# PowerDNS-Admin PowerDNS Web-GUI - Built by Flask #### Features: - Multiple domain management - Local / LDAP user authentication - User management - User access management base on domain - User activity logging - Dashboard and pdns service statistics ## Setup ### pdns Service I assume that you have already installed powerdns service. Make sure that your `/etc/pdns/pdns.conf` has these contents ``` experimental-json-interface=yes experimental-api-key=your-powerdns-api-key webserver=yes ``` It will help to enable API access feature in PowerDNS so our PowerDNS-Admin can intergrate with backend services. ### Create Database We will create a database which used by this web application. Please note that this database is difference from pdns database itself. ``` MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE powerdnsadmin; MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVIELGES ON powerdnsadmin.* TO powerdnsadmin@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-password'; ``` ### PowerDNS-Admin In this installation guide, I am using CentOS 7 and run my pythong stuffs with *virtualenv*. If you don't have it, let install: ``` $ sudo yum install python-pip $ sudo pip install virtualenv ``` In your python web app directory, create a `flask` directory via `virtualenv` ``` $ virtualenv flask ``` Enable virtualenv and install python 3rd libraries ``` $ source ./flask/bin/activate (flask)$ pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Web application configuration is stored in `config.py` file. Let's clone it from `config_template.py` file and then edit it ``` (flask)$ copy config_template.py config.py (flask)$ vim config.py ``` Create database after having proper configs ``` (flask)% ./createdb.py ``` Manually add some data into our `powerdnsadmin` database ``` $ mysql MariaDB [(none)]> use powerdnsadmin; MariaDB [powerdnsadmin]> INSERT INTO role(name, description) VALUES ('Administrator', 'Administrator'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [powerdnsadmin]> INSERT INTO role(name, description) VALUES ('User', 'User'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) MariaDB [powerdnsadmin]> INSERT INTO setting(name, value) VALUES('maintenance', 'False'); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) ``` Run the application and enjoy! ``` (flask)$ ./run.py ``` ### Screenshot ![Alt text](http://i.imgur.com/wA5qy2d.png)