{% assets "css_login" -%} {%- endassets %}
{% if error %}
{{ error }}
{% endif %}
{% if SETTING.get('ldap_enabled') and SETTING.get('local_db_enabled') %}
{% elif SETTING.get('ldap_enabled') and not SETTING.get('local_db_enabled') %}
{% elif SETTING.get('local_db_enabled') and not SETTING.get('ldap_enabled') %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if SETTING.get('google_oauth_enabled') or SETTING.get('github_oauth_enabled') or SETTING.get('oidc_oauth_enabled') or SETTING.get('azure_oauth_enabled') %} {% endif %} {% if saml_enabled %} SAML login {% endif %} {% if SETTING.get('signup_enabled') %}
Create an account {% if SETTING.get('verify_user_email') %}
Resend confirmation email {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% assets "js_login" -%} {%- endassets %} {% assets "js_validation" -%} {%- endassets %}