import json import secrets import string from base64 import b64encode from urllib.parse import urljoin from flask import (Blueprint, g, request, abort, current_app, make_response, jsonify) from flask_login import current_user from .base import csrf from ..decorators import ( api_basic_auth, api_can_create_domain, is_json, apikey_auth, apikey_can_create_domain, apikey_can_remove_domain, apikey_is_admin, apikey_can_access_domain, apikey_can_configure_dnssec, api_role_can, apikey_or_basic_auth, callback_if_request_body_contains_key, allowed_record_types, allowed_record_ttl ) from ..lib import utils, helper from ..lib.errors import ( StructuredException, DomainNotExists, DomainAlreadyExists, DomainAccessForbidden, RequestIsNotJSON, ApiKeyCreateFail, ApiKeyNotUsable, NotEnoughPrivileges, AccountCreateFail, AccountUpdateFail, AccountDeleteFail, AccountCreateDuplicate, AccountNotExists, UserCreateFail, UserCreateDuplicate, UserUpdateFail, UserDeleteFail, UserUpdateFailEmail, InvalidAccountNameException ) from ..lib.schema import ( ApiKeySchema, DomainSchema, ApiPlainKeySchema, UserSchema, AccountSchema, UserDetailedSchema, ) from ..models import ( User, Domain, DomainUser, Account, AccountUser, History, Setting, ApiKey, Role, ) from ..models.base import db api_bp = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix='/api/v1') apilist_bp = Blueprint('apilist', __name__, url_prefix='/') apikey_schema = ApiKeySchema(many=True) apikey_single_schema = ApiKeySchema() domain_schema = DomainSchema(many=True) apikey_plain_schema = ApiPlainKeySchema() user_schema = UserSchema(many=True) user_single_schema = UserSchema() user_detailed_schema = UserDetailedSchema() account_schema = AccountSchema(many=True) account_single_schema = AccountSchema() def is_custom_header_api(): custom_header_setting = Setting().get('custom_history_header') if custom_header_setting != '' and custom_header_setting in request.headers: return request.headers[custom_header_setting] else: return g.apikey.description def get_user_domains(): domains = db.session.query(Domain) \ .outerjoin(DomainUser, == DomainUser.domain_id) \ .outerjoin(Account, Domain.account_id == \ .outerjoin(AccountUser, == AccountUser.account_id) \ .filter( db.or_( DomainUser.user_id ==, AccountUser.user_id == )).all() return domains def get_user_apikeys(domain_name=None): info = [] apikey_query = db.session.query(ApiKey) \ .join(Domain.apikeys) \ .outerjoin(DomainUser, == DomainUser.domain_id) \ .outerjoin(Account, Domain.account_id == \ .outerjoin(AccountUser, == AccountUser.account_id) \ .filter( db.or_( DomainUser.user_id ==, AccountUser.user_id == ) ) \ .filter( == if domain_name: info = apikey_query.filter( == domain_name).all() else: info = apikey_query.all() return info def get_role_id(role_name, role_id=None): if role_id: if role_name: role = Role.query.filter( == role_name).first() if not role or != role_id: role_id = None else: role = Role.query.filter( == role_id).first() if not role: role_id = None else: role = Role.query.filter( == role_name).first() role_id = if role else None return role_id @api_bp.errorhandler(400) def handle_400(err): return jsonify({"msg": "Bad Request"}), 400 @api_bp.errorhandler(401) def handle_401(err): return jsonify({"msg": "Unauthorized"}), 401 @api_bp.errorhandler(409) def handle_409(err): return jsonify({"msg": "Conflict"}), 409 @api_bp.errorhandler(500) def handle_500(err): return jsonify({"msg": "Internal Server Error"}), 500 @api_bp.errorhandler(StructuredException) def handle_StructuredException(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(DomainNotExists) def handle_domain_not_exists(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(DomainAlreadyExists) def handle_domain_already_exists(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(DomainAccessForbidden) def handle_domain_access_forbidden(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(ApiKeyCreateFail) def handle_apikey_create_fail(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(ApiKeyNotUsable) def handle_apikey_not_usable(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(NotEnoughPrivileges) def handle_not_enough_privileges(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.errorhandler(RequestIsNotJSON) def handle_request_is_not_json(err): return jsonify(err.to_dict()), err.status_code @api_bp.before_request @is_json def before_request(): # Check site is in maintenance mode maintenance = Setting().get('maintenance') if (maintenance and current_user.is_authenticated and not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']): return make_response( jsonify({ "status": False, "msg": "Site is in maintenance mode" })) @apilist_bp.route('/api', methods=['GET']) def index(): return '[{"url": "/api/v1", "version": 1}]', 200 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/zones', methods=['POST']) @api_basic_auth @api_can_create_domain @csrf.exempt def api_login_create_zone(): pdns_api_url = Setting().get('pdns_api_url') pdns_api_key = Setting().get('pdns_api_key') pdns_version = Setting().get('pdns_version') api_uri_with_prefix = utils.pdns_api_extended_uri(pdns_version) api_full_uri = api_uri_with_prefix + '/servers/localhost/zones' headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = pdns_api_key headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' msg_str = "Sending request to powerdns API {0}" msg = msg_str.format(request.get_json(force=True)) current_app.logger.debug(msg) try: resp = utils.fetch_remote(urljoin(pdns_api_url, api_full_uri), method='POST', data=request.get_json(force=True), headers=headers, accept='application/json; q=1', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections')) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error("Cannot create domain. Error: {}".format(e)) abort(500) if resp.status_code == 201: current_app.logger.debug("Request to powerdns API successful") data = request.get_json(force=True) domain = Domain() domain.update() domain_id = domain.get_id_by_name(data['name'].rstrip('.')) history = History(msg='Add domain {0}'.format( data['name'].rstrip('.')), detail=json.dumps(data), created_by=current_user.username, domain_id=domain_id) history.add() if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: current_app.logger.debug("User is ordinary user, assigning created domain") domain = Domain(name=data['name'].rstrip('.')) domain.update() domain.grant_privileges([]) if resp.status_code == 409: raise (DomainAlreadyExists) return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/zones', methods=['GET']) @api_basic_auth def api_login_list_zones(): if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: domain_obj_list = get_user_domains() else: domain_obj_list = Domain.query.all() domain_obj_list = [] if domain_obj_list is None else domain_obj_list return jsonify(domain_schema.dump(domain_obj_list)), 200 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/zones/', methods=['DELETE']) @api_basic_auth @api_can_create_domain @csrf.exempt def api_login_delete_zone(domain_name): pdns_api_url = Setting().get('pdns_api_url') pdns_api_key = Setting().get('pdns_api_key') pdns_version = Setting().get('pdns_version') api_uri_with_prefix = utils.pdns_api_extended_uri(pdns_version) api_full_uri = api_uri_with_prefix + '/servers/localhost/zones' api_full_uri += '/' + domain_name headers = {} headers['X-API-Key'] = pdns_api_key domain = Domain.query.filter( == domain_name) if not domain: abort(404) if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: user_domains_obj_list = get_user_domains() user_domains_list = [ for item in user_domains_obj_list] if domain_name not in user_domains_list: raise DomainAccessForbidden() msg_str = "Sending request to powerdns API {0}" current_app.logger.debug(msg_str.format(domain_name)) try: resp = utils.fetch_remote(urljoin(pdns_api_url, api_full_uri), method='DELETE', headers=headers, accept='application/json; q=1', verify=Setting().get('verify_ssl_connections')) if resp.status_code == 204: current_app.logger.debug("Request to powerdns API successful") domain = Domain() domain_id = domain.get_id_by_name(domain_name) domain.update() history = History(msg='Delete domain {0}'.format( utils.pretty_domain_name(domain_name)), detail='', created_by=current_user.username, domain_id=domain_id) history.add() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) abort(500) return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/apikeys', methods=['POST']) @api_basic_auth @csrf.exempt def api_generate_apikey(): data = request.get_json() description = None role_name = None apikey = None domain_obj_list = [] account_obj_list = [] abort(400) if 'role' not in data else None if 'domains' not in data: domains = [] elif not isinstance(data['domains'], (list,)): abort(400) else: domains = [d['name'] if isinstance(d, dict) else d for d in data['domains']] if 'accounts' not in data: accounts = [] elif not isinstance(data['accounts'], (list,)): abort(400) else: accounts = [a['name'] if isinstance(a, dict) else a for a in data['accounts']] description = data['description'] if 'description' in data else None if isinstance(data['role'], str): role_name = data['role'] elif isinstance(data['role'], dict) and 'name' in data['role'].keys(): role_name = data['role']['name'] else: abort(400) if role_name == 'User' and len(domains) == 0 and len(accounts) == 0: current_app.logger.error("Apikey with User role must have domains or accounts") raise ApiKeyNotUsable() if role_name == 'User' and len(domains) > 0: domain_obj_list = Domain.query.filter( if len(domain_obj_list) == 0: msg = "One of supplied domains does not exist" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise DomainNotExists(message=msg) if role_name == 'User' and len(accounts) > 0: account_obj_list = Account.query.filter( if len(account_obj_list) == 0: msg = "One of supplied accounts does not exist" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise AccountNotExists(message=msg) if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: # domain list of domain api key should be valid for # if not any domain error # role of api key, user cannot assign role