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20766037, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "TW", "name": "Taiwan", "value": 23072000, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "TJ", "name": "Tajikistan", "value": 6976958, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "TZ", "name": "Tanzania", "value": 46218486, "color": "#de4c4f" }, { "code": "TH", "name": "Thailand", "value": 69518555, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "TG", "name": "Togo", "value": 6154813, "color": "#de4c4f" }, { "code": "TT", "name": "Trinidad and Tobago", "value": 1346350, "color": "#a7a737" }, { "code": "TN", "name": "Tunisia", "value": 10594057, "color": "#de4c4f" }, { "code": "TR", "name": "Turkey", "value": 73639596, "color": "#d8854f" }, { "code": "TM", "name": "Turkmenistan", "value": 5105301, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "UG", "name": "Uganda", "value": 34509205, "color": "#de4c4f" }, { "code": "UA", "name": "Ukraine", "value": 45190180, "color": "#d8854f" }, { "code": "AE", "name": "United Arab Emirates", "value": 7890924, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "GB", "name": "United Kingdom", "value": 62417431, "color": "#d8854f" }, { "code": "US", "name": "United States", "value": 313085380, "color": "#a7a737" }, { "code": "UY", "name": "Uruguay", "value": 3380008, "color": "#86a965" }, { "code": "UZ", "name": "Uzbekistan", "value": 27760267, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "VE", "name": "Venezuela", "value": 29436891, "color": "#86a965" }, { "code": "PS", "name": "West Bank and Gaza", "value": 4152369, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "VN", "name": "Vietnam", "value": 88791996, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "YE", "name": "Yemen, Rep.", "value": 24799880, "color": "#eea638" }, { "code": "ZM", "name": "Zambia", "value": 13474959, "color": "#de4c4f" }, { "code": "ZW", "name": "Zimbabwe", "value": 12754378, "color": "#de4c4f" }]; var map; var minBulletSize = 3; var maxBulletSize = 70; var min = Infinity; var max = -Infinity; // get min and max values for (var i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) { var value = mapData[i].value; if (value < min) { min = value; } if (value > max) { max = value; } } // build map AmCharts.ready(function() { AmCharts.theme = AmCharts.themes.dark; map = new AmCharts.AmMap(); map.pathToImages = Metronic.getGlobalPluginsPath() + "amcharts/ammap/images/", map.fontFamily = 'Open Sans'; map.fontSize = '13'; map.color = '#888'; map.addTitle("Population of the World in 2011", 14); map.addTitle("source: Gapminder", 11); map.areasSettings = { unlistedAreasColor: "#000000", unlistedAreasAlpha: 0.1 }; map.imagesSettings.balloonText = "[[title]]: [[value]]"; var dataProvider = { mapVar: AmCharts.maps.worldLow, images: [] } // create circle for each country for (var i = 0; i < mapData.length; i++) { var dataItem = mapData[i]; var value = dataItem.value; // calculate size of a bubble var size = (value - min) / (max - min) * (maxBulletSize - minBulletSize) + minBulletSize; if (size < minBulletSize) { size = minBulletSize; } var id = dataItem.code; dataProvider.images.push({ type: "circle", width: size, height: size, color: dataItem.color, longitude: latlong[id].longitude, latitude: latlong[id].latitude, title:, value: value }); } map.dataProvider = dataProvider; map.write("chart_10"); }); $('#chart_10').closest('.portlet').find('.fullscreen').click(function() { map.invalidateSize(); }); } var initChartSample11 = function() { // svg path for target icon var targetSVG = "M9,0C4.029,0,0,4.029,0,9s4.029,9,9,9s9-4.029,9-9S13.971,0,9,0z M9,15.93 c-3.83,0-6.93-3.1-6.93-6.93S5.17,2.07,9,2.07s6.93,3.1,6.93,6.93S12.83,15.93,9,15.93 M12.5,9c0,1.933-1.567,3.5-3.5,3.5S5.5,10.933,5.5,9S7.067,5.5,9,5.5 S12.5,7.067,12.5,9z"; // svg path for plane icon var planeSVG = "M19.671,8.11l-2.777,2.777l-3.837-0.861c0.362-0.505,0.916-1.683,0.464-2.135c-0.518-0.517-1.979,0.278-2.305,0.604l-0.913,0.913L7.614,8.804l-2.021,2.021l2.232,1.061l-0.082,0.082l1.701,1.701l0.688-0.687l3.164,1.504L9.571,18.21H6.413l-1.137,1.138l3.6,0.948l1.83,1.83l0.947,3.598l1.137-1.137V21.43l3.725-3.725l1.504,3.164l-0.687,0.687l1.702,1.701l0.081-0.081l1.062,2.231l2.02-2.02l-0.604-2.689l0.912-0.912c0.326-0.326,1.121-1.789,0.604-2.306c-0.452-0.452-1.63,0.101-2.135,0.464l-0.861-3.838l2.777-2.777c0.947-0.947,3.599-4.862,2.62-5.839C24.533,4.512,20.618,7.163,19.671,8.11z"; var map = AmCharts.makeChart("chart_11", { type: "map", "theme": "light", pathToImages: Metronic.getGlobalPluginsPath() + "amcharts/ammap/images/", "fontFamily": 'Open Sans', "color": '#888', dataProvider: { map: "worldLow", linkToObject: "london", images: [{ id: "london", color: "#000000", svgPath: targetSVG, title: "London", latitude: 51.5002, longitude: -0.1262, scale: 1.5, zoomLevel: 2.74, zoomLongitude: -20.1341, zoomLatitude: 49.1712, lines: [{ latitudes: [51.5002, 50.4422], longitudes: [-0.1262, 30.5367] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 46.9480], longitudes: [-0.1262, 7.4481] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 59.3328], longitudes: [-0.1262, 18.0645] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 40.4167], longitudes: [-0.1262, -3.7033] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 46.0514], longitudes: [-0.1262, 14.5060] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 48.2116], longitudes: [-0.1262, 17.1547] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 44.8048], longitudes: [-0.1262, 20.4781] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 55.7558], longitudes: [-0.1262, 37.6176] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 38.7072], longitudes: [-0.1262, -9.1355] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 54.6896], longitudes: [-0.1262, 25.2799] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 64.1353], longitudes: [-0.1262, -21.8952] }, { latitudes: [51.5002, 40.4300], longitudes: [-0.1262, -74.0000] }], images: [{ label: "Flights from London", svgPath: planeSVG, left: 100, top: 45, labelShiftY: 5, color: "#CC0000", labelColor: "#CC0000", labelRollOverColor: "#CC0000", labelFontSize: 20 }, { label: "show flights from Vilnius", left: 106, top: 70, labelColor: "#000000", labelRollOverColor: "#CC0000", labelFontSize: 11, linkToObject: "vilnius" }] }, { id: "vilnius", color: "#000000", svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Vilnius", latitude: 54.6896, longitude: 25.2799, scale: 1.5, zoomLevel: 4.92, zoomLongitude: 15.4492, zoomLatitude: 50.2631, lines: [{ latitudes: [54.6896, 50.8371], longitudes: [25.2799, 4.3676] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 59.9138], longitudes: [25.2799, 10.7387] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 40.4167], longitudes: [25.2799, -3.7033] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 50.0878], longitudes: [25.2799, 14.4205] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 48.2116], longitudes: [25.2799, 17.1547] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 44.8048], longitudes: [25.2799, 20.4781] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 55.7558], longitudes: [25.2799, 37.6176] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 37.9792], longitudes: [25.2799, 23.7166] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 54.6896], longitudes: [25.2799, 25.2799] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 51.5002], longitudes: [25.2799, -0.1262] }, { latitudes: [54.6896, 53.3441], longitudes: [25.2799, -6.2675] }], images: [{ label: "Flights from Vilnius", svgPath: planeSVG, left: 100, top: 45, labelShiftY: 5, color: "#CC0000", labelColor: "#CC0000", labelRollOverColor: "#CC0000", labelFontSize: 20 }, { label: "show flights from London", left: 106, top: 70, labelColor: "#000000", labelRollOverColor: "#CC0000", labelFontSize: 11, linkToObject: "london" }] }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Brussels", latitude: 50.8371, longitude: 4.3676 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Prague", latitude: 50.0878, longitude: 14.4205 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Athens", latitude: 37.9792, longitude: 23.7166 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Reykjavik", latitude: 64.1353, longitude: -21.8952 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Dublin", latitude: 53.3441, longitude: -6.2675 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Oslo", latitude: 59.9138, longitude: 10.7387 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Lisbon", latitude: 38.7072, longitude: -9.1355 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Moscow", latitude: 55.7558, longitude: 37.6176 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Belgrade", latitude: 44.8048, longitude: 20.4781 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Bratislava", latitude: 48.2116, longitude: 17.1547 