/** * Clockface - v1.0.1 * Clockface timepicker for Twitter Bootstrap * * Confusion with noon and midnight: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock * Here considered '00:00 am' as midnight and '12:00 pm' as noon. * * Author: Vitaliy Potapov * Project page: http://github.com/vitalets/clockface * Copyright (c) 2012 Vitaliy Potapov. Released under MIT License. **/ (function ($) { var Clockface = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.clockface.defaults, options, this.$element.data()); this.init(); }; Clockface.prototype = { constructor: Clockface, init: function () { //apply template this.$clockface = $($.fn.clockface.template); this.$clockface.find('.l1 .cell, .left.cell').html('<div class="outer"></div><div class="inner"></div>'); this.$clockface.find('.l5 .cell, .right.cell').html('<div class="inner"></div><div class="outer"></div>'); this.$clockface.hide(); this.$outer = this.$clockface.find('.outer'); this.$inner = this.$clockface.find('.inner'); this.$ampm = this.$clockface.find('.ampm'); //internal vars this.ampm = null; this.hour = null; this.minute = null; //click am/pm this.$ampm.click($.proxy(this.clickAmPm, this)); //click cell this.$clockface.on('click', '.cell', $.proxy(this.click, this)); this.parseFormat(); this.prepareRegexp(); //set ampm text this.ampmtext = this.is24 ? {am: '12-23', pm: '0-11'} : {am: 'AM', pm: 'PM'}; this.isInline = this.$element.is('div'); if(this.isInline) { this.$clockface.addClass('clockface-inline').appendTo(this.$element); } else { this.$clockface.addClass('dropdown-menu').appendTo('body'); if(this.options.trigger === 'focus') { this.$element.on('focus.clockface', $.proxy(function(e) { this.show(); }, this)); } // Click outside hide it. Register single handler for all clockface widgets $(document).off('click.clockface').on('click.clockface', $.proxy(function (e) { var $target = $(e.target); //click inside some clockface --> do nothing if ($target.closest('.clockface').length) { return; } //iterate all open clockface and close all except current $('.clockface-open').each(function(){ if(this === e.target) { return; } $(this).clockface('hide'); }); }, this)); } //fill minutes once this.fill('minute'); }, /* Displays widget with specified value */ show: function(value) { if(this.$clockface.is(':visible')) { return; } if(!this.isInline) { if(value === undefined) { value = this.$element.val(); } this.$element.addClass('clockface-open'); this.$element.on('keydown.clockface', $.proxy(this.keydown, this)); this.place(); $(window).on('resize.clockface', $.proxy(this.place, this)); } this.$clockface.show(); this.setTime(value); //trigger shown event this.$element.triggerHandler('shown.clockface', this.getTime(true)); }, /* hides widget */ hide: function() { this.$clockface.hide(); if(!this.isInline) { this.$element.removeClass('clockface-open'); this.$element.off('keydown.clockface'); $(window).off('resize.clockface'); } //trigger hidden event this.$element.triggerHandler('hidden.clockface', this.getTime(true)); }, /* toggles show/hide */ toggle: function(value) { if(this.$clockface.is(':visible')) { this.hide(); } else { this.show(value); } }, /* Set time of clockface. Am/pm will be set automatically. Value can be Date object or string */ setTime: function(value) { var res, hour, minute, ampm = 'am'; //no new value if(value === undefined) { //if ampm null, it;s first showw, need to render hours ('am' by default) if(this.ampm === null) { this.setAmPm('am'); } return; } //take value from Date object if(value instanceof Date) { hour = value.getHours(); minute = value.getMinutes(); } //parse value from string if(typeof value === 'string' && value.length) { res = this.parseTime(value); //'24' always '0' if(res.hour === 24) { res.hour = 0; } hour = res.hour; minute = res.minute; ampm = res.ampm; } //try to set ampm automatically if(hour > 11 && hour < 24) { ampm = 'pm'; //for 12h format substract 12 from value if(!this.is24 && hour > 12) { hour -= 12; } } else if(hour >= 0 && hour < 11) { //always set am for 24h and for '0' in 12h if(this.is24 || hour === 0) { ampm = 'am'; } //otherwise ampm should be defined in value itself and retrieved when parsing } this.setAmPm(ampm); this.setHour(hour); this.setMinute(minute); }, /* Set ampm and re-fill hours */ setAmPm: function(value) { if(value === this.ampm) { return; } else { this.ampm = value === 'am' ? 'am' : 'pm'; } //set link's text this.