above for api key if role_name != 'User': msg = "User cannot assign other role than User" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) if len(accounts) > 0: msg = "User cannot assign accounts" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) user_domain_obj_list = get_user_domains() domain_list = [ for item in domain_obj_list] user_domain_list = [ for item in user_domain_obj_list] current_app.logger.debug("Input domain list: {0}".format(domain_list)) current_app.logger.debug("User domain list: {0}".format(user_domain_list)) inter = set(domain_list).intersection(set(user_domain_list)) if not (len(inter) == len(domain_list)): msg = "You don't have access to one of domains" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise DomainAccessForbidden(message=msg) apikey = ApiKey(desc=description, role_name=role_name, domains=domain_obj_list, accounts=account_obj_list) try: apikey.create() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) raise ApiKeyCreateFail(message='Api key create failed') apikey.plain_key = b64encode(apikey.plain_key.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') return jsonify(apikey_plain_schema.dump(apikey)), 201 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/apikeys', defaults={'domain_name': None}) @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/apikeys/') @api_basic_auth def api_get_apikeys(domain_name): apikeys = [] current_app.logger.debug("Getting apikeys") if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: if domain_name: msg = "Check if domain {0} exists and is allowed for user.".format( domain_name) current_app.logger.debug(msg) apikeys = get_user_apikeys(domain_name) if not apikeys: raise DomainAccessForbidden(name=domain_name) current_app.logger.debug(apikey_schema.dump(apikeys)) else: msg_str = "Getting all allowed domains for user {0}" msg = msg_str.format(current_user.username) current_app.logger.debug(msg) try: apikeys = get_user_apikeys() current_app.logger.debug(apikey_schema.dump(apikeys)) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) abort(500) else: current_app.logger.debug("Getting all domains for administrative user") try: apikeys = ApiKey.query.all() current_app.logger.debug(apikey_schema.dump(apikeys)) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) abort(500) return jsonify(apikey_schema.dump(apikeys)), 200 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/apikeys/', methods=['GET']) @api_basic_auth def api_get_apikey(apikey_id): apikey = ApiKey.query.get(apikey_id) if not apikey: abort(404) current_app.logger.debug( if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: if apikey_id not in [ for a in get_user_apikeys()]: raise DomainAccessForbidden() return jsonify(apikey_single_schema.dump(apikey)), 200 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/apikeys/', methods=['DELETE']) @api_basic_auth @csrf.exempt def api_delete_apikey(apikey_id): apikey = ApiKey.query.get(apikey_id) if not apikey: abort(404) current_app.logger.debug( if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: apikeys = get_user_apikeys() user_domains_obj_list = current_user.get_domain().all() apikey_domains_obj_list = user_domains_list = [ for item in user_domains_obj_list] apikey_domains_list = [ for item in apikey_domains_obj_list] apikeys_ids = [ for apikey_item in apikeys] inter = set(apikey_domains_list).intersection(set(user_domains_list)) if not (len(inter) == len(apikey_domains_list)): msg = "You don't have access to some domains apikey belongs to" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise DomainAccessForbidden(message=msg) if apikey_id not in apikeys_ids: raise DomainAccessForbidden() try: apikey.delete() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) abort(500) return '', 204 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/apikeys/', methods=['PUT']) @api_basic_auth @csrf.exempt def api_update_apikey(apikey_id): # if role different and user is allowed to change it, update # if apikey domains are different and user is allowed to handle # that domains update domains domain_obj_list = None account_obj_list = None apikey = ApiKey.query.get(apikey_id) if not apikey: abort(404) data = request.get_json() description = data['description'] if 'description' in data else None if 'role' in data: if isinstance(data['role'], str): role_name = data['role'] elif isinstance(data['role'], dict) and 'name' in data['role'].keys(): role_name = data['role']['name'] else: abort(400) target_role = role_name else: role_name = None target_role = if 'domains' not in data: domains = None elif not isinstance(data['domains'], (list,)): abort(400) else: domains = [d['name'] if isinstance(d, dict) else d for d in data['domains']] if 'accounts' not in data: accounts = None elif not isinstance(data['accounts'], (list,)): abort(400) else: accounts = [a['name'] if isinstance(a, dict) else a for a in data['accounts']] current_app.logger.debug('Updating apikey with id {0}'.format(apikey_id)) if target_role == 'User': current_domains = [ for item in] current_accounts = [ for item in