var ComponentsIonSliders = function () { return { //main function to initiate the module init: function () { $("#range_1").ionRangeSlider({ min: 0, max: 5000, from: 1000, to: 4000, type: 'double', step: 1, prefix: "$", prettify: false, hasGrid: true }); $("#range_2").ionRangeSlider(); $("#range_5").ionRangeSlider({ min: 0, max: 10, type: 'single', step: 0.1, postfix: " mm", prettify: false, hasGrid: true }); $("#range_6").ionRangeSlider({ min: -50, max: 50, from: 0, type: 'single', step: 1, postfix: "°", prettify: false, hasGrid: true }); $("#range_4").ionRangeSlider({ type: "single", step: 100, postfix: " light years", from: 55000, hideText: true }); $("#range_3").ionRangeSlider({ type: "double", postfix: " miles", step: 10000, from: 25000000, to: 35000000, onChange: function(obj){ var t = ""; for(var prop in obj) { t += prop + ": " + obj[prop] + "\r\n"; } $("#result").html(t); } }); $("#updateLast").on("click", function(){ $("#range_3").ionRangeSlider("update", { min: Math.round(10000 + Math.random() * 40000), max: Math.round(200000 + Math.random() * 100000), step: 1, from: Math.round(40000 + Math.random() * 40000), to: Math.round(150000 + Math.random() * 80000) }); }); } }; }();