawsze this.$input.focus(); } else { this.isEditable(false); this.$name.removeClass('hide'); this.$action.addClass('hide'); } } }; function GTreeTableCache(manager) { this._cached = {}; this.manager = manager; } GTreeTableCache.prototype = { _getIP: function (param) { return typeof param === "string" ? param : param.getIP(); }, get: function(param) { return this._cached[this._getIP(param)]; }, set: function (param, data) { this._cached[this._getIP(param)] = data; }, remove: function (param) { this._cached[this._getIP(param)] = undefined; }, synchronize: function (method, oNode, params) { if (oNode.parent > 0) { switch (method) { case 'add': this._synchronizeAdd(oNode); break; case 'edit': this._synchronizeEdit(oNode); break; case 'delete': this._synchronizeDelete(oNode); break; case 'move': this._synchronizeMove(oNode, params); break; default: throw "Wrong method."; } } }, _synchronizeAdd: function (oNode) { var oParentNode = this.manager.getNodeById(oNode.parent); if (this.manager.options.cache > 1) { var data = this.get(oParentNode); if (data !== undefined) { data.push({ id: oNode.id, name: oNode.getName(), level: oNode.level, type: oNode.type, parent: oNode.parent }); this.set(oParentNode, this.isSortDefined() ? this.sort(data) : data); } } else { this.remove(oParentNode); } }, _synchronizeEdit: function (oNode) { var oParentNode = this.manager.getNodeById(oNode.parent); if (this.manager.options.cache > 1) { var data = this.get(oParentNode); $.each(data, function () { if (this.id === oNode.id) { this.name = oNode.getName(); return false; } }); this.set(oParentNode, this.isSortDefined() ? this.sort(data) : data); } else { this.remove(oParentNode); } }, _synchronizeDelete: function(oNode) { var oParentNode = this.manager.getNodeById(oNode.parent); if (this.manager.options.cache > 1) { var data = this.get(oParentNode), position; // pobieranie pozycji $.each(data, function(index) { if (this.id === oNode.id) { position = index; return false; } }); if (position !== undefined) { data.splice(position, 1); this.set(oParentNode, data); } } else { this.remove(oParentNode); } }, _synchronizeMove: function(oNode, params) { var that = this, newIP = oNode.getIP(), delta = oNode.level - params.oOldNode.level; $.each(this._cached, function (index) { if (index === params.oldIP || index.indexOf(params.oldIP+'.') === 0) { if (that.manager.options.cache > 1) { var newData = [], newIndex = index !== params.oldIP ? newIP + index.substr(params.oldIP.length) : newIP; $(that.get(index)).each(function () { this.level += delta; newData.push(this); }); that.set(newIndex, newData); } that.remove(index); } }); this.synchronize('delete', params.oOldNode); this.synchronize('add', oNode); }, isSortDefined: function () { return $.isFunction(this.manager.options.sort); }, sort: function (data) { return data.sort(this.manager.options.sort); } }; // OVERLAYINPUT PLUGIN DEFINITION // ============================== function Plugin(option, _relatedTarget) { var retval = null; this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('bs.gtreetable'), options = $.extend({}, $.fn.gtreetable.defaults, $this.data(), typeof option === 'object' && option); if (!data) { data = new GTreeTable(this, options); $this.data('bs.gtreetable', data); } if (typeof option === 'string') { retval = data[option](_relatedTarget); } }); if (!retval) { retval = this; } return retval; } var old = $.fn.gtreetable; $.fn.gtreetable = Plugin; $.fn.gtreetable.Constructor = GTreeTable; $.fn.gtreetable.defaults = { nodesWrapper: 'nodes', nodeIndent: 16, language: 'en', inputWidth: '60%', cache: 2, readonly: false, selectLimit: 1, rootLevel: 0, manyroots: false, draggable: false, dragCanExpand: false, showExpandIconOnEmpty: false, languages: { 'en-US': { save: 'Save', cancel: 'Cancel', action: 'Action', actions: { createBefore: 'Create before', createAfter: 'Create after', createFirstChild: 'Create first child', createLastChild: 'Create last child', update: 'Update', 'delete': 'Delete' }, messages: { onDelete: 'Are you sure?', onNewRootNotAllowed: 'Adding the now node as root is not allowed.', onMoveInDescendant: 'The target node should not be descendant.', onMoveAsRoot: 'The target node should not be root.' } } }, defaultActions: [ { name: '${createBefore}', event: function (oNode, oManager) { oNode.add('before', 'default'); } }, { name: '${createAfter}', event: function (oNode, oManager) { oNode.add('after', 'default'); } }, { name: '${createFirstChild}', event: function (oNode, oManager) { oNode.add('firstChild', 'default'); } }, { name: '${createLastChild}', event: function (oNode, oManager) { oNode.add('lastChild', 'default'); } }, { divider: true }, { name: '${update}', event: function (oNode, oManager) { oNode.makeEditable(); } }, { name: '${delete}', event: function (oNode, oManager) { if (confirm(oManager.language.messages.onDelete)) { oNode.remove(); } } } ], classes: { node: 'node', loading: 'node-loading', selected: 'node-selected', hovered: 'node-hovered', expanded: 'node-expanded', collapsed : 'node-collapsed', draggable : 'node-draggable', draggableHelper : 'node-draggable-helper', draggablePointer : 'node-draggable-pointer', draggableContainer : 'node-draggable-container', saved: 'node-saved', name: 'node-name', icon: 'node-icon', selectedIcon: 'node-icon-selected', ceIcon: 'node-icon-ce', typeIcon: 'node-icon-type', handleIcon : 'node-icon-handle', action: 'node-action', indent: 'node-indent', saveButton: 'node-save', cancelButton: 'node-cancel', buttons: 'node-buttons' } }; // OVERLAYINPUT NO CONFLICT // ======================== $.fn.gtreetable.noConflict = function () { $.fn.gtreetable = old; return this; }; }(jQuery));