apikey.accounts] if domains is not None: domain_obj_list = Domain.query.filter( if len(domain_obj_list) != len(domains): msg = "One of supplied domains does not exist" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise DomainNotExists(message=msg) target_domains = domains else: target_domains = current_domains if accounts is not None: account_obj_list = Account.query.filter( if len(account_obj_list) != len(accounts): msg = "One of supplied accounts does not exist" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise AccountNotExists(message=msg) target_accounts = accounts else: target_accounts = current_accounts if len(target_domains) == 0 and len(target_accounts) == 0: current_app.logger.error("Apikey with User role must have domains or accounts") raise ApiKeyNotUsable() if domains is not None and set(domains) == set(current_domains): current_app.logger.debug( "Domains are the same, apikey domains won't be updated") domains = None if accounts is not None and set(accounts) == set(current_accounts): current_app.logger.debug( "Accounts are the same, apikey accounts won't be updated") accounts = None if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: if role_name != 'User': msg = "User cannot assign other role than User" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) if len(accounts) > 0: msg = "User cannot assign accounts" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) apikeys = get_user_apikeys() apikeys_ids = [ for apikey_item in apikeys] user_domain_obj_list = current_user.get_domain().all() domain_list = [ for item in domain_obj_list] user_domain_list = [ for item in user_domain_obj_list] current_app.logger.debug("Input domain list: {0}".format(domain_list)) current_app.logger.debug( "User domain list: {0}".format(user_domain_list)) inter = set(domain_list).intersection(set(user_domain_list)) if not (len(inter) == len(domain_list)): msg = "You don't have access to one of domains" current_app.logger.error(msg) raise DomainAccessForbidden(message=msg) if apikey_id not in apikeys_ids: msg = 'Apikey does not belong to domain to which user has access' current_app.logger.error(msg) raise DomainAccessForbidden() if role_name == current_app.logger.debug("Role is same, apikey role won't be updated") role_name = None if description == apikey.description: msg = "Description is same, apikey description won't be updated" current_app.logger.debug(msg) description = None if target_role != "User": domains, accounts = [], [] try: apikey.update(role_name=role_name, domains=domains, accounts=accounts, description=description) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) abort(500) return '', 204 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/users', defaults={'username': None}) @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/users/') @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('list users', allow_self=True) def api_list_users(username=None): if username is None: user_list = [] or User.query.all() return jsonify(user_schema.dump(user_list)), 200 else: user = User.query.filter(User.username == username).first() if user is None: abort(404) return jsonify(user_detailed_schema.dump(user)), 200 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/users', methods=['POST']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('create users', allow_self=True) @csrf.exempt def api_create_user(): """ Create new user """ data = request.get_json() username = data['username'] if 'username' in data else None password = data['password'] if 'password' in data else None plain_text_password = ( data['plain_text_password'] if 'plain_text_password' in data else None ) firstname = data['firstname'] if 'firstname' in data else None lastname = data['lastname'] if 'lastname' in data else None email = data['email'] if 'email' in data else None otp_secret = data['otp_secret'] if 'otp_secret' in data else None confirmed = data['confirmed'] if 'confirmed' in data else None role_name = data['role_name'] if 'role_name' in data else None role_id = data['role_id'] if 'role_id' in data else None # Create user if not username: current_app.logger.debug('Invalid username {}'.format(username)) abort(400) if not confirmed: confirmed = False elif confirmed is not True: current_app.logger.debug('Invalid confirmed {}'.format(confirmed)) abort(400) if not plain_text_password and not password: plain_text_password = ''.join( secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(15)) if not role_name and not role_id: role_name = 'User' role_id = get_role_id(role_name, role_id) if not role_id: current_app.logger.debug( 'Invalid role {}/{}'.format(role_name, role_id)) abort(400) user = User( username=username, password=password, plain_text_password=plain_text_password, firstname=firstname, lastname=lastname, role_id=role_id, email=email, otp_secret=otp_secret, confirmed=confirmed, ) try: result = user.create_local_user() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Create user ({}, {}) error: {}'.format( username, email, e)) raise UserCreateFail(message='User create failed') if