{% extends "base.html" %} {% set active_page = "admin_users" %} {% block title %} {% if create %}Add user{% else %}Edit user "{{ user.username }}"{% endif %} - {{ SITE_NAME }} {% endblock %} {% block dashboard_stat %}

Users {% if create %}New user{% else %}Edit user {{ user.username }}{% endif %}

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

{% if create %}Add{% else %}Edit{% endif %} user

{% if error %}


{{ error }}
{{ error }} {% endif %}
{% if blank_password %} The password cannot be blank. {% endif %}
{% if not create %} {% if user.otp_secret %}

Two Factor Authentication

If two factor authentication is configured for this user and is causing problems due to a lost device or technical issue, it can be disabled here.

The user will need to reconfigure two factor authentication, to re-enable it.

Beware: This could compromise security!

{% endif %} {% endif %}

Help with {% if create %}creating a new{% else%}editing a{% endif %} user

Fill in all the fields to the in the form to the left.

{% if create %}

Newly created users do not have access to any domains. You will need to grant access to the user once it is created via the domain management buttons on the dashboard.

{% else %}

Username cannot be changed.

Password can be left empty to keep the current password.

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block extrascripts %} {% endblock %} {% block modals %} {% endblock %}