var Inbox = function () { var content = $('.inbox-content'); var loading = $('.inbox-loading'); var listListing = ''; var loadInbox = function (el, name) { var url = 'inbox_inbox.html'; var title = $('.inbox-nav > li.' + name + ' a').attr('data-title'); listListing = name;; content.html(''); toggleButton(el); $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: url, dataType: "html", success: function(res) { toggleButton(el); $('.inbox-nav >').removeClass('active'); $('.inbox-nav > li.' + name).addClass('active'); $('.inbox-header > h1').text(title); loading.hide(); content.html(res); if (Layout.fixContentHeight) { Layout.fixContentHeight(); } Metronic.initUniform(); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { toggleButton(el); }, async: false }); // handle group checkbox: jQuery('body').on('change', '.mail-group-checkbox', function () { var set = jQuery('.mail-checkbox'); var checked = jQuery(this).is(":checked"); jQuery(set).each(function () { $(this).attr("checked", checked); }); jQuery.uniform.update(set); }); } var loadMessage = function (el, name, resetMenu) { var url = 'inbox_view.html';; content.html(''); toggleButton(el); var message_id = el.parent('tr').attr("data-messageid"); $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: url, dataType: "html", data: {'message_id': message_id}, success: function(res) { toggleButton(el); if (resetMenu) { $('.inbox-nav >').removeClass('active'); } $('.inbox-header > h1').text('View Message'); loading.hide(); content.html(res); Layout.fixContentHeight(); Metronic.initUniform(); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { toggleButton(el); }, async: false }); } var initWysihtml5 = function () { $('.inbox-wysihtml5').wysihtml5({ "stylesheets": ["../../assets/global/plugins/bootstrap-wysihtml5/wysiwyg-color.css"] }); } var initFileupload = function () { $('#fileupload').fileupload({ // Uncomment the following to send cross-domain cookies: //xhrFields: {withCredentials: true}, url: '../../assets/global/plugins/jquery-file-upload/server/php/', autoUpload: true }); // Upload server status check for browsers with CORS support: if ($.support.cors) { $.ajax({ url: '../../assets/global/plugins/jquery-file-upload/server/php/', type: 'HEAD' }).fail(function () { $('') .text('Upload server currently unavailable - ' + new Date()) .appendTo('#fileupload'); }); } } var loadCompose = function (el) { var url = 'inbox_compose.html';; content.html(''); toggleButton(el); // load the form via ajax $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: url, dataType: "html", success: function(res) { toggleButton(el); $('.inbox-nav >').removeClass('active'); $('.inbox-header > h1').text('Compose'); loading.hide(); content.html(res); initFileupload(); initWysihtml5(); $('.inbox-wysihtml5').focus(); Layout.fixContentHeight(); Metronic.initUniform(); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { toggleButton(el); }, async: false }); } var loadReply = function (el) { var messageid = $(el).attr("data-messageid"); var url = 'inbox_reply.html?messageid=' + messageid;; content.html(''); toggleButton(el); // load the form via ajax $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: url, dataType: "html", success: function(res) { toggleButton(el); $('.inbox-nav >').removeClass('active'); $('.inbox-header > h1').text('Reply'); loading.hide(); content.html(res); $('[name="message"]').val($('#reply_email_content_body').html()); handleCCInput(); // init "CC" input field initFileupload(); initWysihtml5(); Layout.fixContentHeight(); Metronic.initUniform(); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { toggleButton(el); }, async: false }); } var loadSearchResults = function (el) { var url = 'inbox_inbox.html';; content.html(''); toggleButton(el); $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: url, dataType: "html", success: function(res) { toggleButton(el); $('.inbox-nav >').removeClass('active'); $('.inbox-header > h1').text('Search'); loading.hide(); content.html(res); Layout.fixContentHeight(); Metronic.initUniform(); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { toggleButton(el); }, async: false }); } var handleCCInput = function () { var the = $('.inbox-compose .mail-to .inbox-cc'); var input = $('.inbox-compose .input-cc'); the.hide();; $('.close', input).click(function () { input.hide();; }); } var handleBCCInput = function () { var the = $('.inbox-compose .mail-to .inbox-bcc'); var input = $('.inbox-compose .input-bcc'); the.hide();; $('.close', input).click(function () { input.hide();; }); } var toggleButton = function(el) { if (typeof el == 'undefined') { return; } if (el.attr("disabled")) { el.attr("disabled", false); } else { el.attr("disabled", true); } } return { //main function to initiate the module init: function () { // handle compose btn click $('.inbox').on('click', '.compose-btn a', function () { loadCompose($(this)); }); // handle discard btn $('.inbox').on('click', '.inbox-discard-btn', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); loadInbox($(this), listListing); }); // handle reply and forward button click $('.inbox').on('click', '.reply-btn', function () { loadReply($(this)); }); // handle view message $('.inbox-content').on('click', '.view-message', function () { loadMessage($(this)); }); // handle inbox listing $('.inbox-nav > li.inbox > a').click(function () { loadInbox($(this), 'inbox'); }); // handle sent listing $('.inbox-nav > li.sent > a').click(function () { loadInbox($(this), 'sent'); }); // handle draft listing $('.inbox-nav > li.draft > a').click(function () { loadInbox($(this), 'draft'); }); // handle trash listing $('.inbox-nav > li.trash > a').click(function () { loadInbox($(this), 'trash'); }); //handle compose/reply cc input toggle $('.inbox-content').on('click', '.mail-to .inbox-cc', function () { handleCCInput(); }); //handle compose/reply bcc input toggle $('.inbox-content').on('click', '.mail-to .inbox-bcc', function () { handleBCCInput(); }); //handle loading content based on URL parameter if (Metronic.getURLParameter("a") === "view") { loadMessage(); } else if (Metronic.getURLParameter("a") === "compose") { loadCompose(); } else { $('.inbox-nav > li.inbox > a').click(); } } }; }();