$ampm.text(this.ampmtext[this.ampm]); //re-fill and highlight hour this.fill('hour'); this.highlight('hour'); }, /* Sets hour value and highlight if possible */ setHour: function(value) { value = parseInt(value, 10); value = isNaN(value) ? null : value; if(value < 0 || value > 23) { value = null; } if(value === this.hour) { return; } else { this.hour = value; } this.highlight('hour'); }, /* Sets minute value and highlight */ setMinute: function(value) { value = parseInt(value, 10); value = isNaN(value) ? null : value; if(value < 0 || value > 59) { value = null; } if(value === this.minute) { return; } else { this.minute = value; } this.highlight('minute'); }, /* Highlights hour/minute */ highlight: function(what) { var index, values = this.getValues(what), value = what === 'minute' ? this.minute : this.hour, $cells = what === 'minute' ? this.$outer : this.$inner; $cells.removeClass('active'); //find index of value and highlight if possible index = $.inArray(value, values); if(index >= 0) { $cells.eq(index).addClass('active'); } }, /* Fill values around */ fill: function(what) { var values = this.getValues(what), $cells = what === 'minute' ? this.$outer : this.$inner, leadZero = what === 'minute'; $cells.each(function(i){ var v = values[i]; if(leadZero && v < 10) { v = '0' + v; } $(this).text(v); }); }, /* returns values of hours or minutes, depend on ampm and 24/12 format (0-11, 12-23, 00-55, etc) param what: 'hour'/'minute' */ getValues: function(what) { var values = [11, 0, 1, 10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7, 6, 5], result = values.slice(); //minutes if(what === 'minute') { $.each(values, function(i, v) { result[i] = v*5; }); } else { //hours if(!this.is24) { result[1] = 12; //need this to show '12' instead of '00' for 12h am/pm } if(this.is24 && this.ampm === 'pm') { $.each(values, function(i, v) { result[i] = v+12; }); } } return result; }, /* Click cell handler. Stores hour/minute and highlights. On second click deselect value */ click: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target), value = $target.hasClass('active') ? null : $target.text(); if($target.hasClass('inner')) { this.setHour(value); } else { this.setMinute(value); } //update value in input if(!this.isInline) { this.$element.val(this.getTime()); } //trigger pick event this.$element.triggerHandler('pick.clockface', this.getTime(true)); }, /* Click handler on ampm link */ clickAmPm: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //toggle am/pm this.setAmPm(this.ampm === 'am' ? 'pm' : 'am'); //update value in input if(!this.isInline && !this.is24) { this.$element.val(this.getTime()); } //trigger pick event this.$element.triggerHandler('pick.clockface', this.getTime(true)); }, /* Place widget below input */ place: function(){ var zIndex = parseInt(this.$element.parents().filter(function() { return $(this).css('z-index') != 'auto'; }).first().css('z-index'), 10)+10, offset = this.$element.offset(); this.$clockface.css({ top: offset.top + this.$element.outerHeight(), left: offset.left, zIndex: zIndex }); }, /* keydown handler (for not inline mode) */ keydown: function(e) { //tab, escape, enter --> hide if(/^(9|27|13)$/.test(e.which)) { this.hide(); return; } clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = setTimeout($.proxy(function(){ this.setTime(this.$element.val()); }, this), 500); }, /* Parse format from options and set this.is24 */ parseFormat: function() { var format = this.options.format, hFormat = 'HH', mFormat = 'mm'; //hour format $.each(['HH', 'hh', 'H', 'h'], function(i, f){ if(format.indexOf(f) !== -1) { hFormat = f; return false; } }); //minute format $.each(['mm', 'm'], function(i, f){ if(format.indexOf(f) !== -1) { mFormat = f; return false; } }); //is 24 hour format this.is24 = hFormat.indexOf('H') !== -1; this.hFormat = hFormat; this.mFormat = mFormat; }, /* Parse value passed as string or Date object */ parseTime: function(value) { var hour = null, minute = null, ampm = 'am', parts = [], digits; value = $.trim(value); //try parse time from string assuming separator exist if(this.regexpSep) { parts = value.match(this.regexpSep); } if(parts && parts.length) { hour = parts[1] ? parseInt(parts[1], 10) : null; minute = parts[2] ? parseInt(parts[2], 10): null; ampm = (!parts[3] || parts[3].toLowerCase() === 'a') ? 'am' : 'pm'; } else { //if parse with separator failed, search for 1,4-digit block and process it //use reversed string to start from end (usefull with full dates) //see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/141348/what-is-the-best-way-to-parse-a-time-into-a-date-object-from-user-input-in-javas value = value.split('').reverse().join('').replace(/\s/g, ''); parts = value.match(this.regexpNoSep); if(parts && parts.length) { ampm = (!parts[1] || parts[1].toLowerCase() === 'a') ? 