var Index = function() { var dashboardMainChart = null; return { //main function init: function() { Metronic.addResizeHandler(function() { jQuery('.vmaps').each(function() { var map = jQuery(this); map.width(map.parent().width()); }); }); Index.initCharts(); Index.initMiniCharts(); Index.initJQVMAP(); }, initJQVMAP: function() { if (!jQuery().vectorMap) { return; } var showMap = function(name) { jQuery('.vmaps').hide(); jQuery('#vmap_' + name).show(); } var setMap = function(name) { var data = { map: 'world_en', backgroundColor: null, borderColor: '#333333', borderOpacity: 0.5, borderWidth: 1, color: '#c6c6c6', enableZoom: true, hoverColor: '#c9dfaf', hoverOpacity: null, values: sample_data, normalizeFunction: 'linear', scaleColors: ['#b6da93', '#909cae'], selectedColor: '#c9dfaf', selectedRegion: null, showTooltip: true, onLabelShow: function(event, label, code) { }, onRegionOver: function(event, code) { if (code == 'ca') { event.preventDefault(); } }, onRegionClick: function(element, code, region) { var message = 'You clicked "' + region + '" which has the code: ' + code.toUpperCase(); alert(message); } }; = name + '_en'; var map = jQuery('#vmap_' + name); if (!map) { return; } map.width(map.parent().parent().width());; map.vectorMap(data); map.hide(); } setMap("world"); setMap("usa"); setMap("europe"); setMap("russia"); setMap("germany"); showMap("world"); jQuery('#regional_stat_world').click(function() { showMap("world"); }); jQuery('#regional_stat_usa').click(function() { showMap("usa"); }); jQuery('#regional_stat_europe').click(function() { showMap("europe"); }); jQuery('#regional_stat_russia').click(function() { showMap("russia"); }); jQuery('#regional_stat_germany').click(function() { showMap("germany"); }); $('#region_statistics_loading').hide(); $('#region_statistics_content').show(); }, initCharts: function() { if (Morris.EventEmitter) { // Use Morris.Area instead of Morris.Line dashboardMainChart = Morris.Area({ element: 'sales_statistics', padding: 0, behaveLikeLine: false, gridEnabled: false, gridLineColor: false, axes: false, fillOpacity: 1, data: [{ period: '2011 Q1', sales: 1400, profit: 400 }, { period: '2011 Q2', sales: 1100, profit: 600 }, { period: '2011 Q3', sales: 1600, profit: 500 }, { period: '2011 Q4', sales: 1200, profit: 400 }, { period: '2012 Q1', sales: 1550, profit: 800 }], lineColors: ['#399a8c', '#92e9dc'], xkey: 'period', ykeys: ['sales', 'profit'], labels: ['Sales', 'Profit'], pointSize: 0, lineWidth: 0, hideHover: 'auto', resize: true }); } }, redrawCharts: function() { dashboardMainChart.resizeHandler(); }, initMiniCharts: function() { // IE8 Fix: function.bind polyfill if (Metronic.isIE8() && !Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function(oThis) { if (typeof this !== "function") { // closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable function throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable"); } var aArgs =, 1), fToBind = this, fNOP = function() {}, fBound = function() { return fToBind.apply(this instanceof fNOP && oThis ? this : oThis, aArgs.concat(; }; fNOP.prototype = this.prototype; fBound.prototype = new fNOP(); return fBound; }; } $("#sparkline_bar").sparkline([8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 10, 12, 10, 10, 11, 9, 12, 11], { type: 'bar', width: '100', barWidth: 6, height: '45', barColor: '#F36A5B', negBarColor: '#e02222' }); $("#sparkline_bar2").sparkline([9, 11, 12, 13, 12, 13, 10, 14, 13, 11, 11, 12, 11], { type: 'bar', width: '100', barWidth: 6, height: '45', barColor: '#5C9BD1', negBarColor: '#e02222' }); } }; }();