not result['status']: current_app.logger.warning('Create user ({}, {}) error: {}'.format( username, email, result['msg'])) raise UserCreateDuplicate(message=result['msg']) history = History(msg='Created user {0}'.format(user.username), created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return jsonify(user_single_schema.dump(user)), 201 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/users/', methods=['PUT']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('update users', allow_self=True) @csrf.exempt def api_update_user(user_id): """ Update existing user """ data = request.get_json() username = data['username'] if 'username' in data else None password = data['password'] if 'password' in data else None plain_text_password = ( data['plain_text_password'] if 'plain_text_password' in data else None ) firstname = data['firstname'] if 'firstname' in data else None lastname = data['lastname'] if 'lastname' in data else None email = data['email'] if 'email' in data else None otp_secret = data['otp_secret'] if 'otp_secret' in data else None confirmed = data['confirmed'] if 'confirmed' in data else None role_name = data['role_name'] if 'role_name' in data else None role_id = data['role_id'] if 'role_id' in data else None user = User.query.get(user_id) if not user: current_app.logger.debug("User not found for id {}".format(user_id)) abort(404) if username: if username != user.username: current_app.logger.error( 'Cannot change username for {}'.format(user.username) ) abort(400) if password is not None: user.password = password user.plain_text_password = plain_text_password or '' if firstname is not None: user.firstname = firstname if lastname is not None: user.lastname = lastname if email is not None: = email if otp_secret is not None: user.otp_secret = otp_secret if confirmed is not None: user.confirmed = confirmed if role_name is not None: user.role_id = get_role_id(role_name, role_id) elif role_id is not None: user.role_id = role_id current_app.logger.debug( "Updating user {} ({})".format(user_id, user.username)) try: result = user.update_local_user() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Create user ({}, {}) error: {}'.format( username, email, e)) raise UserUpdateFail(message='User update failed') if not result['status']: current_app.logger.warning('Update user ({}, {}) error: {}'.format( username, email, result['msg'])) if result['msg'].startswith('New email'): raise UserUpdateFailEmail(message=result['msg']) else: raise UserCreateFail(message=result['msg']) history = History(msg='Updated user {0}'.format(user.username), created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return '', 204 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/users/', methods=['DELETE']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('delete users') @csrf.exempt def api_delete_user(user_id): user = User.query.get(user_id) if not user: current_app.logger.debug("User not found for id {}".format(user_id)) abort(404) if == current_app.logger.debug("Cannot delete self (id {})".format(user_id)) msg = "Cannot delete self" raise UserDeleteFail(message=msg) # Remove account associations first user_accounts = Account.query.join(AccountUser).join( User).filter(AccountUser.user_id ==, AccountUser.account_id == for uc in user_accounts: uc.revoke_privileges_by_id( # Then delete the user result = user.delete() if not result: raise UserDeleteFail("Failed to delete user {}".format( user.username)) history = History(msg='Delete user {0}'.format(user.username), created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return '', 204 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts', defaults={'account_name': None}) @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts/') @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('list accounts') def api_list_accounts(account_name): if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: msg = "{} role cannot list accounts".format( raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) else: if account_name is None: account_list = [] or Account.query.all() return jsonify(account_schema.dump(account_list)), 200 else: account = Account.query.filter( == account_name).first() if account is None: abort(404) return jsonify(account_single_schema.dump(account)), 200 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts', methods=['POST']) @api_basic_auth @csrf.exempt def api_create_account(): if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: msg = "{} role cannot create accounts".format( raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) data = request.get_json() name = data['name'] if 'name' in data else None description = data['description'] if 'description' in data else None contact = data['contact'] if 'contact' in data else None mail = data['mail'] if 'mail' in data else None if not name: current_app.logger.debug("Account creation failed: name missing") raise InvalidAccountNameException(message="Account name missing") sanitized_name = Account.sanitize_name(name) account_exists = Account.query.filter( == sanitized_name).all() if