{% extends "base.html" %} {% set active_page = "admin_accounts" %} {% if create %} {% set action_label = 'Create' %} {% set form_action = url_for('admin.edit_account') %} {% else %} {% set action_label = 'Edit' %} {% set form_action = url_for('admin.edit_account', account_name=account.name) %} {% endif %} {% block title %}{{ action_label }} Account - {{ SITE_NAME }}{% endblock %} {% block dashboard_stat %}

{{ action_label }} Account

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Account Editor

{% if error %}


{{ error }}
{{ error }} {% endif %}
{% if invalid_accountname %} Cannot be blank and must only contain alphanumeric characters{% if SETTING.get('account_name_extra_chars') %}, dots, hyphens or underscores{% endif %}. {% elif duplicate_accountname %} Account name already in use. {% endif %}

Access Control

Users on the right have access to manage records in all zones associated with the account.

Click on users to move between columns.

Zones on the right are associated with the account. Red marked zone names are already associated with other accounts. Moving already associated zones to this account will overwrite the previous associated account.

Hover over the red zone names to show the associated account. Click on zones to move between columns.

Account Editor Help

An account allows grouping of zones belonging to a particular entity, such as a customer or department.

A zone can be assigned to an account upon zone creation or through the zone administration page.

Fill in all the fields to the in the form to the left.

Name is an account identifier. It will be lowercase and can contain alphanumeric characters{% if SETTING.get('account_name_extra_chars') %}, dots, hyphens and underscores (no space or other special character is allowed) {% else %} (no extra character is allowed){% endif %}.
Description is a user-friendly name for this account.
Contact person is the name of a contact person at the account.
Mail Address is an e-mail address for the contact person.

{% endblock %} {% block extrascripts %} {% endblock %}