'am' : 'pm'; //reverse back digits = parts[2].split('').reverse().join(''); //use smart analyzing to detect hours and minutes switch(digits.length) { case 1: hour = parseInt(digits, 10); //e.g. '6' break; case 2: hour = parseInt(digits, 10); //e.g. '16' //if((this.is24 && hour > 24) || (!this.is24 && hour > 12)) { //e.g. 26 if(hour > 24) { //e.g. 26 hour = parseInt(digits[0], 10); minute = parseInt(digits[1], 10); } break; case 3: hour = parseInt(digits[0], 10); //e.g. 105 minute = parseInt(digits[1]+digits[2], 10); if(minute > 59) { hour = parseInt(digits[0]+digits[1], 10); //e.g. 195 minute = parseInt(digits[2], 10); if(hour > 24) { hour = null; minute = null; } } break; case 4: hour = parseInt(digits[0]+digits[1], 10); //e.g. 2006 minute = parseInt(digits[2]+digits[3], 10); if(hour > 24) { hour = null; } if(minute > 59) { minute = null; } } } } return {hour: hour, minute: minute, ampm: ampm}; }, prepareRegexp: function() { //take separator from format var sep = this.options.format.match(/h\s*([^hm]?)\s*m/i); //HH-mm, HH:mm if(sep && sep.length) { sep = sep[1]; } //sep can be null for HH, and '' for HHmm this.separator = sep; //parse from string //use reversed string and regexp to parse 2-digit minutes first //see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/141348/what-is-the-best-way-to-parse-a-time-into-a-date-object-from-user-input-in-javas //this.regexp = new RegExp('(a|p)?\\s*((\\d\\d?)' + sep + ')?(\\d\\d?)', 'i'); //regexp, used with separator this.regexpSep = (this.separator && this.separator.length) ? new RegExp('(\\d\\d?)\\s*\\' + this.separator + '\\s*(\\d?\\d?)\\s*(a|p)?', 'i') : null; //second regexp applied if previous has no result or separator is empty (to reversed string) this.regexpNoSep = new RegExp('(a|p)?\\s*(\\d{1,4})', 'i'); }, /* Returns time as string in specified format */ getTime: function(asObject) { if(asObject === true) { return { hour: this.hour, minute: this.minute, ampm: this.ampm }; } var hour = this.hour !== null ? this.hour + '' : '', minute = this.minute !== null ? this.minute + '' : '', result = this.options.format; if(!hour.length && !minute.length) { return ''; } if(this.hFormat.length > 1 && hour.length === 1) { hour = '0' + hour; } if(this.mFormat.length > 1 && minute.length === 1) { minute = '0' + minute; } //delete separator if no minutes if(!minute.length && this.separator) { result = result.replace(this.separator, ''); } result = result.replace(this.hFormat, hour).replace(this.mFormat, minute); if(!this.is24) { if(result.indexOf('A') !== -1) { result = result.replace('A', this.ampm.toUpperCase()); } else { result = result.replace('a', this.ampm); } } return result; }, /* Removes widget and detach events */ destroy: function() { this.hide(); this.$clockface.remove(); if(!this.isInline && this.options.trigger === 'focus') { this.$element.off('focus.clockface'); } } }; $.fn.clockface = function ( option ) { var d, args = Array.apply(null, arguments); args.shift(); //getTime returns string (not jQuery onject) if(option === 'getTime' && this.length && (d = this.eq(0).data('clockface'))) { return d.getTime.apply(d, args); } return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('clockface'), options = typeof option == 'object' && option; if (!data) { $this.data('clockface', (data = new Clockface(this, options))); } if (typeof option == 'string' && typeof data[option] == 'function') { data[option].apply(data, args); } }); }; $.fn.clockface.defaults = { //see http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ format: 'H:mm', trigger: 'focus' //focus|manual }; $.fn.clockface.template = ''+ '<div class="clockface">' + '<div class="l1">' + '<div class="cell"></div>' + '<div class="cell"></div>' + '<div class="cell"></div>' + '</div>' + '<div class="l2">' + '<div class="cell left"></div>' + '<div class="cell right"></div>' + '</div>'+ '<div class="l3">' + '<div class="cell left"></div>' + '<div class="cell right"></div>' + '<div class="center"><a href="#" class="ampm"></a></div>' + '</div>'+ '<div class="l4">' + '<div class="cell left"></div>' + '<div class="cell right"></div>' + '</div>'+ '<div class="l5">' + '<div class="cell"></div>' + '<div class="cell"></div>' + '<div class="cell"></div>' + '</div>'+ '</div>'; }(window.jQuery));