len(account_exists) > 0: msg = ("Requested Account {} would be translated to {}" " which already exists").format(name, sanitized_name) current_app.logger.debug(msg) raise AccountCreateDuplicate(message=msg) account = Account(name=name, description=description, contact=contact, mail=mail) try: result = account.create_account() except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error('Error: {0}'.format(e)) raise AccountCreateFail(message='Account create failed') if not result['status']: raise AccountCreateFail(message=result['msg']) history = History(msg='Create account {0}'.format(, created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return jsonify(account_single_schema.dump(account)), 201 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts/', methods=['PUT']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('update accounts') @csrf.exempt def api_update_account(account_id): data = request.get_json() name = data['name'] if 'name' in data else None description = data['description'] if 'description' in data else None contact = data['contact'] if 'contact' in data else None mail = data['mail'] if 'mail' in data else None account = Account.query.get(account_id) if not account: abort(404) if name and Account.sanitize_name(name) != msg = "Account name is immutable" raise AccountUpdateFail(message=msg) if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: msg = "User role update accounts" raise NotEnoughPrivileges(message=msg) if description is not None: account.description = description if contact is not None: = contact if mail is not None: account.mail = mail current_app.logger.debug( "Updating account {} ({})".format(account_id, result = account.update_account() if not result['status']: raise AccountUpdateFail(message=result['msg']) history = History(msg='Update account {0}'.format(, created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return '', 204 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts/', methods=['DELETE']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('delete accounts') @csrf.exempt def api_delete_account(account_id): account_list = [] or Account.query.filter( == account_id).all() if len(account_list) == 1: account = account_list[0] else: abort(404) current_app.logger.debug(f'Deleting Account {}') # Remove account association from domains first if len( > 0: for domain in"Disassociating domain {} with {}") Domain(, update=False)"Syncing all domains") Domain().update() current_app.logger.debug( "Deleting account {} ({})".format(account_id, result = account.delete_account() if not result: raise AccountDeleteFail(message=result['msg']) history = History(msg='Delete account {0}'.format(, created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return '', 204 @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts/users/', methods=['GET']) @api_bp.route('/pdnsadmin/accounts//users', methods=['GET']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('list account users') def api_list_account_users(account_id): account = Account.query.get(account_id) if not account: abort(404) user_list = User.query.join(AccountUser).filter( AccountUser.account_id == account_id).all() return jsonify(user_schema.dump(user_list)), 200 @api_bp.route( '/pdnsadmin/accounts/users//', methods=['PUT']) @api_bp.route( '/pdnsadmin/accounts//users/', methods=['PUT']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('add user to account') @csrf.exempt def api_add_account_user(account_id, user_id): account = Account.query.get(account_id) if not account: abort(404) user = User.query.get(user_id) if not user: abort(404) if not account.add_user(user): raise AccountUpdateFail("Cannot add user {} to {}".format( user.username, history = History( msg='Add {} user privileges on {}'.format( user.username,, created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return '', 204 @api_bp.route( '/pdnsadmin/accounts/users//', methods=['DELETE']) @api_bp.route( '/pdnsadmin/accounts//users/', methods=['DELETE']) @api_basic_auth @api_role_can('remove user from account') @csrf.exempt def api_remove_account_user(account_id, user_id): account = Account.query.get(account_id) if not account: abort(404) user = User.query.get(user_id) if not user: abort(404) user_list = User.query.join(AccountUser).filter( AccountUser.account_id == account_id, AccountUser.user_id == user_id, ).all() if not user_list: abort(404) if not account.remove_user(user): raise AccountUpdateFail("Cannot remove user {} from {}".format( user.username, history = History( msg='Revoke {} user privileges on {}'.format( user.username,, created_by=current_user.username) history.add() return '', 204 @api_bp.route( '/servers//zones//cryptokeys', methods=['GET', 'POST']) @apikey_auth @apikey_can_access_domain @apikey_can_configure_dnssec(http_methods=['POST']) @csrf.exempt def api_zone_cryptokeys(server_id, zone_id): resp = helper.forward_request() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route( '/servers//zones//cryptokeys/', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) @apikey_auth @apikey_can_access_domain @apikey_can_configure_dnssec() @csrf.exempt def api_zone_cryptokey(server_id, zone_id, cryptokey_id): resp = helper.forward_request() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route( '/servers//zones//', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']) @apikey_auth @apikey_can_access_domain @csrf.exempt def api_zone_subpath_forward(server_id, zone_id, subpath): resp = helper.forward_request() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/servers//zones/', methods=['GET', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']) @apikey_auth @allowed_record_types @allowed_record_ttl @apikey_can_access_domain @apikey_can_remove_domain(http_methods=['DELETE']) @callback_if_request_body_contains_key(apikey_can_configure_dnssec()(), http_methods=['PUT'], keys=['dnssec', 'nsec3param']) @csrf.exempt def api_zone_forward(server_id, zone_id): resp = helper.forward_request() if not Setting().get('bg_domain_updates'): domain = Domain() domain.update() status = resp.status_code created_by_value=is_custom_header_api() if 200 <= status < 300: current_app.logger.debug("Request to powerdns API successful") if Setting().get('enable_api_rr_history'): if request.method in ['POST', 'PATCH']: data = request.get_json(force=True) history = History( msg='Apply record changes to domain {0}'.format(zone_id.rstrip('.')), detail = json.dumps({ 'domain': zone_id.rstrip('.'), 'add_rrsets': list(filter(lambda r: r['changetype'] == "REPLACE", data['rrsets'])), 'del_rrsets': list(filter(lambda r: r['changetype'] == "DELETE", data['rrsets'])) }), created_by=created_by_value, domain_id=Domain().get_id_by_name(zone_id.rstrip('.'))) history.add() elif request.method == 'DELETE': history = History(msg='Deleted zone {0}'.format(zone_id.rstrip('.')), detail='', created_by=created_by_value, domain_id=Domain().get_id_by_name(zone_id.rstrip('.'))) history.add() elif request.method != 'GET': history = History(msg='Updated zone {0}'.format(zone_id.rstrip('.')), detail='', created_by=created_by_value, domain_id=Domain().get_id_by_name(zone_id.rstrip('.'))) history.add() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/servers/', methods=['GET', 'PUT']) @apikey_auth @apikey_is_admin @csrf.exempt def api_server_sub_forward(subpath): resp = helper.forward_request() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/servers//zones', methods=['POST']) @apikey_auth @apikey_can_create_domain @csrf.exempt def api_create_zone(server_id): resp = helper.forward_request() if resp.status_code == 201: current_app.logger.debug("Request to powerdns API successful") created_by_value=is_custom_header_api() data = request.get_json(force=True) if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: current_app.logger.debug( "Apikey is user key, assigning created domain") domain = Domain(name=data['name'].rstrip('.')) domain = Domain() domain.update() history = History(msg='Add domain {0}'.format( data['name'].rstrip('.')), detail=json.dumps(data), created_by=created_by_value, domain_id=domain.get_id_by_name(data['name'].rstrip('.'))) history.add() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/servers//zones', methods=['GET']) @apikey_auth def api_get_zones(server_id): if server_id == 'pdnsadmin': if not in ['Administrator', 'Operator']: domain_obj_list = else: domain_obj_list = Domain.query.all() return jsonify(domain_schema.dump(domain_obj_list)), 200 else: resp = helper.forward_request() if ( not in ['Administrator', 'Operator'] and resp.status_code == 200): domain_list = [d['name'] for d in domain_schema.dump(] accounts_domains = [ for a in g.apikey.accounts for d in] allowed_domains = set(domain_list + accounts_domains) current_app.logger.debug("Account domains: {}".format('/'.join(accounts_domains))) content = json.dumps([i for i in json.loads(resp.content) if i['name'].rstrip('.') in allowed_domains]) return content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() else: return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/servers', methods=['GET']) @apikey_auth def api_server_forward(): resp = helper.forward_request() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() @api_bp.route('/servers/', methods=['GET']) @apikey_auth def api_server_config_forward(server_id): resp = helper.forward_request() return resp.content, resp.status_code, resp.headers.items() # The endpoint to synchronize Domains in background @api_bp.route('/sync_domains', methods=['GET']) @apikey_or_basic_auth def sync_domains(): domain = Domain() domain.update() return 'Finished synchronization in background', 200 @api_bp.route('/health', methods=['GET']) @apikey_auth def health(): domain = Domain() domain_to_query = domain.query.first() if not domain_to_query: current_app.logger.error("No domain found to query a health check") return make_response("Unknown", 503) try: domain.get_domain_info( except Exception as e: current_app.logger.error( "Health Check - Failed to query authoritative server for domain {}".format( return make_response("Down", 503) return make_response("Up", 200)