import logging import re import json import requests import hashlib import ipaddress import idna from import Iterable from distutils.version import StrictVersion from urllib.parse import urlparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta def auth_from_url(url): auth = None parsed_url = urlparse(url).netloc if '@' in parsed_url: auth = parsed_url.split('@')[0].split(':') auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(auth[0], auth[1]) return auth def fetch_remote(remote_url, method='GET', data=None, accept=None, params=None, timeout=None, headers=None, verify=True): if data is not None and type(data) != str: data = json.dumps(data) verify = bool(verify) # enforce type boolean our_headers = { 'user-agent': 'powerdnsadmin/0', 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache' } if accept is not None: our_headers['accept'] = accept if headers is not None: our_headers.update(headers) r = requests.request(method, remote_url, headers=headers, verify=verify, auth=auth_from_url(remote_url), timeout=timeout, data=data, params=params) logging.debug( 'Querying remote server "{0}" ({1}) finished with code {2} (took {3}s)' .format(remote_url, method, r.status_code, r.elapsed.total_seconds())) try: if r.status_code not in (200, 201, 204, 400, 409, 422): r.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: msg = "Returned status {0} and content {1}".format(r.status_code, r.text) raise RuntimeError('Error while fetching {0}. {1}'.format( remote_url, msg)) return r def fetch_json(remote_url, method='GET', data=None, params=None, headers=None, timeout=None, verify=True): r = fetch_remote(remote_url, method=method, data=data, params=params, headers=headers, timeout=timeout, verify=verify, accept='application/json; q=1') if method == "DELETE": return True if r.status_code == 204: return {} elif r.status_code == 409: return { 'error': 'Resource already exists or conflict', 'http_code': r.status_code } try: assert ('json' in r.headers['content-type']) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Error while fetching {0}'.format(remote_url)) from e # don't use r.json here, as it will read from r.text, which will trigger # content encoding auto-detection in almost all cases, WHICH IS EXTREMELY # SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. just don't. data = None try: data = json.loads(r.content.decode('utf-8')) except UnicodeDecodeError: # If the decoding fails, switch to slower but probably working .json() try: logging.warning("UTF-8 content.decode failed, switching to slower .json method") data = r.json() except Exception as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Error while loading JSON data from {0}'.format(remote_url)) from e return data def display_record_name(data): record_name, domain_name = data if record_name == domain_name: return '@' else: return re.sub('\.{}$'.format(domain_name), '', record_name) def display_master_name(data): """ input data: "[u'', u'']" """ matches = re.findall(r'\'(.+?)\'', data) return ", ".join(matches) def display_time(amount, units='s', remove_seconds=True): """ Convert timestamp to normal time format """ amount = int(amount) INTERVALS = [(lambda mlsec: divmod(mlsec, 1000), 'ms'), (lambda seconds: divmod(seconds, 60), 's'), (lambda minutes: divmod(minutes, 60), 'm'), (lambda hours: divmod(hours, 24), 'h'), (lambda days: divmod(days, 7), 'D'), (lambda weeks: divmod(weeks, 4), 'W'), (lambda years: divmod(years, 12), 'M'), (lambda decades: divmod(decades, 10), 'Y')] for index_start, (interval, unit) in enumerate(INTERVALS): if unit == units: break amount_abrev = [] last_index = 0 amount_temp = amount for index, (formula, abrev) in enumerate(INTERVALS[index_start:len(INTERVALS)]): divmod_result = formula(amount_temp) amount_temp = divmod_result[0] amount_abrev.append((divmod_result[1], abrev)) if divmod_result[1] > 0: last_index = index amount_abrev_partial = amount_abrev[0:last_index + 1] amount_abrev_partial.reverse() final_string = '' for amount, abrev in amount_abrev_partial: final_string += str(amount) + abrev + ' ' if remove_seconds and 'm' in final_string: final_string = final_string[:final_string.rfind(' ')] return final_string[:final_string.rfind(' ')] return final_string def pdns_api_extended_uri(version): """ Check the pdns version """ if StrictVersion(version) >= StrictVersion('4.0.0'): return "/api/v1" else: return "" def email_to_gravatar_url(email="", size=100): """ AD doesn't necessarily have email """ if email is None: email = "" hash_string = hashlib.md5(email.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() return "{0}?s={1}".format(hash_string, size) def display_setting_state(value): if value == 1: return "ON" elif value == 0: return "OFF" else: return "UNKNOWN" def validate_ipaddress(address): try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address) except ValueError: pass else: if isinstance(ip, (ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address)): return [ip] return [] def pretty_json(data): return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def ensure_list(l): if not l: l = [] elif not isinstance(l, Iterable) or isinstance(l, str): l = [l] yield from l class customBoxes: boxes = { "reverse": (" ", " "), "ip6arpa": ("ip6", ""), "inaddrarpa": ("in-addr", "") } order = ["reverse", "ip6arpa", "inaddrarpa"] def pretty_domain_name(value): """ Display domain name in original format. If it is IDN domain (Punycode starts with xn--), do the idna decoding. Note that any part of the domain name can be individually punycoded """ if isinstance(value, str): if value.startswith('xn--') \ or value.find('.xn--') != -1: try: return to_idna(value, 'decode') except: raise Exception('Cannot decode IDN domain') else: return value else: raise Exception('Require the Punycode in string format') def to_idna(value, action): splits = value.split() result = [] if action == 'encode': for split in splits: try: # Try encoding to idna result.append(idna.encode(split).decode()) except idna.IDNAError: result.append(split) elif action == 'decode': for split in splits: result.append(idna.decode(split)) else: raise Exception('No valid action received') return ' '.join(result)