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Ljubljana", latitude: 46.0514, longitude: 14.5060 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Madrid", latitude: 40.4167, longitude: -3.7033 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Stockholm", latitude: 59.3328, longitude: 18.0645 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Bern", latitude: 46.9480, longitude: 7.4481 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Kiev", latitude: 50.4422, longitude: 30.5367 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "Paris", latitude: 48.8567, longitude: 2.3510 }, { svgPath: targetSVG, title: "New York", latitude: 40.43, longitude: -74 } ] }, areasSettings: { unlistedAreasColor: "#FFCC00" }, imagesSettings: { color: "#CC0000", rollOverColor: "#CC0000", selectedColor: "#000000" }, linesSettings: { color: "#CC0000", alpha: 0.4 }, backgroundZoomsToTop: true, linesAboveImages: true }); $('#chart_11').closest('.portlet').find('.fullscreen').click(function() { map.invalidateSize(); }); } var initChartSample12 = function() { var chartData = []; generateChartData(); function generateChartData() { var firstDate = new Date(2012, 0, 1); firstDate.setDate(firstDate.getDate() - 500); firstDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { var newDate = new Date(firstDate); newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + i); var a = Math.round(Math.random() * (40 + i)) + 100 + i; var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000); chartData.push({ date: newDate, value: a, volume: b }); } } var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chart_12", { type: "stock", "theme": "light", pathToImages: Metronic.getGlobalPluginsPath() + "amcharts/amcharts/images/", "fontFamily": 'Open Sans', "color": '#888', dataSets: [{ color: "#b0de09", fieldMappings: [{ fromField: "value", toField: "value" }, { fromField: "volume", toField: "volume" }], dataProvider: chartData, categoryField: "date", // EVENTS stockEvents: [{ date: new Date(2010, 8, 19), type: "sign", backgroundColor: "#85CDE6", graph: "g1", text: "S", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2010, 10, 19), type: "flag", backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", backgroundAlpha: 0.5, graph: "g1", text: "F", description: "Some longerntext can alson be added" }, { date: new Date(2010, 11, 10), showOnAxis: true, backgroundColor: "#85CDE6", type: "pin", text: "X", graph: "g1", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2010, 11, 26), showOnAxis: true, backgroundColor: "#85CDE6", type: "pin", text: "Z", graph: "g1", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 0, 3), type: "sign", backgroundColor: "#85CDE6", graph: "g1", text: "U", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 1, 6), type: "sign", graph: "g1", text: "D", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 3, 5), type: "sign", graph: "g1", text: "L", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 3, 5), type: "sign", graph: "g1", text: "R", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 5, 15), type: "arrowUp", backgroundColor: "#00CC00", graph: "g1", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 6, 25), type: "arrowDown", backgroundColor: "#CC0000", graph: "g1", description: "This is description of an event" }, { date: new Date(2011, 8, 1), type: "text", graph: "g1", text: "Longer text can\nalso be displayed", description: "This is description of an event" }] }], panels: [{ title: "Value", percentHeight: 70, stockGraphs: [{ id: "g1", valueField: "value" }], stockLegend: { valueTextRegular: " ", markerType: "none" } }], chartScrollbarSettings: { graph: "g1" }, chartCursorSettings: { valueBalloonsEnabled: true, graphBulletSize: 1, valueLineBalloonEnabled:true, valueLineEnabled:true, valueLineAlpha:0.5 }, periodSelector: { periods: [{ period: "DD", count: 10, label: "10 days" }, { period: "MM", count: 1, label: "1 month" }, { period: "YYYY", count: 1, label: "1 year" }, { period: "YTD", label: "YTD" }, { period: "MAX", label: "MAX" }] }, panelsSettings: { usePrefixes: true } }); $('#chart_12').closest('.portlet').find('.fullscreen').click(function() { chart.invalidateSize(); }); } return { //main function to initiate the module init: function() { initChartSample1(); initChartSample2(); initChartSample3(); initChartSample4(); initChartSample5(); initChartSample6(); initChartSample7(); initChartSample8(); initChartSample9(); initChartSample10(); initChartSample11(); initChartSample12(); } }; }();