var ComponentsFormTools2 = function() { var selectSplitter = function() { $('#select_selectsplitter1').selectsplitter({ selectSize: 4 }); $('#select_selectsplitter2').selectsplitter({ selectSize: 6 }); $('#select_selectsplitter3').selectsplitter({ selectSize: 5 }); } var miniColors = function() { $('.demo').each(function() { // // Dear reader, it's actually very easy to initialize MiniColors. For example: // // $(selector).minicolors(); // // The way I've done it below is just for the demo, so don't get confused // by it. Also, data- attributes aren't supported at this time...they're // only used for this demo. // $(this).minicolors({ control: $(this).attr('data-control') || 'hue', defaultValue: $(this).attr('data-defaultValue') || '', inline: $(this).attr('data-inline') === 'true', letterCase: $(this).attr('data-letterCase') || 'lowercase', opacity: $(this).attr('data-opacity'), position: $(this).attr('data-position') || 'bottom left', change: function(hex, opacity) { if (!hex) return; if (opacity) hex += ', ' + opacity; if (typeof console === 'object') { console.log(hex); } }, theme: 'bootstrap' }); }); } return { //main function to initiate the module init: function() { selectSplitter(); miniColors(); } }; }();